If you are coming here for advice to buy a older P2 XC70 (2001-2007), here are some wise tips to help answer your questions.
Ed's Eight Points For Owning a Used P2 XC70:
- Owning any used European car will be more expensive than any Asian car. They're not a Toyota. They're not a Honda. It's not a Lexus. It's a Volvo.
- If you want to own a used and older Volvo - turn your own wrenches to save labour costs. They're fairly easy to work on and basic maintenance can be done in your garage with a floor jack.
- Put aside money every month (like $1-200) for common wear and tear items that WILL come up. Not if. WILL.
- If you don't like to work on your car, you will need to find a good independent European mechanic. And it will be an expensive car to maintain even with a good independent mechanic.
- If you plan to keep it long term, when you replace wear & tear items, only use OEM components. (Trust me on this one from experience).
- If you are a dealership service lover, for a older Volvo, it WILL be very expensive. But there is a catch - see point 7.
- It is wiser to purchase a newer XC70 if you need/like dealership work because you WILL spend just as much on a 12 year old Volvo in 3-5 years as if if you had purchased a 3-5 year old Volvo.
- Finally, if you plan to keep your Volvo a long time, go and purchase a VIDA/DICE setup from the web. The XC70 is a complex vehicle with many computers and sensors. Coming here and saying "this is happening" without a VIDA readout, is like going to the doctor and saying "I'm in pain but I don't know the cause." The doctor will need data and lab results...so do we. Having VIDA data is key to helping us with your issue and also to help yourself diagnose your own mechanical issues.
It is said the most expensive Volvo you'll ever own is one purchased for cheap. The good news is that a majority of the common wear and tear components are relatively inexpensive and easy to replace compared to other luxury European brands - which makes owning a Volvo inexpensive if you can do your own work. And there are lots of options to rebuild and repair electronic components that do fail (i.e. Xemodex). Volvo's are quirky cars and they do have their known maintenance issues for those who want to invest in long-term ownership. If you keep on top of maintenance and repairs, it's a great car and you can easily drive one for 10-20 years... as long as you're OK having the exact same car for 10-20 years.
And besides, most Volvo drivers know a secret that most other automobile companies don't want to admit - when it comes to designing a safe and durable car for your family, Volvo is the benchmark.