View Full Version : Somebody vandalized my Baby! - Tore off the headlight wiper

03-19-2006, 12:16 PM
Walked around the front of the XC yesterday and was shocked to see that someone had torn off one of the headlight wipers. Looks like someone just grabbed it and ripped it off. All that's left is the metal stalk and a piece of plastic on the end and part of the tubing for the washer. SOB!!!

Now comes the decision...do I spend the money to fix it? (I could turn in to my insurance but with a 250 deductible I doubt I'd get much). Looks to me like the whole unit would need to be replaced but I'm not sure. Has anyone ever had that done?

Franks the thoght of spending money on what I view as a worthless feature doesn't appeal to me. Another option would be to remove both of these wipers completely. Has anyone ever taken out these units? Most cars don't have them and frankly if there were an optional feature I wouldn't buy them. Just one more thing to go wrong or, as in my case, get torn off!! I've never had wipers on a car's headlights before and never had a problem. At this point I'm still deciding but wonder if the board has any advice?

I'll probably put this on the second gen board as well since it really trancends the models.

03-19-2006, 07:03 PM
I broke my stupid headlight wiper arm myself, but i am going to get a used one for $12.50 shipped. Look around, they are not expensive. Also is it broken at the motor or just the arm? If it is the arm, it takes 10 min to replace. Just pop the cover for the wiper arm open and then remove the 10mm bolt.

Oh btw, what the f is wrong with people vandolizing volvo wagons. I understand a ricer car, some cocky car, but not a station wagon

03-19-2006, 11:46 PM
Some ppl have nothing better to do, plus volvo parts aren't cheap, so maybe they have a volvo wagon too and just want the same part, I once knew this kid who liked the rims on another car he saw like his and jacked up that persons car put stands and changed the rims from his to theres with his worn burned out tires. Sounds grimey to do to another.

03-20-2006, 06:36 AM
There is a European company that makes caps to cover the shaft 'cuz a lot of people don't like the look. But I'd take Cossie's advice and just find a used. Those are common enough that they shouldn't be hard to find.

2000 XCR'r
03-20-2006, 11:34 AM
Sorry to hear about your story, regarding the vandal, and how
he had his way with your headlight wiper. I have a similar story, but
unfortunately, I was the one doing all the vandalizm. After putting a lot
of time in one week-end cleaning the XC, my wife took it to the store, and when she returned I noticed the the driver side wiper sticking straight up.
I knew there was a problem with it, but it doesn't happen to often. I tried using the wiper switch in the car, to reset the arm, but it wouldn't work.
I couldn't take it, the pressure I applied to the wiper, to try and get it down, was more than the little arm could take.:eek: Now, I have one wiper, and a chrome arm, with a small piece of plastic on the end of it.
I agree, it's a useless option.
I was looking to get a used motor and arm, but haven't researched
anything yet. I was curious to see how hard it would be to replace one of those wiper motors, because it's nice to have everything in working order.
Let me know how you make out.

03-20-2006, 12:38 PM
I don't know about you but my wiper motor is fine. The metal shaft is still in place and the motor works. Like you however, I have a broken piece of plastic on the end of the shaft and no arm or wiper blade...and the small rubber hose is just hanging there. Here's what I think I need to do:
1) Remove the remaining plastic end from the motor shaft without breaking the motor (does it screw off?)
2) remove the broken piece of plastic from the end of the rubber washer tube (is it integrated together or just stuck on to the end of a rubber tube?)
3) Buy a new wiper arm (can't seem to find on line)
4) Buy a new wiper blade assemply (those I can find on line for about $20)
5) Reattach the new wiper arm to the motor shaft
6) Put the new blade assembly back on the arm
7) reattach the rubber tube to the wiper arm section were the "sprayer" is located.
Not that I know how to do any of that or even if it can be done but I think that's the process we'll need to go through.

2000 XCR'r
03-20-2006, 02:21 PM
Thanks for the detailed walk-thru. Seems like it will be fairly painless.
I'm hoping my wiper motor is still good, but I'm going to have to take
it apart to see why the blade gets stuck at the top of it's stroke.
I found a good used Volvo part shop, located in upstate NY. They've had everthing I've looked for, so far. T#: (1.888.vovlo13)

03-20-2006, 03:28 PM
The issue for you is getting at the wiper motor. I looked inside the engine compartment and NO WAY....looks like you either need to remove the head light assemply or drop the bumper to get at it!! If the wiper wasn't seated right on the shaft that could cause the misallignment not the motor. If the motor is moving it back and forth then it's probably fine and that's a good thing. The motor alone costs about $180 to $200.

I finally found the wiper arm ($35) and the blade assembly ($15 for two blades in a packet) at FPC Groton. They weren't on the online order form but I called and they had them. Looks like I might be able to fix for about $60 with shipping costs build in. I now have to figure out how to remove the broken plastic parts from the motor shaft and the rubber tube and install the new parts. Well, at least it's a learning experieice.

