Hey guys, new to the forum and the Volvo world. Recently acquired a '10 CPO XC60. It's got the dual DVDs in the headrests, and though I've read the DVD manual from front to back I just can't figure it out. We can get a picture, and I can get sound to play through the cars main audio, but I cannot get my IR Headphones to work (bought separately as the Volvo ones were not included) also the passenger side isn't making a connection to headphones plugged in to the headphone jack (drivers side works fine). My troubleshooting says to make sure IR Sensors are "on" but doesn't tell me how to do that. Also talks about something called "aii" but gives no reference to what this means or controls. We are going on a trip this weekend and would love to be able to use our DVD players with the IR headsets. If anyone knows of a reasonably price set of the Volvo stock headphones, or where I could order them that info would be great too! Thanks! Haley