View Full Version : New owner, I love my XC70!

01-09-2007, 11:03 PM
I am new to volvoXC.com. I bought my 2004 XC70 a few months ago and love it more the more I drive it. The seats are so comfortable, even without leather. I love that it is a Turbo so you get a decent amount of horsepower and still get decent gas mileage (if you can keep your foot out of it). I wasn't overly impressed the first month, but then I filled it up with premium gas and YIPEE! Dealers should use premium for test drives, it does make a difference. I look for opportunities to pass people now, I love it!

I have been lucky enough this winter to get to do some snow driving, and I have been very impressed. I feel like the most stable car on the road, zipping by all those 4wd SUVs. I live on a pretty steep hill and have passed my neighbors more than once just to show off while they are struggling to keep traction up the hill. Last week we had over an inch of hail fall. I went out to drive around and people in my neighborhood were leaving their cars on the side of the road having given up. I went down the hill past a couple of neighbors walking up with their briefcases, turned around where they had given up, and sped right up the hill past them. I then turned around at the top of the hill and went back down just to show off again! I love this thing in the snow! I've had the same great experience driving in mud and wet grass.

I've got a few questions, I will post separate threads for them. I just had to say how much I love my XC70! If anyone is reading the forum trying to decide if they want to buy one, read on. Even when people are having problems nobody says anything negative about the car!

01-10-2007, 12:05 AM
So you drove up and down the hill again and again passing your neighbors as they trudged through the ice and snow? You didn't give them a ride?

01-10-2007, 06:51 AM
So you drove up and down the hill again and again not only passing your neighbors as they trudged through the ice and snow but also p . . sing them off by not giving them a ride. Shame on you!:D

Ta-ta, janusz

01-10-2007, 06:54 AM
I am new to volvoXC.com. . . . Even when people are having problems nobody says anything negative about the car!

You really are new to the forum. [happy]

01-10-2007, 06:43 PM
Glad you like your XC70. I had the wife take my two month old Volvo to work this morning rather than her FWD S80. This was the first snow we have gotten so far this season. Can't wait to see for myself how it handles in a few inches of snow (all we got last night was a dusting, but enough to slick up the roads).

Anyway what tires are you running? Curious to know if they are the OEM Perilli Scorpian STR's or something else.

01-16-2007, 12:34 PM
[happy] ugh! thanks for that--I'm still rollin'
The visual image of you driving up and down a snowy hill past your stranded neighbors almost sent me off my chair (does that make me a bad person :rolleyes: )

Anyway, love your enthusiasm, regardless of how very twisted it is[thumbup]
I too love my XC70
Best of luck with it...

01-16-2007, 10:32 PM
Yeah, this snow is going to get me into trouble. I was driving by a cop today that had somebody pulled over. Was going about 25 and had to go around into the center lane. Was too late to hit my brakes by the time by brain realized what was going to happen when I hit the slush in the center lane. The cop got a nice dovetail of slush and water, and it hit the poor guy that was pulled over since his door was open. I got some dirty looks and worse, I'm sure.

01-17-2007, 02:53 AM
Enjoy your car man :)))))

I know the feeling, however please give your neighbours a ride next time, they also deserve the nice confortable seats of a VOLVO XC too :)

What tires are you on ?