Hello Murphslaw, I haven't seen any solid information on how coolant might get into the oil passages on the 01 XC70 other than head gasket failure (which is thought to be rare for this engine). Have...
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Type: Posts; User: nortvol
Hello Murphslaw, I haven't seen any solid information on how coolant might get into the oil passages on the 01 XC70 other than head gasket failure (which is thought to be rare for this engine). Have...
Kudos for your Joshua tree replanting. I spent a night in Joshua Tree National Park that was magical in its silence and brilliant stars.
Transmission fluid temperature gauges should be standard...
Very unlikely I'm sure, but is there any other source for coolant making its way into the crankcase other than blown head gasket? The vehicle is a 2001 V70XC mileage approx 90,000 with updated timing...