View Full Version : XC for one

12-18-2005, 08:03 PM
Anyone remember VolvoGal, my wife who made a couple of posts? She decided that she didn't want to be married any more after 25 years. She was nervous about having a euro car, so I got the XC and she bought a new Subaru Legacy wagon.

I will keep the XC because it is by far my favorite car I have ever had. I still haul my boys and our bikes and skis and stuff around when they are with me, but I could do that in the truck. What do we think of a 46 year old single guy driving an XC? I realize that I am on the fringes of the driver demographics.

Weird, not weird?

pico de luuks
12-18-2005, 08:20 PM
Sorry to hear that Gibbons!
The one thing that came to mind was " always look at the bright side of live" from monthy python :o Weird? Well at least you got to keep the XC. :D

Hope the divorce isn't a nasty one and you'll still be able to enjoy the Xmas season. [santa] Take care!

12-18-2005, 08:24 PM
Yeah, I know that song! We used to laugh at it. The D was announced 2.5 months ago, it will be all done Jan02. I got horned in typical divorce fashion, but no worse than prescribed by law. Yeah, I got to keep the XC. It's good to have something I can count on in life :)

12-18-2005, 08:59 PM
Chin up Gibbons.

Besides your beloved XC, you can also count on having your own support group right here. We’re never very far away. :)

12-18-2005, 10:11 PM
Sorry to hear about the D.

As to your question about a single guy driving an XC, I am the only driver of mine. It is my daily driver. We bought it for me. My wife is intimidated by it. She has driven approximately 2 blocks since I bought it (only because I insisted she try it). I got it to have cargo space without having to muscle around an SUV. IMHOP it’s a great car for a man, married or single.

I have a truck too. But it uses so much gas; I could never use it for a daily driver.

Glad to hear you get to keep the XC. I hope you continue to have many happy times with the kids and the XC.


12-18-2005, 10:49 PM
Anyone remember VolvoGal, my wife who made a couple of posts? She decided that she didn't want to be married any more after 25 years. She was nervous about having a euro car, so I got the XC and she bought a new Subaru Legacy wagon. Weird, not weird?

Sorry to hear about your divorce. Friend of mine experienced the same thing. One day his wife came home and announced that she did not want to be married anymore. Later on he found out that she was having an affair with her colleague. He was devasted by the whole thing. But when you hit bottom, you inevitably go up; and this is what happened to him. He found another woman, fifteen years his junior, who adores him to the point that she makes us all sick, even though we are not only happy for him but maybe even somewhat jealous :D The morale of the story is that there are plenty of other women, who are twenty years your junior who are ready to adore you. All you have to do is exercise your patience. Sorry again about your heartache.

Ta-ta, janusz

12-19-2005, 01:12 AM
Thanks for the well wishes, guys. At this point, the only real heartache is not being with my sons full time to eat an impromtu bowl of cereal with them, surf the web for bike parts, listen to Pink Floyd, etc.

So, if I decide to try dating after the divorce documentation is recorded, how will it be when I drive up in an XC? Will the gal get that look in her eyes walking to the car, like, "what the heck kind of car is that???" :) Come on, everyone, we have to admit to ourselves that XCs are cars that only a conditioned owner could love.

12-19-2005, 02:22 AM

Sorry to hear about the divorce. FWIW: As to being single and driving an XC70, my youngest son had a V70 while he was dating and he actually reported a Volvo wagon was a plus...


12-19-2005, 03:57 AM
Pick-up the girlfriend in the Chevelle and after driving around in that beast for a while switch to the XC70 to show her how "refined" you really are!! [bigsanta]
Seriously good luck, things will get better with time

12-19-2005, 06:59 AM
Well, the impression the XC will make depends entirely upon the type of woman approaching it. If a women doesn't see its many virtues then perhaps she wouldn't be a good fit for you anyway.

When I was dating I had a series of 3 digusting beaters - although this was basically due to cheapness, I came to consider them 'gold-digger filters' - my current wife later revealed that she found my rusty old convertible 'charming' (whatever that means).

I'd say the XC is an entirely appropriate car for a 46 year old divorced man with children - a Corvette or something similar just smacks of insecurity - the XC is practical, but refined & upscale with a hint of rugged excitement - what a perfect image for you to project!

12-19-2005, 07:08 AM
Gibs, we are all thinking of you and wishing you the best. Consider us an in-house support group. Maybe we need to start another Nokian thread! (Yes, I did buy mine and think they're great.)

I always considered the Volvo a "gentleman's" car and must admit that I still do. However, if you have that Chevelle lurking in the background then the beast is always available.

I've wondered how Faye and I managed to stay together for 30 years as well. For the last 20 years we've had 2 houses, worked in 2 different cities, have few similar hobbies and are always travelling to opposite sides of the continent. Hmn, looks like we'd better never retire or all hell will break loose!

Cheerio and hope that we will continue to enjoy your insights and regular posts.


12-19-2005, 07:29 AM
So, if I decide to try dating after the divorce documentation is recorded, how will it be when I drive up in an XC? Will the gal get that look in her eyes walking to the car, like, "what the heck kind of car is that???" :) Come on, everyone, we have to admit to ourselves that XCs are loveably odd.

