2005 XC90 V8
I broke down Monday when the serpentine belt came loose from what turned out to be a bad pulley. Before I could pull over, the car overheated (saw the puddle of anti-freeze in the street).
So, I had the serpentine belt and pulleys replaced. All seemed fine when I brought the car home. However, this morning when I left for work (thanks to the sudden cold spell and snow flurries), I needed the heat in the car. That's when I realized that it wasn't working. I drove for about 30 minutes and just a hint of heat from the defroster but nothing from the vents. When I arrived at work, I notice the engine temp was approaching the high end. I shut the car off for about 10 minutes (It's 32 degrees this morning). I restarted the car and the engine temperature was normal. I sat idling for about 15 minutes and the temperature remained normal.
So, after close to two hours, I went down to my car to check the anti-freeze level. Nothing in the overflow, so I will need to add some.
Besides this, is there any other reason why this might be happening?