View Full Version : Scary noises from my transmission?

04-17-2006, 05:20 PM
Okay, I'm feeling a little nauseated and need someone to talk me down.

I've been dealing with the often-discussed lag/slip in downshifting between 3rd and 2nd gears after running at highway speeds for a while. This problem is intermittant, and lately, rare. If I understand the previous threads the problem lies somewhere in the "transmission valve" (have I got that right?) or possibly somehow in the throttle body module (though I can't reason how).

My latest, and most distressing, issue is a loud metallic "clunk" as the car rolls to a stop and the transmission downshifts from 4th to 3rd. The sickening sensation isn't all that different from running over a potthole in the road. I look in my rear view mirror hopefully, but the hole is never there.

As with the other problem, this has happened previously and gone away for a few months. In the last episode the noise/sensation occurred maybe 3 or 4 times within a single day, then mysteriously vanished until now.

The vehicle has a little over 95,000 miles on it and has never had the AT fluid flushed and replaced, though I'm planning to do so in the very near future. The transmission software has been upgraded already.

Has anyone else run into this problem? Any ideas what's going on? There must be a million things I'd rather spend money on than a replacement transmission.

(Urp! I don't feel so well.) [nonono]


04-20-2006, 05:11 PM
I'm surprised. All you seasoned XC afficianados, all that experience, all that desire to help, and no one has anything to say about my desperate inquiry? I'll say it again; I'm surprised. [sly]

Still waiting. Still hoping.


04-21-2006, 03:29 AM
If you are a do it yourself type I recommend first carefully checking the ATF fluid (you don't want it too high or too low) with the car running following Volvo's instructions, something you have probably already done. Assuming that's not the problem, replace the fluid with JWS 3309 (do not use anything else, do a search for Gibbons' method for doing this, it works great). There is no guarrantee this will correct anything but at 95,000 you need it anyway. Anything beyond that will probably have to be pursued by a professional....


04-23-2006, 07:15 AM
Thanks for the reply, Bill. I'll do the ATF change proceedure, but I don't really expect it to help this problem. As you said, I'm overdue to perform this maintenance.

Fortunately (I suppose) the intermittant "clunk" issue has again dissappeared. I'd feel better if I actually knew what was going on. Is it a transmission problem? Is it a flaky CV joint? I'll probably just have to wait till it becomes constant before I'll be able to track it down.

Thanks again.


04-25-2006, 03:13 AM
You're talking about the Flare that to me happened when accelerating not decelerating. Its caused by valve body in the transmission, which controls which gear you are in.

Of course someone else mentioned that their xc needed a new transmission at 100k, but I'm only saying that to scare you.... :)

The metallic sound suggests wear somewhere, but being metallic, I'm wondering if you are suffering from worn bushing (cheap) or its something you just have to put down to wear and tear and live with

04-25-2006, 05:16 PM
My transmission was replaced under warranty last september. I had the flare between 2nd and 3rd gear and the odd clunk. Now with new tranny, same thing. I notice the clunk rarely but only in traffic. The flare only happens in my neighbourhood when I '' tease '' the throttle pedal between stops and curves at around 20Km/hr (10-15 M/hr).

Don't get discouraged. I was happy to hear that VOLVO would replace my transmission ans was saying to myself '' good, no more flares and clunks ''. Also I had read many many many posts on this site (great site by the way ) saying to get the neutral disabled at the dealer, change ATF, get the ECM updated. All those '' solutions '' were done with no results and now with new transmission it's the same. Well I put my mind to rest and I guess that this is what I would call ''VOLVO's caprice'' .

Montreal, Canada

04-28-2006, 06:24 AM
You're talking about the Flare that to me happened when accelerating not decelerating. Its caused by valve body in the transmission, which controls which gear you are in.
Ahhh, yes, you're right about that. I mis-stated in my earlier post. The flare invariably occurs when I'm accelerating, but always after decelerating from freeway speeds (which I've been known to drive on residential streets! :rolleyes: )

Of course someone else mentioned that their xc needed a new transmission at 100k, but I'm only saying that to scare you.... :)
Gee, thanks for that. The words "new transmission" have a way of making me feel a bit nauseated. I actually had this "flare" issue crop up while the vehicle was still under warranty. The dealer uploaded the latest transmission software and sent me packing. Naturally, the exact same problem resurfaced as soon as my odometer rolled over 50,000 miles. They tell me it doesn't matter that the problem had been reported before. It's out of warranty. Period. Great service, Uncle Volvo! Thanks.

