View Full Version : Uh Oh ….. My '00 XC70 is hesitating ...

11-02-2005, 03:34 PM
… giving intermittant "ABS Brake Service Required" and "Performance Reduced" messages. This has been happening for about 6 months and I've only now looked up these forums to see what the problem might be.

I haven't worried about it too much because each time the messages clear after restarting the car. The messages only come up when I'm on the freeway (every say 2 months) and at 100km/hr speeds, but not during round town driving.

My car has done 73,000 kms (~44k miles) and was manufactured in August '00 and is the current shape.

Are these early signs of a double whammy, both ETM and ABS module failures?? $$$$$???

Should I proactively get both replaced now or wait until complete failure??

11-02-2005, 03:51 PM
Ha ha ha panic has set in with you big time. It's not your ETM, don't panic on that front just yet, but, it is your ABS module and yes it is a very costly piece.

One thing you should be aware of with a faulty ABS module is; in the event of an emergency braking action your ABS will not work and you will have to rely on your normal brake disc's to stop you. In the event of an accident and if it were proved you were driving a faulty car your insurance company might not pay out.

I know it is such a pain in the A$$ but sooner or later you will have to cough up.

Have you told your dealer yet? have they made a note of this fault on their system, if they have TUFF, if not, shut up and get your next warranty cover and see if your ASB system is covered, sometimes your extended warranty covered different things from year to year so your next warranty might be the one in which case you can get it done for nought. Good luck and remember while your brake system if faulty your ABS system is not working, quite important if you transport small members of your family. Oh and don't take any crap about the sensors on the wheels needing air blown on then to clear the problem, it does not work, it does not even respond to air being blown on it.

11-02-2005, 04:02 PM
Thanks for your reply. Is it possible though for an ABS brake issue to also cause "performance reduced" messages and engine hesitation ??

11-02-2005, 04:18 PM
NO is the short answer but I also had both go wrong with mine, although I had 67K on the clock and my ABS was going when I bought the car but they waited until it was out of warranty before they found the cause, oh that meant I had to pay for it rather than Volvo, how nice.

Your ETM might be going but the two are in no way related to each other so you are not getting one playing off the other.

While your ETM is faulty your Cruise control will not work but it will work with a faulty ABS system, do your own checks and see how it goes.

11-02-2005, 05:11 PM
While your ETM is faulty your Cruise control will not work but it will work with a faulty ABS system, do your own checks and see how it goes.
Cruise control does work. The engine hestitation has occurred both with and without the cruise control being engaged. On cruise control, if the engine hesitates, the cruise control just continues to maintain the set speed.

OK, so it seems the 2 issues aren't related, and in fact the 2 modules (ABS & ETM) are both showing early signs of failure after all.

Can I panic yet, or should I just raise the limit on my credit card?

11-03-2005, 02:59 AM
Can I panic yet, or should I just raise the limit on my credit card?

Are you a member of the AA or AAA or whatever your equivalent is? if you are a fully paid up member and have ALL options I would not panic, when the time comes, call them up, inform them where you are and have the heap towed (remember to have a full lift) to your dealer for repair.

As for the increase on your card, I would not do it because someone in your house might start early Christmas shopping on it (LOL)

The ABS is an important piece of kit and I would have that done as soon as but as for the ETM, if Volvo do lose the case then they will have to pay for it so why would you want to loan them your money and allow them get interest on your money. I held off until mine died, got it towed and fixed then, but I have the bills for full reimbursement when the time comes :D

11-05-2005, 06:41 PM
Thanks for your responses. I'll take it to a dealer to get the ABS checked out.