My wife's 2002 V70 XC was not covered earlier this year even though we're in one of the listed states because the recall warranty only lasts 10 years from the date of service. Her 2002 supposedly was...
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Type: Posts; User: Gatewood
My wife's 2002 V70 XC was not covered earlier this year even though we're in one of the listed states because the recall warranty only lasts 10 years from the date of service. Her 2002 supposedly was...
I can't say thank you enough to cattlecar for his solution to re-seat the 3rd gear anchor bolt, It just saved me several thousand dollars! I too had to use his option "B". I tried it with a small...
$450 does seem cheap. I was going to start with the solenoids on a 2001 V70 xc I just got for cheap that is hard shifting, but may just jump at this for a little more cash. It would save me the...
Looking good.
New guy here with an idea. It's labor intensive, probably last resort, if you desperate kind of option: access the fuel tank under the rear seat. If you do it, make sure you disconnect the battery...