No. just loosen the banjo bolt and move it out of the way. An imagination and sense of humor goes a long way when working around the angle gear.
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Type: Posts; User: Antherzoll
No. just loosen the banjo bolt and move it out of the way. An imagination and sense of humor goes a long way when working around the angle gear.
Way easier through the passenger's headlight :D
Don't know if it will help, and you'll still have the warning unless you get the dealer to remove the software, but it isn't difficult to remove and it wont cause any issue once removed. I suggest...
Occupant Weight Sensor (OWS)
Could be cause by several issues, but if the "Passenger Airbag OFF" is illuminating durring mid trip is may be caused by the module sending a faulty signal due to...
Yes sir, better for both transmission and engine. I would use manual mode the whole trip to be safe, it what I do whenever I'm towing.
One option is to get a new sleeve and weld it onto the splined shaft.!
Here's some pics from when I replaced the sleeve on my XC.
"Make Volvo Great Again"
If you take it easy you should be fine. Size isn't the issue, weight is. How much do you think you'll be hauling? 2000lbs would be safe, anything more I wouldn't feel safe without a cooler.
Magic Blue is a nice colour!
You can return the truck, may be cheaper than oneway, but I don't know, never rented one.
XC90 T6 is a completely different transmission and was know for a high failure rate.
How much will you be hauling? If you're going to load it to the max then I'd keep the stress off of the XC rent...
You're right, the heat cycling that the battery endures from use is much harder on it. If fully charged and kept above it's freezing point a battery will keep for a long time as the cold will slow...
Check that Virtual Box is recognizing and allowing passthrough communications with the USB port. It's been a long time since I had VB running on my Mac but I had solved a similar issue with USB...
None. It's a Volvo.
Depending on which theory you believe in, Electron Theroy or Conventional Flow, the pixies are always trying to flow from one post to the other. If you had an electrode hammered into moist ground...
Y'all need to come over to swedespeed, lots of love over there :D
Zerex on my XC for 30k mi. No issues except that it's so hard to see in the coolant reservoir :p.
There is an oil-water cooler that is mounted on the back side of the pan that could be leaking internally.
Engine compatibility, any 2.5T B5254T2 from an XC70, XC90, V70, S60, or S80 will work.
If it wasn't working you'd know. Want to see how the XC drives as an NA? Disconnect the electrical connector on the BCS(TCV) then go for a drive, I'm sure you'll notice a dramatic drop in...
Check the downpipe support bracket, I've had rattles come from the brake lines not being supported correctly (they should be seated tightly in clips on the braket) and the DP support arm contacting...
Took the words right out of my mouth :D
Depends on your use. Do you want the lift just for ride height or do you plan to off-road frequently?
It has been noted on the forums that the OEM unit works best, the HD TCV has a higher failure rate due to heat and can cause boost spikes.