The metallic sound suggests wear somewhere, but being metallic, I'm wondering if you are suffering from worn bushing (cheap) or its something you just have to put down to wear and tear and live with.
Cheap is good! I've wondered if it could be in the suspension and not the transmission, but I'm afraid it does feel more like a drivetrain issue. Still, it hasn't done it in over a week. Good. Yes? (Frantically searching for something wood to knock on)

My latest issue is the appearance of the "SRS Airbag, Urgent Service" message, which just showed up yesterday. It may be conicidental, but it came on after I re-connected the battery ground, which I'd undone to install a new Alpine head unit. I'm taking it to the dealer to have that investigated today. Wish me luck.

I'm thinking that once I complete the installation of my entire new high-power audio system I'll be able to drown out all the weird noises my XC has been making lately. That should take care of the problem. :rolleyes:


04-28-2006, 07:18 AM
FWIW: A not uncomon cause of the SRS message is a failure in the electrical contact ring in the steering column that connects the airbag in the steering wheel. Mine was replaced under warranty. I think the warranty on the SRS system is five years. Perhaps you are still within warranty?


04-30-2006, 07:43 AM
FWIW: A not uncomon cause of the SRS message is a failure in the electrical contact ring in the steering column that connects the airbag in the steering wheel. Mine was replaced under warranty. I think the warranty on the SRS system is five years. Perhaps you are still within warranty? Bill

Thanks, Bill. I was going to take her in for evaluation of the problem, but the service department was swamped that day. I'll try again in a couple more days.

They tell me that I'll be on my own as far as paying for the eval/repair goes, since the warranty for the SRS system is 8 years or 80k miles, whichever comes first. I'm over 95k miles, even though I'm within the 8 year limit. Hopefully the repair bill won't be too painful.

I'll post an update when I know more. Thanks again.


05-04-2006, 04:41 PM
02- 78k needs new tranny. Depressing news-$6k- They are going to trade it for a new one...but wont be a Volvo by the sound of it.

No factory support for this defective part-

05-04-2006, 05:43 PM
If I understand the previous threads the problem lies somewhere in the "transmission valve" (have I got that right?) or possibly somehow in the throttle body module (though I can't reason how).

While we have no concrete evidence of a link between ETM failures and transmission failures, these things are both compter controlled and talk to each other. The throttle tells the xmission when to 'kick down', the xmission tells the throttle and possibly the ignition when it is going to shift so instaneously drop the power to make a smoother shift. One mechanic said a failure was the ETM was causing a torque converter lock up problem We will never know as long as Volvo only knows how to change oil, do software upgrades and replace the transmission.

Let us know the results and if there was any indication of a ETM failure about the same time.

05-06-2006, 08:44 AM
Let us know the results and if there was any indication of a ETM failure about the same time.
I had the "Campaign 155" TBM software update done yesterday. I also had the neutral control disabled to get rid of the lag which occurs when starting from a standstill. The service rep said the technician told him this download ("Shift neutral control valve") should get rid of the "flare" problem, too. I can tell a big difference since having the neutral contol taken off, but will have to drive it for a while to see of the flare improves. That problem only surfaces sporadically.

The ETM checked out okay, and the SRS-Airbag message was apparently just just a loose connector for the driver's seatbelt. They reset it and didn't charge me a penny. Amazing!

At the moment, my Volvo service rep is on my short list of favorite people. He only charged me $31.50 to program a second remote and $63.00 for software and labor to remove the neutral control. I guess I didn't need to bring the KY with me after all. :rolleyes:

I haven't heard the distressing metallic "clunk!" again since I last posted about it. I'm still crossing my fingers and knocking on wood.

There's another issue I'd like to ask the forum about, but I'll post that as a separate thread.

Thanks for everything, guys.


05-07-2006, 05:37 AM
Well, the flare issue doesn't seem to be resolved after I had the neutral control feature removed two days ago. Apparently the technician who said it would help with flare didn't know what he was talking about. Actually, I'm not surprised, though I was hopeful. Flare still seems to be a recurrant issue in newer models than my '01, even though Volvo apparently quit using neutral control in '02.

So, what can be done about the flare? It's said to be a problem with the "automatic transmission valve". Is this a physical valve which shifts the transmission, or a "software valve" which can be modified by programming. Of course, this is a non-servicable transmission. Does that mean I just have to live with the problem until the transmission fails or is there a reasonable solution?

For now the problem is only mildly annoying. Is it likely to get worse?


05-07-2006, 09:27 AM
To fix the "flare" on my 04, they updated the TCM. All is well now.