
Type: Posts; User: Can-ORE

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  1. Replies

    This one is SOLD! Took a bit longer than I...

    This one is SOLD! Took a bit longer than I anticipated, but it went to a good home - a former XC70 owner who is now back in the game and very fond of his new ORE.
  2. Replies

    FS: 2006 XC70 Ocean Race

    We have owned this car for 2 years and it would not be for sale if Toyota didn't decide to discontinue the FJ Cruiser. My wife had to have an FJ before they were no longer available, so her Volvo...
  3. Replies

    What seemed like a big deal was literally a 10...

    What seemed like a big deal was literally a 10 second fix! - Thanks Harry and co.
  4. Problem Solved!

    I recalled replacing a very filthy cabin filter shortly after we got the rig - so I figured Willy's advice must have been bang on... power unit replacement solved the issue. It has been two weeks...
  5. Took advantage of some extra time onver the...

    Took advantage of some extra time onver the Labour Day weekend to replace the power-unit. Looks like this was the culprit climate blower systems seem to function normally and the fan has not...
  6. Unfortunately our rig seems to be experiencing a...

    Unfortunately our rig seems to be experiencing a simlar problem. I can usually get the blower to quit when I pull the 30A Climate Control System Fan fuse. Might help save your battery while you are...
  7. Replies

    Part 2

    I wanted to include more than 5 images, so here is how I finished the job off ...

    Step 4 - Power the Modulite:

    The Modulite's power (red wire) needs to be run through an in-line fuse holder...
  8. Replies

    Modulite Trailer Wiring 2006 XC70

    My trailer wiring chronology went something like this:

    1. Purchase XC70
    2. Purchase aftermarket hitch and Modulite wiring harness
    3. Join
    4. Learn that everyone suggests just going...
  9. Still works for me

    Saw your post, so I went to the iMIV site, added a unit to the shopping cart, applied the coupon and it still seemed to work... so maybe try again?
  10. Thanks!


    First off thank you for your generous offer and I too noticed our close ties in edition # and address [thumbup]. The install went well, I would estimate less than an hour start to finish...
  11. Discount Code back in effect

    Thought I'd let you know I purchased an LE and the discount code worked.

    Looking forward to tackling this install in the near future. Have to admit, I would not have even considered doing the...
Results 1 to 11 of 12