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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Los Angeles

    Default 2016 XC90 (T5) Momentum - Help Upgrading Headlights to LED?

    Hello Fellow XC90 Members.
    I just got my 1st Volvo (very awesome by the way) and I am interested in upgrading my headlights from a standard bulb to an LED unit assembly. From the little I've researched its not your simple swap (plug and play), although its the same size headlight. A module and other components are needed per unit to be able to have working properly. Before i call the parts department for info/tips and I would appreciate if you can provide me with any info/links/pix/anything to get the ball rolling. Thank you in advance. Albert N.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Albertn83 View Post
    i am interested in upgrading my headlights from a standard bulb to an LED unit assembly.
    Why? (does anyone really notice headlamps look "cooler" when LED, i personally like my road following/turning HIDs) - but hey - everyone used to want aftermarket HID - what happened? - did people realize their aftermarket green/blue/unknown HIDs blinded everyone and now we are supposed to want LEDs to be really cool (only when we drive at night)

    And yes to change to a newer {2019} headlamp assembly will be very expensive even if it could be done without cem modifications.

    IMHO it would be less expensive to just buy the newer car.

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