View Full Version : Volvo for Life?

07-26-2002, 11:26 PM
Yes, It is for life.
1st Volvo 71 P1800E (used)
2nd Volvo 02 v70xc  (new)

07-27-2002, 11:57 AM
Yes, Volvo for Life indeed.

1984 Volvo 240 DL Sedan (new)

1984 Volvo 240 Turbo Sedan (used)

1986 Volvo 240 DL Sedan (new)

1990 Volvo 740 GLE 16 Valve (new)

1993 Volvo 850 GLT (new)

2002 Volvo V70 XC (new)

I think Volvo has one of the highest brand royalty.  Besides Volvo, I had VW Golf, Toyota Mark II, Toyota Pickup Truck, and Isuzu Impulse.

07-27-2002, 02:07 PM
1987 240 Wagon (new)

1989 740 Wagon (new)

1999 XC (new)

2002 XC (guess)


07-29-2002, 12:35 PM
Volvo for Life
First     01 V70XC silver
Second 02 S60 2.4T silver

I am very happy with Volvo

pico de luuks
08-21-2002, 10:27 AM
After ten years of second hand adventures I finally wised up:
1997 Volvo V70GLt (new) silver
2002 Volvo V70XC (new) ashgold
2007  Volvo XC....(or ACC)? http://xc70.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/cool.gif

great cars sofar!!

08-21-2002, 01:34 PM
1st:  New 1984 240DL
2nd: New 1987 240DL wagon (still have it - awesome car&#33http://xc70.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif
3rd: New 1989 740GL
4th: New (August 2002) V70XC

08-22-2002, 03:13 AM
#1. 1994 Volvo 850 GLT wagon (new)
Loved its safety, versatility, comfort, efficiency.
Got rid of it because of increasing unreliability and wanted more performance and better handling.

#2. 2002 Volvo V70XC V.O.R. (new)
Safer, more versatile, more comfortable, better looking, geartronic fun to drive compared to 4spd auto.
Probably more efficient but there's a lot more weight...
Better performance and handling but only just.
Poorer quality and possibly some of the same reliability issues that I thought that I was getting rid of.

Will there be a # 3? Not sure. Quality of #2 has me worried.

08-23-2002, 12:39 AM
Used to have an old Volvo 245 Wagon.
Great car!
Used it for hauling dogs.


08-27-2002, 12:42 PM
1. '68 Pontiac LeMans (4door)  Detroit muscle

2. '81 Volvo 244 GL - a dream in BRG.  shattered in crash.

3. '83 Volvo 244 DL - hardly a worthwhile substitute

4. '86 Volvo 245 DL - about time I got to wagons. 268K miles when I gave it up for a 'new' car.  Should have stuck it out  

5. '99 Volvo S70 AWD - piece of, well, you know what.  everything from aerial to steering fluid reservoir to shocks to odd sized tires replaced.

6. '01 Volvo V70 XC - starting down the road of that S70.  bushings, bearings, sway bars, and now a throttle module have been replaced.  This as well as the usual brakes and tires.

Volvo for life?  Volvo best come to the plate rsn before I reconsider. http://xc70.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/sad.gif

08-27-2002, 03:53 PM
It's interesting that people who have bad experiences with a particular car manufacturer sometimes continue to buy their newer models.

Our 740GL was not a particularly good car - we always put it down to the fact that it wasn't made in Sweden. It failed several times on highways, spontaneously went on fire once, and parts wore at an alarming rate.

But what do we do? Go out and buy another Volvo http://xc70.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wow.gif

pico de luuks
08-27-2002, 05:49 PM
Looks your bad experience, the 740, got compensated by a good one. http://xc70.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif Your 240! http://xc70.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif
I hope our choise for a new XC is as good as your choise back in 1987 for the 240.
My previous volvo, a '97 V70glt *ate* lightbulbs, but no other trouble in the five years I had the car. http://xc70.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/cool.gif

08-27-2002, 08:28 PM
True enough, the 240 is a wonderful car. Maybe that's why we bought the XC!

The 740 was made in Gent, Belgium, the 240 was made in Goteburg. I noticed that all the V70's on the lot where we bought our car were made in Belgium, and all the XC's were made in Sweden.

Is there any difference in quality between a car made in Sweden and a car made somewhere else? I believe Volvos are also made in Canada, and maybe Portugal. Just curious...

08-27-2002, 10:22 PM
Volvos were at one time made in Canada, this is no longer the case. Believe it was mainly in the 240 days. http://xc70.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif

08-27-2002, 10:24 PM
As a basic newcomer to Volvo, it's reassuring to see posts from a group of multiple owners. If you're fortunate enough to have one like Irv Gordon, I guess it's natural to hang on to it. http://xc70.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif

2 Million Mile Volvo (http://www.canadiandriver.com/news/020312-5.htm)

pico de luuks
08-28-2002, 07:51 AM
Hi Wiz &  Coastal,
The Volvo plant in Canada was near halifax NS and closed back in '98. The only model being produced there the last years was the V70. http://xc70.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif
About the quality of cars from the different factories, no idea. The two volvo's I had came from Sweden and were good. Guess no mather were your car is produced, there are always the *monday morning cars* http://xc70.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/confused.gif Just hope you didn't get it!

08-29-2002, 05:00 AM
[Art] Irv gets a heck of a lot of support from Volvo though. It's not luck.

Hiro's XC
09-06-2002, 12:59 PM
Not really. But when I was in between cars and din't want to drive my good one in the salt I bought a trade in special. About 4 years ago, a 1985 745 turbo wagon. from oklahoma. No rust, just a lot of sun damage on the interior and some faded paint. Best $1500 I ever spent. It had 110K miles. I put about $1500 in repairs in it. (did it myself) Gosh, that car was easy to work on! Dialed up the boost a bit. Fun car. TONS of space. I drove it to 150K and sold it 6 months later to a contractor friend and he now has 245K miles on it and it's going strong. Oh, And I got $3K for the car. Not bad to drive a car for 40K and get your money back!

Now we have the new XC. Over the years there has been 15 BMW's, a mazda, 3 VW's, a buick, and a cheby truck.


09-06-2002, 04:38 PM
1st: 1978 245 DL Wagon. I wasn't a big Volvo fan at the time. The only reason I bought it was it's low price of $500. This car made a believer out of me. It wasn't in great shape, but in ran like a champ. I was impressed by the practicality and versatility of the wagon.

2nd: 1989 740 Turbo Wagon. The leather and the fact that this car was sporty made me love Volvo even more. The 4cyl. engine in this car awed me.

3rd: 2002 V70 XC. After my previous experiences with Volvo, I was more than ready when the opportunity arose to purchase my dream car, the Cross Country. What more can I say, my wife and I love this car. I can't forget the safety features. Very impressive.

09-06-2002, 04:58 PM
Had a peek under the hood yet, tercero?

Bit different from a 240/740, eh? http://xc70.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif