View Full Version : 5th Year Anniversary of v70xc.com/VolvoXC.com

06-26-2006, 09:27 PM
Not meaning to make a big todo about this, but today (June 27th, 2006) marks the 5th anniversary of the site. Well, being perfectly honest, the site was open a few months prior but it was 5 years ago today that the forums were first opened, my definition of when the community that defines this site really got its first start.

I've put together some stories here (http://www.volvoxc.com/features/5-years/), and you can take a look at how the site has looked over the years here (http://www.volvoxc.com/features/5-years/gallery/).

Thanks for being a part of the community!!!


06-26-2006, 10:43 PM
Congrats on hitting the big 5 Taylor! My how time flies…and to think almost 4500 members later there appears to be no end to the site’s popularity. [thumbup]

Thanks for bringing us all together!! :)


06-27-2006, 03:01 AM
I'd like to add my congrats to the growing list. I have been a member for some two and a half years now and I have really enjoyed the good humour, rallying around and more over the support that has been shared amongst like minded people.

When I joined I think I was about member #1113 and to see that the 4500 mark is about to be reached soon is testament to how useful the site is to it's present membership, not to mention the hundreds of public members who view the pages, some on a daily basis.

I am not a member of any other motoring website/forums because of all the backbiting I notice on them and to partake here is a joy and experience that is almost "family like"

Thanks Taylor for all your hard work and keeping things going, here's to another five years.

ps - to show my continued support, my 'yearly' donation is on its way to keep your costs down a bit. Thanks.

Low Tide
06-27-2006, 06:09 AM
Congrats for a job well done! The green tea of car forums.

06-27-2006, 06:29 AM
I haven't been on board for all five, but for the three or so I have been here this has been one very well run and helpful operation. Congratulations and thanks!


06-27-2006, 09:52 AM
Thanks for the comments guys!!

It's been a lot of fun building the site and watching it grow over the years, and makes it so much more so with all the great people we have here... Cheers to you guys too!! [thumbup]

06-27-2006, 10:01 AM
Hello All,

I just found this great group. I own a 01 X/C she is a hard worker. I bought her in Sept of 05 with 100k on the ticker. She now has 176k. I use her for my airport car. I own a transportation company that takes folks to the two major airports in Boston and Manchester NH. My X/C does YOMAN work. On a give day she can travel up to 500 miles a day. Also tows my 6X12 enclosed trailer with my Harley in it. I will post pictures when I can. I look forward to this group. How can I start a New Hampshire chapter?


Joliet Jake
01 X/C
Nashua NH

06-29-2006, 10:28 PM
I have to agree Taylor, you've done an excellent job on the site and it's really amazing how the community has grown to exhibit such a positive and helpful tone.

Of course one also has to acknowledge the long list of regulars, especially Art, who add content that make the site such a valuable resource.

Thanks a bunch!


06-30-2006, 06:14 AM
Kudos to Taylor and Art!!!
Thanks for all the info you've provided to all the XCers around the world over the last 5 years.
Just wanted to tell you guys again that you have a big following in Taiwan. :D

Can't Thank you guys enough. [thumbup]

06-30-2006, 09:34 PM
Well done Taylor. The main reason I drive a Volvo today is this site. Got lots of support from the people on the board and then Cameron (AWD*V70XC) finally goaded me into it. ;)

The site is a delight to peruse given the helpful attitude of all folks. Special thanks to Art as well - along with the many other high-volume posters. You have all contributed to resolving minor annoyances and making the Volvo experience a positive one.


07-01-2006, 10:26 AM
Let's say it in each of our native languages! That will show the universal friendship of volvoXC.com buddies! [thumbup]

Just took the time to share this moment with all of you from my summer home with a very, very slow Internet connection!

Clouds in the sky but bright sun in my heart! :D

Congrats, Taylor !! Many thanks to Art too, who has been a good buddy to me and, I am sure, to many of us!


07-01-2006, 10:59 PM
Thanks to Taylor and Art and to all the other members. [thumbup] From the many memorable posts here is one photo looking back during the Volvo Golden Gate run...


07-03-2006, 02:09 PM
Way to go Taylor!!! Keep up the good work!! [thumbup]

And THANKS to all the good people here for sharing the knowledge base!! [thumbup]

07-25-2006, 06:16 PM
Taylor, great work. ...truly. Volvo owes you more than they know. Your website is no doubt responsible for countless Volvo sales and happy Volvo customers.

If it weren't for this site I would not have bought another Volvo.
The members of this forum are the most civil, friendly and helpful forum people around. In five years I think there have been less than half a dozen troll threads. That says volumes about the quality of the forum and its members. It's miles beyond the other Volvo site.

The forum is well designed, easy to navigate and full of quality info.