View Poll Results: Why did you join -

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  • I joined after I got my XC

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Washington, DC

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    I came upon the site v. shortly just bepfre I ordered the car via OSD. It was a huge help in thinking through issues/options.

    Much more germane I think is why I still visit the site so regularly. That's because I've consistently found that the members are more interested in helping resolve issues, and providing 'lessons of experience' than in showing off how much they know, or excluding and running down newbies because of their lack of knowledge. This is a common theme in other discussion groups (dealing with cars or otherwise). Also the narrow focus on XCs [and, I have to add, by inference the sibling V70AWD!] keeps the threads more germane than even at an all-Volvo forum. Lastly, the boards are visited very regularly (at least the XC70 forum) so there is always something fresh and interesting to think about, and prompt and helpful follow up on the issues of the day.

    2007 XC70 Barents Blue, Adventure Pkg

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    upstate NY, USA

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    I like dcawd joined when I was investigating OSD (which is the only way to go &#33. Used to spend hours reading, but life has become way too hectic so don't get here nearly enough anymore.
    I also VERY much like the friendly people, and the excellent site design !
    '04 Ruby, sand, prem pkg, tour pkg, xenon, DST, xenia wheels, OSD

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Chicago, USA

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    founded it after googling a issue - 'throttle lag' - on my newly bought xc70, glad to see someone else had exactly problem solved, am surprised it is little mentioned in other forums, to me, it is quite serious
    this is a great place and i sure will hang in around

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Toronto, Ontario. Canada

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    I was suprised by the kind comments that were said here and I think it shows that the XC driver can be shown to be a placid person with regards to the comments said.

    No road rage around these quarters then.

    With so many newbies joining (and new XC's in my area 3 x XC70 and 2 x XC90) and with Volvo increasing production this year I think there will be more members joining this year, it would not suprise me to see the membership double by the end of the year.

    It has also been a long time since anyone has mentioned <span style='color:blue'></span> car decals/stickers, so now might be a good time to forward your &#036;3.00 and make your XC stand out, Click the link to see these wonderful decals and forward those dollars and in no time you can be part of an elite group of like minded individuals.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Canada: Calgary Alberta - Panorama Mountain BC - Pender Island BC

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    Great topic AWD*V70XC - it&#39;s a delight reading the responses&#33;

    Little does Faye (my better half for the past 28 years) realize the joy involved in acquiring a new set of wheels. She generally just picks a car/colour (Mercedes and BMW before that) then seldom bothers to maintain or polish it. Her husband, on the other hand, peruses all bulletin boards, buys voluminous magazines and visits remote dealers when he is travelling (which is just about every week). A long-winded response of #3 - joined because I wanted an XC.

    This site has been a delight, largely due to all the participants. Volvo folks are truly a joy. By comparison, try a Jeep site: very few responses unless you post a lewd picture of your granny.

    I remember a note from AWD*V70XC when I first joined asking when I was going to change from an XC want-to-be into a genuine owner. Just want you to know that the order is going in shortly and this site has been a very positive factor in bringingus to the decision.

    Happy motoring to all.
    '04 XC70 Canadian Premium and Sport packages, Black (425,000 kms)
    '06 XC70 Ocean Race Model, IPD to 240 hp, 18" rims, Deep Blue
    Other rigs: '06 Toyota Avalon, '15 Jeep Grand Cherokee, '23 BMW330e (Plug-In-Hybrid)

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Toronto, Ontario. Canada

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    I wonder if the members (both new and old- in joining dates I mean) are aware that this site is generating about 50 new members a month &nbsp;

    I also wonder if this is based on people joining before buying their car and just seeing what the XC models are all about or have they bought their XC?0 and want to find out more?

    John@CdnRockies I hope you will be very happy with your new purchase, I don&#39;t offer money back if you are not, even if I pushed you &nbsp; &nbsp;

    What we need now is some more meets around the World.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Paradise, CA, USA

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    Great poll AWD&#33;&#33;

    I joined after I bought my XC70 - I knew of Volvo&#39;s reputation and once I test drove my XC70 could not have driven anything else.

    I have also found this community to be exceedingly friendly - I have been to many hobby sites (quilting, scrapbooking, gaming) that have not been nearly as friendly. It&#39;s hard to believe that a group with such discerning taste would be so darn friendly - not snobbish or exclusive at all. Not so in many communities on the web. Kudos to us&#33;

    That&#39;s why I stay. I check daily to see who&#39;s posted what and I already feel that I have &quot;friends&quot; here. Even though I haven&#39;t &quot;spoken&quot; to very many I feel like I know some of you simply because we have the same interest.

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">What we need now is some more meets around the World.[/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>

    Sorry I&#39;m form the states, and California at that. I swear I keep my granola to a minimum, have never had plastic surgery, and NEVER drive and talk on my cellphone. Not because I don&#39;t want to, I&#39;m just not that coordinated


  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    East-Central Florida

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    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I swear I keep my granola to a minimum,[/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>
    Seriously ROFLMAO &#33;&#33;&#33; That&#39;s OK - we certainly hope you can entertain us now and again&#33; &nbsp;J/K &#33; We&#39;re a little slow here in KY and we need cheap thrills&#33;

    (Somewhere on the Space Coast)

    2000 V70 SE Cross Country
    1987 Chevy K5 Blazer 4x4 (in Blazer Heaven)

    "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool -
    than to open your mouth and remove all doubt".

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    West Vancouver, Canada

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    I bought the car, registered the domain name and from there the rest is history LOL

    Sorry to have taken so long to get back in the game.. work has been absolutely insane since the new year, and though I&#39;ve been checking in here and there, haven&#39;t had too much time to post... will make certain to to be more active now that my schedule&#39;s a tad more open

    On that note, it&#39;s been a REAL pleasure to see all the new screen names popup over the last few months. &nbsp;I&#39;m continually amazed at how positive, respectful, and friendly everyone continues to be to one another. This is a rare place on the web, and I&#39;m proud to be along for the ride.

    Til my next post, which won&#39;t be too long from now, promise&#33;


    01 V70XC/Silver/Graphite/Touring & Versatility Packs/No Mods
    Servoweb Technologies developers of web stuff...
    Paddle Surf Canada Skier Community

  10. #20
    Art's Avatar
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    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Red Deer, AB., Canada

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    Missed your presence Taylor. Kinda like having one of your team&#39;s best players come back off of the injury list.

    I joined on shortly after the site was established and have been tagging along ever since. Gotta admit that it&#39;s been a great ride and thanks to this forum, I&#39;ve learned more about this car than I ever would on my own. Can&#39;t say enough about the membership here....very little moderator involvement creates such a nice atmosphere and, above all, a great place to hang out. &nbsp;

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