View Full Version : Huge Disappointment and Alarm Code

05-07-2005, 04:39 PM
After having patiently waited for two months, my factory order finally arrived on Tuesday. I couldn't go to Littleton, CO to pick up my car until today, Saturday. I was so excited that I didn't sleep well last night. This morning I drove one hour with the rest of my family to the dealer. When I arrived I was told that there was a "small problem" with my car and that the master mechanic, with 25 years of experience, and two mechanics, are working on this issue with my car's "alarm code." I didn't think much of it, since he sounded as if I just needed to wait a bit for them to fix the problem.

After having waited for over an hour, I was told that "the master mechanic" couldn't figure out this "alarm code" with my car, and that he'll have to wait until Monday to call the headquarters in Sweden. The nonchalant manner with which he informed me really irritated me. I reminded him that he had my car sitting in the dealer lot for nearly a week. To that, he CORRECTED me by saying "no, since Tuesday." Then when I told him that he could have easily called me this morning to inform me of the problem, he said he didn't get to learn about the problem until 9 a.m. and he figured that I probably had left my house by then. (I didn't leave the house until 9:30 a.m. in order to fix my kids breakfast.) He then suggested that I sign all the papers and go through the complete transaction, and then he'll deliver my car to Colorado Springs where I reside in. I told him that there's no way that I'm willing to do that without first having inspected the car with my prepared delivery checklist. At that point I had no idea what other "issues" I might have with the car, and I didn't feel like finding out whatever potential problems after the completed transaction and about one hour drive away. He then basically had this attitude of "well, fine, I did what I could do and the rest is your problem. Drive back to CS and wait for my call that the car is ready." This fellow was quite a different personality prior to the car's arrival and afterwards.

Well, at this point, what would YOU have done? (I know what I DID, and I'll tell you all later, but for now, I'd like to hear a couple things:

1) What would you have done given the situation?

2) If you happen to know why in the heck that a master Volvo mechanic with 25 years of experience cannot figure out this "alarm code" issue, please share with me and others.


05-07-2005, 10:05 PM
What would I do?
I'd probably sign and let them deliver the car to me. Sounds reasonable. Do your checklist at your place. They have to take 2 people there (your car and a chase car) then wait while you look it over, etc. It won't be inexpensive for them to do that. You find anything you want fixed they can take it back.

It's just a car

Pick up my XC 90 in about a month.

edit: Sorry to hear about your car not being ready. I'm amped up about mine too

05-08-2005, 03:07 AM
1st: Let them explain that "alarm code" problem. What is this? Is it a mechanic problem or some electric, programming issue? Why the "master mechanic" works on it?
Is the problem with the car itself, or with the alarm system or radio? How skilled is the dealer, do they use VADIS system for examining the problem?

2nd: I will accept the car, and sign anything AFTER I could check everything, and the car was PROVED problem free. The best place to do this is the dealer's lot with VADIS diagnostic tool.

3rd: I can accept vis major situations. The scenario, where they forgot to tell you the problem in the morning (in time), is not that.

If they give you a loaner XC70, and some gifts it can compensate you. I don't say, you need more then you agreed, but you need what the deal was about and not less.

Two more stories.
I was dealing whit the largest Volvo dealer in my country, and whit the owner's son. We had the delivery by 5pm. When we arrived, he said, that we have a problem, the vynil linier (I ordered, covering the whole carpet in the cargo area) was not fitted in the car. He said, if I like it now (after working hours) he can fit it (some drilling and patents in the cargo). And he did it. I was satisfied, and still going to the service there.

The wife's beemer was delivered with a "small problem", upon delivery "something" fall on the hood, and demaged it. I said, no problem, you have to change it, and give me an official report, that it was made before delivery, and you did everything by the factory's descriptions. They said I'm right.
On week later we accepted the car. It took me two month to get the paper! Later my mechanic showed me, that the hood was "hammered" and painted, and the paint is not the highest quality.
I never used that service, but I could do nothing more.

