View Full Version : XC Designed in Canada????

03-01-2006, 11:53 AM
Has anyone else noticed that a pack of 20 Timbits fits perfectly in the centre console!!!?? If it wasn't designed here the Swedish design team must have spent some time here figuring out our needs. [thumbup]

Perhaps they were here picking up tips on playing hockey (it worked!). :D

Now if they had just come up with a way to keep a 'two-four' from sliding around in the back!

03-01-2006, 03:45 PM
I use the cargo net for the two four pack. You can also stand-up wine bottles etc. and it holds them tight. Worth the investment!

03-01-2006, 10:32 PM
What a coincidence: the Swedish design department is not owned by Swedes and Tim Hortons is not owned by Canadians so any credit for console attributes is due to the good ole USA.

03-02-2006, 02:06 PM
I had to look up Timbits. According to wikipedia:

Timbits are bite-sized doughnut balls sold at the Canadian Tim Hortons restaurant chain since 1976. Customers can buy these bite-sized treats in whatever quantity they prefer, with most people favoring the Snack Pack sizes of 10 , 20 or 40. A Timbit is supposedly made from the part of a full doughnut that is cut out to make the doughnut's hole, but in fact they are made from separate balls of dough.

Other doughnut chains in Canada and the United States sell virtually identical products, often called "doughnut holes." However, due to Tim Hortons' place in Canadian culture, Timbits is often used as the generic term for these, even when they are purchased from another chain.

Timbits, as well as most donuts from donut shops, are most likely made in hydrogenated vegetable oil, which contributes to their unhealthy levels of Trans Fat. :eek:

How does one get the grease off the leather seats? ;)

03-02-2006, 04:36 PM
What a coincidence: the Swedish design department is not owned by Swedes and Tim Hortons is not owned by Canadians so any credit for console attributes is due to the good ole USA.

Yes, Ford may own Volvo and Wendy's may own Tim Horton's but both have their souls still in Sweden and Canada respectively.

03-02-2006, 08:13 PM
Timbits, as well as most donuts from donut shops, are most likely made in hydrogenated vegetable oil, which contributes to their unhealthy levels of Trans Fat.

How does one get the grease off the leather seats?

That generous outer coating of sugary goodness prevents the grease from escaping. :D BTW, I just go there for the coffee….really. ;)

03-04-2006, 01:17 AM
In somewhat unrelated but related news, I read somewhere today that Wendy's is in the process of offloading Tim's.

Sorta good news as I'm sure a Canadian consortium will pick it up in an effort to preserve Canadian history, culture and sovereignty from the good ole USA. :D

03-05-2006, 06:43 PM
Actually they're going to spin off part of it as (I think) an Income Trust. Anyway there is an IPO coming and I'd be lining up at your broker's for some shares for the ole RSP!!! Make it a Double-Double!!

03-06-2006, 12:43 AM
In somewhat unrelated but related news, I read somewhere today that Wendy's is in the process of offloading Tim's.

Sorta good news as I'm sure a Canadian consortium will pick it up in an effort to preserve Canadian history, culture and sovereignty from the good ole USA. :D

Wendy's loses money while TH makes it, so it's hardly "offloading" - more a financial manipulation to cash in on our misplaced nationalism for this US company. Our non Canadian members must be bemused by this concern for a donut store originating in Hamilton, Ontario. Canadian history? Maybe. Culture and sovereignty? You must either have tongue in cheek disease or are becoming a victim of the dreaded Timbit-induced stupor syndrome.

03-06-2006, 11:56 AM
Tim Hortons, HBC….what next? :rolleyes: God forbid if Walmart were to swallow our beloved Canadian Tire, what would I do with all of my CT Bonus Bucks? :eek:


Anyone else see a TH kiosk in their local Canadian Tire store? We had one for a brief period of time but, for one reason or another, it didn’t appear to go over well with the customers. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that there wasn’t a timbits for CT bonus bucks exchange policy in effect. ;)

Getting back to the original topic…I think that’s a novel way of displaying yer bits. Should be featured in a national TH ad campaign…think of the exposure that would generate for the XC. Flip the tray over and you might even be able to nestle in a 40 pack to feed a ravenous rat pack in the rear. :D