1998 V70XC
Here's the deal, it's broken.
I need to narrow down what the problem is. Local shops given me conflicting opinions so I thought I'd post it here.
First, I have replaced the drive shaft, serviced the diff and bevel gear. The bevel gear I actually had off the car to replace the torque converter seal. While is was out I drained and refilled it. The end play of the shafts did not seem excessive nor was there what i would consider abnormal play in the rotation.
A banging sound has developed at the rear of the car along with a vibration. The vibration is worst at about 63mph. The bang is associated with lite load on/off throttle. It occurs when traveling at highway speeds when the throttle is fully released to decelerate a bit then picked back up. I also occurs if I slow to round a turn. For instance, apply brake to go around a corner at an intersection and the throttle back up and bang. Rarely does it happen when coming to a complete stop or accelerating from a stop.
Based on my own research on how the system works I have my own idea of which part is FUBAR'd, but would like to know what others have found. I have read several other posts stating extremely similar symptoms with no conclusions. I am not against spending some money to get another 100k out of it WITH AWD.