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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    New Jersey


    After working on this as time allowed, I finally got it off.
    Heat and hammer didn't quite get it done. It took heat and leverage to do it. I heated the angle gear coupling around the rim and inserted an old, bent bolt in one of the unthreaded holes. There is a rectangular-ish bump on the angle gear housing on the passenger side which I was able to use to as a leverage point for a pry bar to push on the bent bolt, pushing out the prop shaft behind it.
    Not an easy or a fun job but patience paid off. Thanks to all who shared their knowledge.


  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Toronto, Canada


    I'm having the same problem on a 2004 XC70. It took me about 20 minutes to get all bolts off: 6 at front, 6 at carrier bearing and 6 at rear. The rear ones were hardest to get at and to get loose because of rust. No problem removing the front end from ange gear flange but cannot get the rear end free. Tried most of the advice on this and other forums but no success. I have not tried heat because of the rubber in there or a chisel because I don't know where to put it.

    Here is a picture looking towards rear of car. Any advice or suggestions?

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	rear cv.jpg 
Views:	18 
Size:	91.2 KB 
ID:	8977

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Saint Paul, MN


    Quote Originally Posted by Xheart View Post
    If the propeller shaft was never serviced before then it is out of the scope of standard procedure DIY. I would recommend asking a shop to undo the ends for you for a fee.

    You can try following at your own risk provided propeller shaft is rotating rear wheels even if the center support bearing is shot.
    1. securely raise the car on 4 jack-stand -- do not remove the wheels.
    2. only remove bolts at the rear VC flange
    3. soak the connection with PB Blaster for few hours
    4. tap around the VC flange gently
    5. run the car in reverse gear - beware and stay clear of risk - keep your foot on the brake and release. DO NOT GIVE GAS.
    6. stop and check for signs of breaking loose, if not loosened, then repeat step 4
    7. run the car in Drive - beware and stay clear of risk - keep your foot on the brake and release - DO NOT USE GAS
    8. repeat step 5 - 7 till you have desire results
    9. align the holes and put the rear screws back on - hand tighten
    10. REPEAT STEPS FOR AG connection.

    Once the two ends are broken loose then ONLY you're ready to remove the UNSTUCK propeller shaft using standard procedure.

    Patience and safety are your friends.

    Tell us if you're successful.
    thank you, I had read this years ago, and finally need to use your wisdom. glad I found it again! I haven't done this yet, but will be and am optimistic it will work. backstory: I just replaced my whole front end from the subframe bushings up, and wheel bearings in. after taken apart it started leaking ATF, I thought it was because the Pass side CV axle was out (rebuilt while I had it out), but after putting it back together it continued to leak. now i'm removing prop shaft and AG to do collar seals. oh fun. cheers!
    Last edited by diggity; 10-25-2024 at 10:30 PM.

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