03-20-2006, 05:38 PM
its easy, its a cap thats covering the shaft, just pop it from the side and you will see the 10mm under

03-20-2006, 06:04 PM
Got it home tonight and saw how easy it was to remove the broken plastic ends from both the rubber hose and the motor shaft. Like you said, just take off the plastic outer covering and expose the nut that holds the wiper arm on the shaft. (in my case a piece of plastic is all that's left) The broken part of the wiper arm that was still on the rubber hose just pulls off.

I've got the new parts on order ($60 from FPC Groton for the wiper arm and the blade assembly) and I'll put them on when they arrive. Looks like that nut is a bit "frozen" I'm sure it's never been touched, so I'll have to try some WD-40 to get it loose and not damage the shaft/motor when I remove.

Sure beats paying the dealer $170 to do it for me.

Thanks for the advice...it's what makes this board great.

03-22-2006, 06:49 PM
I got the parts and did the install today. Quick and easy. However the wiper arm is not exactly the same as what was on the car. The new one has less "covering" over the arm than the old one so there's a slight difference in the appearence of each wiper arm. In either case it works fine and looks OK.

I did note that contrary to some other threads, the only time my headlight wipers work is when I pull the wiper stalk back and engage the windshield washers. Then I get a spray and a couple of wipes with the headlight blades and that's it. The headlight wipers don't engage when the windshield wipers are going normally or when I engage the read window wiper. Only when the washer is engaged for the front windshield.

03-29-2006, 10:49 PM
I just got my new wiper arm today. Can you tell me what that little piece insiode the package is for? It looks kinda flat and square. Also how do you get hte cover to snap onto the wiper arm tight? Mine is kind of loose, of course i did it in complete darkness. I have to wait till tomorrow

03-30-2006, 01:03 PM
Not sure what you're referring to. I got two wiper blades in one backage and the wiper arm in a plastic sleve by itself. There were two things that were differnt between the wiper arm on the car and the new one. The new one had a clear plastic ring on the bottom (part nearest the bolt to the drive shart) that I assumed was to route the washer hose through and keep it from rubbing against the bumper. My old one did not have it. The new arm also had no plastic covering that ran up most of the arm. Just a short section by the bolt cover and then a thin metal arm the rest of the way up. The old one had a black plastic "cowel" that ran most of the way up the wiper arm. I don't know if that's a different part but I couldn't find it in any on line catalogue. I'm thinking of taking the one off on the older arm so the look the same.

Like you I had a problem trying to snap the blade assembly into the wiper arm. I pushed real hard and it finally snapped in. I was afraid I would break it. Given the pressure from the spring pushing the wiper against the lense of the headlight is should hold fine. I do agree that you can pull it out pretty easy however.

04-15-2006, 09:34 PM
I just found my headlight wiper hanging up yes up lol, and it wont go down like it went up and went past where it suppose to go towards the sky, its like it twisted sort of, I tried to use force to put it down but wont go, wonder what it is, and how this thing broke, anyone have any insight on this ? I hope the headlight wiper motor is no good than I'd have a pain in the ass time to get to it let alone buy another one and put it back in.

04-16-2006, 09:16 AM
Just take off the plastic end cap that covers the bolt securing the arm to the motor shaft. The silver colored shaft extends into the grill and to the wiper motor. if the motor is fine and works you may just need to detach the arm and reinstall it or put a new arm on is it is bent. The wiper works when you use the washer/sprayer from the front windshield. Just turn that on and see what happens to the wiper arm on the headlight. It may just retrun to the right position. If not and it's bent then probably time for a new arm. Takes just a few minutes to remove the bolt and put a new one one. Good luck.

04-16-2006, 09:48 AM
yup, had the same problem, things fixed itself

04-16-2006, 03:52 PM
I don't know what happened this afternoon when I got to my car but the wiper was sitting back in its normal position lol, I think my dad played around with it when he came home from work and saw my cars wiper just hangin up in the air, will ask him anywayz. Thanks a lot of guys if I have any problem I'll just remove the arm from the silver shaft coming from the motor.

10-20-2006, 08:54 AM
I noticed at the car wash recently that the wiper and what holds the wiper is gone. I also noticed that it is scratching the headlight when it goes up and down. I am going to have my wife get a price for the dealer to fix it when she takes it in for the 52K service. I would just take both of them off if I knew how. Thanks for all the other great info about fixing them. I am just not comfortable working on things like that.

10-20-2006, 12:27 PM
Believe me I'm hopeless. But this is really just undoing a bolt at the end of the shaft (is covered by a piece of black plastic at base of the wiper) and buying a new one and then just putting it on and tightening the bolt again and re-snapping the little plastic cover back over the base of the wiper shaft. A lot cheaper than the dealer. Anything I can do anyone can do.