I don't know if the gear ratios are the same. If not, you'll get a transmission code.
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Thanks vtl.I suppose I have to try and see if it works.
Codes are p1618 Ana p0733 incorect gear ratio. Clear them and they are back after 20 min... Lost 3 gear, heavy slipping and winning sound after the 20 min drive.Checked the atf flow from the upper radiator hose and it has a excellent flow like always nothing changed in flow rate?
You need a new valve body. Park the car until you have a new valve body. There's no way around it. You may also need a whole new transmission or a full rebuild of your current one. That I can't tell for sure. You can try the new valve body on your old transmission and see what happens. If it still doesn't work right, look for a used XC70 transmission and put your new valve body in it before installing in your car.
Vtl sorry, misunderstanding with the donor gearbox. The guy who is selling the box says it's coming from S70.MY2000. Price is 600 e for the box and 200 for labor. He guarantee that the box is remanufactured,wich is the main reason I want to buy that box. 99% my vb is the problem on the current box,but I dont know the condition of the rest of the parts, bands, clutches, torque converter etc...I only hace a limited amount of money ( either new vb or new box) I know that the gearbox I want to buy might have a defective Vb which I must change... But it's probably a better option to buy the new box,because If I buy the vb now it might not work because of damage already done in the current gearbox , and I might be without money and without gearbox. What do u think mate
These r the S70 gear ratios.
These r the gear ratios from v70xc,the final drive is different all the gear ratios r the same?