To cut a long story short, I can imagine, you are eager to get your car. But. The things are not solved before delivery will be solved never.
Thinking about the future, you should ask the service, to give you an official report about the problem, so later if something "related" happens (I hope won't), you have the background.

Good luck, and let us be informed.

05-08-2005, 05:59 AM
Sounds like a programming issue for the key fob. Maybe the ECU is defective and simply wont program.
Doesn't sound like a major issue, but one that would really make me MAD!
Memo to self, always take delivery midweek when they have less pressure on them to get cars ready.
If I got mad I would have walked away with my money.
If I got smart, I would have wanted a demo to see the problem for myself. Become part of the team that solves the problem. This approach helps them see you're a participatory owner strengthens relationships for the long term.

05-08-2005, 07:48 AM
Boy, quick enough to grab your money and then give you the cold shoulder. Guys like this need to be taken down a peg or two as soon as this happens.

The first question I have to ask you is this 'shower' you are dealing with a main Volvo dealer?

And now in the defence of your car I would remind you that Volvo 'lock' your car when it leaves the factory. This ensures that if I spot your car on the transporter and try and nick it it will only do a couple of things. 1 the wipers will work, 2 it starts and turns off for a couple of times, 3 it is programed to 'drive' about 100 miles before locking up totally and 4 I can't listen to the radio or adjust the seats or open the sunroof, bummer. When the car leaves the factory it is programmed to drive it to the port, on the boat, off the boat, on the lorry, off the lorry and into your dealers lot, after that you can do bugger all with it. Once it arrives at the dealer, it must be plugged into Sweden (via VADIS), once Sweden is happy that your car is where it is suppose to be it sends data to update all the features, basically it send data to 'wake' the car up, it also adds updates that might have happened since it left the production line. It sounds like a polava but it does insure your car does not fall into the wrong hands.

I believe that your dealer has not done this final task and the car is 'locking' itself, once they have sorted out the updates etc your car will be ready to go like a baby. I would bear with them but I would give the manager of the dealership a ring on Monday morning and let him know how disappointed you are at his staff, their attitude and your frustration. Remind him that buying a new car is a little different to buying the weekly groceries and you expect some form of 'repayment' (not compensation) but something like a full tank of gas, or a free service excluding parts and see what he responds with.

I know how maddening it must be but try and show them that you are a little above that stage of 'throwing your toys out of your pram' and although you are annoyed at the disappointment of not getting your NEW car on time as promised, you are more annoyed with his staff with regards to their incompetence.

Good luck.

05-08-2005, 08:28 AM
Those are some pretty neat insights, Cameron (AWD*V70XC). Never crossed my mind that manufacturers would add security in the delivery phase. Given the power of Vadis and the uncertainty of world wide deliveries, it sure makes sense to do so. The boys in Sweden go up a notch in my mind.


05-08-2005, 11:56 AM
Boy, quick enough to grab your money and then give you the cold shoulder. Guys like this need to be taken down a peg or two as soon as this happens.

The first question I have to ask you is this 'shower' you are dealing with a main Volvo dealer?

And now in the defence of your car I would remind you that Volvo 'lock' your car when it leaves the factory. This ensures that if I spot your car on the transporter and try and nick it it will only do a couple of things. 1 the wipers will work, 2 it starts and turns off for a couple of times, 3 it is programed to 'drive' about 100 miles before locking up totally and 4 I can't listen to the radio or adjust the seats or open the sunroof, bummer. When the car leaves the factory it is programmed to drive it to the port, on the boat, off the boat, on the lorry, off the lorry and into your dealers lot, after that you can do bugger all with it. Once it arrives at the dealer, it must be plugged into Sweden (via VADIS), once Sweden is happy that your car is where it is suppose to be it sends data to update all the features, basically it send data to 'wake' the car up, it also adds updates that might have happened since it left the production line. It sounds like a polava but it does insure your car does not fall into the wrong hands.

