View Full Version : First timer on Forum--Questions?

10-19-2006, 05:14 AM
This is my first time on this Forum and I am glad to have found you. I recently bought my first Volvo, a 2000 XC SE. I have been looking everywhere for a repair manual for the car. NAPA, Checkers, and on-line searches have produced no results. Where can I get a service manual?
Also, after I had the car for a month, I noticed a small amount of fluid on the garage floor, just drips. I thought maybe the oil plug wasn't tight or the oil filter, but it looks to be coming from above the front differential housing. Are there any lines up there that have a high probability of coming loose and leaking. I ride a Harley and Harleys are notorious for leaking rocker box gaskets. I was wondering if Vovlo has similiar problems.
Thanks in advance for any feedback.
Bill Fish aka The Greybeard

10-19-2006, 06:18 AM
Well, the front differential housing leaking could be an indication that you have something wrong with your VC joint, but I'm not completely positive about that. I'd check the forums for VC posts, and also just check back here periodically because I know someone will know what that is.

Welcome to the forums Greybeard!

10-20-2006, 06:07 PM
Well, I also have a little drip...one drop at a time, and it is from my drain plug. Its kinda irritating, and im going to try the following:
Drippy oil plug (http://www.volvospeed.com/oilplug.php)

Also, check these out:
Oil return line for Turbo (http://www.volvospeed.com/Repair/awd_oil_return.php)

oil return line (http://www.volvospeed.com/Repair/turborepairline.php)

Post your findings :)

10-21-2006, 07:30 PM
Thanks for the ideas. The Turbo oil return line leak sounds like what is going on with my car. The oil is leaking down in the same way described.
I will check it out tomorrow.
2000 V70XC-SE

Ken from RI
10-22-2006, 05:07 PM
Welcome use this site your advantage. Agian welcome.

10-24-2006, 05:52 PM
Welcome Greybeard!

Good luck finding a shop manual, since they don't exist. The best thing to do is look for a VADIS DVD on ebay. That will give you all the info you'll ever need when wrenching on your XC.

The oil leak may be from the turbo - not exactly sure where or why, but mine does it and I read (here- duh) what the precise issue is but the particular thread location escapes me at the moment (long day). Anyway - try a search with "oil leak" and "turbo" and the thread may pop up.

Post some pix of that SE !!

10-29-2006, 07:21 PM
Thanks for all of the ideas about my oil leak. I finally found time to crawl around under my 2000 V70 XC SE and I found a few leaks. It looks like I have drips from some of the coolant hose clamps. I tightened the ones I could reach. I'm going to have to get creative to reach the others.
Question: If the turbo oil return line is producing a slight drip, do you think it is going to hurt to drive the car, including at highway speeds, until I can get it fixed. My daughter is having a baby tonight in Denver and it looks like I will be making a 7 hour trip to see my new grandbaby in a couple of days. I'm planning to take the Volvo since snow is in our forecast. I don't want to hurt the turbo or the engine, but my alternative is driving my 2002 Z28 Camaro in snow. Scarey!!
Thanks for any feedback.
2000 V70 XC-SE
2002 Z28 Camaro

10-30-2006, 10:38 AM
How serious is it...the leak... really?

My 850 LPT had that leak for the 6 months I had it, and then someone hit me in it, and i got rid of it. Keep an eye on the temp, and take a few quarts and some Torx's in case, but I think you should be ok.

The repair is not really time consuming, just anoying to get up there from what I hear, although you would know better than me. Mine did not leak yet...