View Full Version : New 2002 XC owner : Question about winter rim size

05-21-2006, 05:39 AM
Just bought a 2002 V70 XC after much research to find the right car. I owned a 1998 V70 AWD up to 1.5 years ago until it reached 245k km. Never had any major problems (the VC worked flawlessly, no tranny issues...the extended warranty was actually a waste of money). Bought a Mazda6 station -after a lot of convincing from my wife- and although being a "good" car, I just HAD to go back to Volvo :)

A quick question : I still have my 15" winter rims from my 1998 V70. Will they fit on the XC (in terms of space required for the disks/calipers). A quick search indicated that 205-75-15 would be a perfect fit (same overal diameter). Has anyone tried 15" winter rims on the XC, or should I stick with the 16" 215-65-16 combination ?....Thank you !

BTW, this is a great site !
