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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Bethpage, NY

    Default No heat after serpentine belt& pulley replacement

    2005 XC90 V8

    I broke down Monday when the serpentine belt came loose from what turned out to be a bad pulley. Before I could pull over, the car overheated (saw the puddle of anti-freeze in the street).

    So, I had the serpentine belt and pulleys replaced. All seemed fine when I brought the car home. However, this morning when I left for work (thanks to the sudden cold spell and snow flurries), I needed the heat in the car. That's when I realized that it wasn't working. I drove for about 30 minutes and just a hint of heat from the defroster but nothing from the vents. When I arrived at work, I notice the engine temp was approaching the high end. I shut the car off for about 10 minutes (It's 32 degrees this morning). I restarted the car and the engine temperature was normal. I sat idling for about 15 minutes and the temperature remained normal.

    So, after close to two hours, I went down to my car to check the anti-freeze level. Nothing in the overflow, so I will need to add some.

    Besides this, is there any other reason why this might be happening?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Long island, ny


    I'm surprised nobody responded yet.. Your coolant system needs to be bled out, there's air trapped in the it preventing coolant from moving through your heater core.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Long island, ny


    Lol I didn't realize this was a year ago

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