My theory is that any woman who has no appreciation for Volvos is wasting your time. :D Now that you are mature and divorced, you want a woman with class. The odds are that any woman who drives or likes a Volvo or a Saab is both classy and somewhat odd, and this a perfect combination. :D

Ta-ta, j.

12-23-2005, 08:55 PM
Gibbons, so sorry to hear about your latest news. Hopefully you will be able to spend some quality time with the boys this weekend.

As far as the XC being appropriate - absolutely! Volvo is no longer just a 'family' car. If my date showed up driving a Volvo, I'd be thrilled - it would suggest to me that he was intelligent, careful, a good decision-maker, and most likely conservative.

If the gal doesn't understand that, then move on!! [happy]

12-23-2005, 11:09 PM
Cars are a guy thing. How many women post on this forum or on any car forum, for that matter? A woman may notice if a guy is driving a beat-up old clunker. Other than that, I would say the model car a guy drives is way down the list of things that a woman is concerned about. You may be self-conscious about what you're driving, but she probably couldn't care less.

I remember one time I hadn't driven my wife's car in a while. When I did, I noticed that the steering wheel made an incredibly loud racket when it was turned. "Haven't you ever noticed that horrible noise?," I asked. "Yes, but I thought it was just my bracelets hitting the steering wheel."

12-24-2005, 05:31 AM
Merry Christmas Ken!
Wishing you the best..
Just a little something to look forward to from this end.....I'm 40, unmarried and always found that I was being complimented on the XC. Strangley enough I've even been complimented when driving the 240 wagon! Unbelievably from one who thought it reflected my "individualness and disregard to high end imperialistic European status-seekers". Note to self: should have dug deeper into that one because she probably was low maintenance. The other (was a photographer) just thought it was so cool and wanted to buy it from me. :cool:

Anyway, I tend to agree with the theory that women who don't appreciate Volvos are a waste of time and lack class . :D I met Meg when I was checking her Volvo wagon out in the Whole Foods parking lot. [thumbup] Turned out to be only one of many similar interests. When I bought my kayak this summer the Necky sales rep asked me for my number. I was tying the kayak down on the XC when she pulled into the parking lot of the shop. She came over and said "Wow! A Necky on a Volvo! How cool is that!" (THANKS ART! ;) )

When you can't be with the boys make the most of any time you get with yourself. Throw all of your toys on the roof and go man! They'll be checking out who this guy is! [thumbup]

For some reason this thread made me think of that movie "Crazy People" where the patients in a mental hospital became advertising execs. They said: "Porsche. It's a little too small to get laid IN it, but you get laid the minute you get out of it!" I can't remember exactly what they said about Volvo, but I found this quote:

"Car usually driven by movie stars, astronauts, ninjas and super heroes. Drivers of this vehicle usually possess genius level intelligence.
Usually when an owner of a volvo dies they are carried to heaven on a chariot made of gold and chocolate. Once there everyone gives them Hi 5's cause of their taste in cars"

12-24-2005, 02:19 PM
I can't speak for ALL women, of course, but trust me.....the type of car is NOT far down on "the list" that females carry around in their heads.

12-24-2005, 03:56 PM
Gibbons, enjoy Christmas first off, then look forward.

I am in two relationships/marriages, my wife accepts the other relationship and knows she will always come a close second to the first. The kids often join me when I go out 'with the other'. I often wonder what I would do if one of them told me to decide them over the other, I don't really know the answer to that one. But my wife does know in some years time I will drop the other one for her and then we will be able to spend quality time together (if she lasts that long, that is). Of course my other relationship is my work and like John@CdnRockiesmy wife does not know if I will be at home tonight with her or on the other side of the World.

Why just today, Christmas Eve I got called into work and yes tomorrow, Christmas Day I have to go into work again, one day I will have to choose one over the other but whatever fate deals, I will be sad to see the other one go.

Chin up and who knows????? your (lotto) numbers will fall into place and you will never look back.

Here's thinking to you, Gibs [thumbup] and remember never expect things to happen, it will happen when you least expect it too.

12-24-2005, 04:25 PM
Cameron, you had me going there for the first few sentences. Nice bit of fishing my friend ... fed me hook, line and sinker!:eek:

Faye and I are both thinking about surrendering the company credit cards and retiring to the country place, so next year may be an interesting experience. We may be down to 4 wheel transport instead of being stuck in an economy airseat. Sure looks good from my perspective. Cheerio in the meantime.

And Ken, we wish you all the best and look forward to your new role in capturing ladies hearts with that fine rig. Cameron and I could relay a mutual story of a lassie's infatuation with Volvos so there is always hope. As with anything, Cameron is on the mark when he says it will hit when you least expect it.


12-26-2005, 12:57 PM
Thats bad news, and it will be sore for a while and the fact you have posted it shows hopefully that by not burying it but dealing with it, its like someone passing away but the difficult bit is that they are still around.

My advice is keep things around you that you enjoy, family and friends of course but in a strange way the car as well. You obviously like your XC70 and we like you liking it as well.

Chin up as we say in the UK and take heart that others here are thinking of you as well.

12-27-2005, 03:29 AM
noting to add at this point, just an idea: why next spring don't you take your guys to europe? i think you could get a lot of support from all of us living in this part of the ocean, think about it.
hope 2006 will be really special for you.