I believe that your dealer has not done this final task and the car is 'locking' itself, once they have sorted out the updates etc your car will be ready to go like a baby. I would bear with them but I would give the manager of the dealership a ring on Monday morning and let him know how disappointed you are at his staff, their attitude and your frustration. Remind him that buying a new car is a little different to buying the weekly groceries and you expect some form of 'repayment' (not compensation) but something like a full tank of gas, or a free service excluding parts and see what he responds with.

I know how maddening it must be but try and show them that you are a little above that stage of 'throwing your toys out of your pram' and although you are annoyed at the disappointment of not getting your NEW car on time as promised, you are more annoyed with his staff with regards to their incompetence.

Good luck.

This is very insightful!! I think what was happening yesterday at the dealership is exactly what you described here. Now I know why I'm addicted to this Volvo forum! I always learn something new and interesting!!

But one thing I just don't get is this: This dealership in Littleton, CO, is one of the main Volvo dealers in the state. It's actually larger than the one in Colorado Springs. It even has an Internet Sales unit through which I had factory ordered my car. It's been around for many years, and it has all the equipments to handle all Volvo electrical and mechanical repairs. As I stated earlier, it also has a very experienced (25 years) Master Volvo Mechanic on its staff. I'm pretty sure that my car WASN'T the ONLY or the very FIRST car the dealership has ever factory ordered. In other words, what the heck were they doing with my car on Saturday knowing that 1) the headquarters in Sweden is closed (is it Sunday over there?), and 2) they need to connect my car to Sweden headquarters to "unlock" the car?

I think the most likely scenario was that the Internet salesman didn't know about this "unlocking" issue with the new factory ordered cars and inadvertently okayed my picking it up on Saturday. When he realized that my car got locked up, he had the mechanics look at it. The Master Volvo Mechanic then perhaps thought that he could find a way to unlock without having to connect the car to Sweden.

Perhaps... But then they had my car since Tuesday.... Wouldn't they "unlock" all factory ordered cars as soon as (or soon thereafter) the cars arrival? Very strange....

I'm assuming that the salesman will call me some time tomorrow, Monday. I'll let you all know the answer to this "alarm code" issue.

05-08-2005, 04:35 PM
I'd be peeved big-time. Things like this happen, but to not call you is inexcuseable and they should know that. I'd place a call to the sales manager the first thing Monday morning. I also wouldn't sign for delivery of the vehicle until I knew it was perfect.

05-08-2005, 08:25 PM
Everyone is stupid and incompetant. Wow, that sounds rude, doesn't it! I just bought a $6000 bicycle. The shop knew for two weeks that it needed to be built on a certain day. That day came, and they didn't have two of the components. Sure, there are more expensive bikes, but I would think that for that much money, someone would pay attention. So they substituted the component for another, and then after I picked up the bike, they kinda lost interest in getting me the right one, so I had to buy one elsewhere to get it right.

If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. That's why I change my own oil and rotate my own tires, even though those tasks are included with our 04 XC. I have a Vadis DVD, I am just lacking that Vadis subscription :rolleyes:

05-09-2005, 12:53 AM
Everyone is stupid and incompetent. Wow, that sounds rude, doesn't it!

I do not recall anyone saying someone was stupid or incompetent, but I think incompetency was cited on behalf of the dealer and also their lack of customer service/manner.

As you said yourself, 'they' are only interested in getting your money, once they have that, you become a digit, not a potential customer with money to spend.

I think as we are heading into a bad recession people must be careful that they are getting what they have ordered AND value for money. Tuff times are ahead, better you watch your back than have then watch your back instead.

05-09-2005, 07:09 AM
As much as I like Volvos it is high time that many of us who have problems with European-car dealers stand up and demand to be serviced properly, or we walk away. I see so many of these European-car dealers who behave like primadonnas because they think that those who like European cars will put up with their nonsense. When you go to an average Honda or Toyota dealership, you rarely encounter the poor service that Euro-dealerships provide. I know that there are exceptions, but the pity is that these are exceptions and not norms.

