View Full Version : Amazing photos of a crashed XC70

06-08-2006, 03:01 PM
:eek: Check out these photos: 1 (http://www.v70xc.com/volvo_photo_gallery/displayimage.php?pid=5384&fullsize=1) and 2 (http://www.v70xc.com/volvo_photo_gallery/displayimage.php?pid=5385&fullsize=1)

I'm told this crash occurred in Birmingham (AL, USA) recently.

The driver, a young woman, was in the vehicle by herself. She was struck a total of three times by a semi tractor/trailer, the third one throwing her XC into the air. She only sustained a few minor scratches and was able to exit the vehicle without assistance.

Sorry about the poor quality of the photos. I copied them from a sheet the dealer was given by the victim of the crash. She was in the dealership to purchase another XC70. Smart girl.

THIS is why we drive Volvos.


PS: While you're checking out photos, here are a few of my new baby, "Sirius Black". 1 (http://www.v70xc.com/volvo_photo_gallery/displayimage.php?pid=5386&fullsize=1), 2 (http://www.v70xc.com/volvo_photo_gallery/displayimage.php?pid=5387&fullsize=1), 3 (http://www.v70xc.com/volvo_photo_gallery/displayimage.php?pid=5388&fullsize=1)

06-08-2006, 03:22 PM
Wow, sort of puts the $900.00 bill for the brake booster yesterday in perspective but I am still steamed, it is poorly designed.

06-08-2006, 03:30 PM
Two words - Bloody Hell :eek:

I'm very glad she was/is alright and that she has the confidence to get back on the road again. Just goes to show why we DO drive these cars. Totalled or not, Volvos are designed to save lives.[thumbup]

06-08-2006, 07:05 PM
Pics like that make me oh so much happier that I took the plunge into XC ownership for my wife and kids. So happy this driver was ok!

06-08-2006, 08:49 PM
Your "siruis black" v70 Xc is beautiful minus the "LIBERAL" license plate!

06-08-2006, 08:59 PM
This is precisely why I have always driven Volvos and not Hondas, Toyotas, or Hyundais. I experienced myself how well Volvos are built when I had my two accidents. I don't care about the bloody safety ratings of the cars; it is pictures like these that capture the real life accidents that distinguish truly safe cars from so called "safety-rated" cars.

Cudos to Volvo, even if Volvos are the pain to maintain.

Ta-ta, j.

06-08-2006, 09:05 PM
Your "siruis black" v70 Xc is beautiful minus the "LIBERAL" license plate!If you hate the fake (Photoshop) license plate then you'd really hate me. But thanks for the mostly-kind comment. [cool2]

You should consider moving to Birmingham--Republicans-o-plenty.

06-08-2006, 09:12 PM
If you hate the fake (Photoshop) license plate then you'd really hate me. But thanks for the mostly-kind comment. [sly]

You should consider moving to Birmingham--Republicans-o-plenty.

Not to get into the political philosophy discussions [sly] but it always bothers me how so many people confuse modern left with liberalism. In this country, it is libertarians that come the closest to what philosophically is known as liberalism and not Democrats or Republicans, for that matter.

Ta-ta, j.

Dani K.
06-10-2006, 10:15 AM
Well check these out as well. Not sure what caused the accident, but found them on webshots.com.

06-10-2006, 04:18 PM
... it always bothers me how so many people confuse modern left with liberalism. In this country, it is libertarians that come the closest to what philosophically is known as liberalism and not Democrats or Republicans, for that matter.I hate to be responsible for dragging my own thread further off topic, but personally, I'm not confused in the least about the proper definition of the term "liberal".

As for the counterfit license plate, "Liberal" fit. "Democrat" or "Libertarian" would not, and hence, were out of the running.

Aaaaaany way ... how about those Volvos? Safe, huh? Presumably we can all agree on that. And, after all, what else matters around here?


06-12-2006, 04:09 AM
Well check these out as well. Not sure what caused the accident, but found them on webshots.com.

The first photo is interesting, not because of the concrete lumps that appear in the seat (and certainly not a OEM Volvo part ;) ) but because so many people have commented on how an airbag/Sips bag deploys, in the shot it shows very clearly how the upper torso would be protected if an impact was suffered thus giving some protection to the rear seat passengers.