Ta-ta, janusz

05-10-2005, 10:05 AM
Okay, so here's the final update (a bit long!):

But before the update, let me tell you what I did on my abortive trip to the dealership on Saturday. Frankly, I wasn't all that upset with the "small problem" that the salesman announced to me upon my arrival. I've been on this Volvo forum long enough to know that I should expect things like that. But it was the way he handled the situation. I went through a lot to make my appointment on Saturday. I was scheduled to work on Saturday so I changed with one of my colleagues. I rescheduled my kids' couple lessons with tutors. Then I called my insurance company of the new car so that I'd be covered on the return trip. Not to mention all sorts of little adjustments I had to make in order to make the appointment. And what was this salesman's attitude? Prior to informing me of the problem with my car, he had insulted me with a couple other issues that I'm not going to detail here. In spite of all this, ALL that he really had to do to smooth things out with the unpleasant and frustrating situation was to simply acknowledge that he screwed up by letting my car just sit there for nearly a week without doing anything until the very last minute and having failed to call me that morning to just let me be informed of the problem. Not only wasn't he willing to do so, but he had quick and insulting retorts to all of my questioning regarding his poor decisions. Now, he could still have salvaged the situation by at least offering to fill up the tank with a short insincere apology. No....

Being a stereotypical car salesman, apparently he thought that he was under total control now that the car's here. Apparently he thought I'd put up with anything to get the possession of the car. Well, he apparently also forgot that I had never paid a downpayment of any kind at the time of the order, not a dime. Being totally frustrated and incensed, I decided to turn the table around by giving him a bit of taste on what I was tasting. First, I demanded a compensation for my troubles. I suggested to him that the dealership throw in a thermal cooler box. At this he lied to me by saying that he cannot get in touch with his boss since he's out of town. So I told him that he can keep my car and do as he pleases with it and proceeded to walk out with my wife and kids. I could see that steam was coming out of his both ears in full force. He could moonlight as a serial killer, I thought, judging by how he was straining to stifle his rage. The dealerships are expecting new 2006 cars in a couple months, and what was he going to do with my car with all sorts of options, not to mention all of his efforts going down the toilet without getting a dime?

Not being an idiot, he then realized very quickly that it wasn't HIM who was under the control of the situation. This is when all things worked out nicely for me (with near perfection). He said he'll see what he could do. Only about 30 minutes later, while I was shopping in Denver with my family (didn't want the trip to go to total waste), I got a call from him. He said that he just finished talking with the owner of the dealership, and that I will not only get the thermal cooler box but also other accessories that I had mentioned to him as my wish list: a steel cargo organizer and wing profile bars. I said, great, call me when the car problem's been fixed.

Around 10 a.m. Monday, the salesman called me to inform me that my car's problem has been resolved and that it was just a "connection" issue. So we made an arrangement for him and one other guy to deliver my car and do all necessary paper work at my house. I asked him to make sure to bring a mechanic's report detailing what the original problem was for "future purposes."

Now, here's where one small interesting thing happened. His co-worker arrived first, and he was surprised that the salesman hasn't arrived before him. He kept marveling at that and swore that the salesman took off first before him. I of course didn't think much of it. Perhaps he stopped by a gas station or something. About 10 minutes later the salesman arrived. I took out my delivery check list and asked him to help me go over the items. Again, my wife and I could see steam coming out of his ears although he had his false smile on his face. If we happened to live in a totally lawless land, I'm sure he'd have tried his utmost to end my life or tear me to pieces.

Sensing that all's pretty good, I decided to quickly go over the delivery list items (took all of 10 minutes) just so that I don't send him over the edge. But I did check all the promised accessory items, and they were all there as promised. Except that I noticed the thermal cooler box that he brought was a used one with some dog hair and a little cut on the side. He just told me that it came "without the box" (and no brochure, either). At this point, I decided to just keep my mouth shut. After all, I got more than what I asked for. And I was also very interested in sending him off on his way as quickly as possible.

After the paper work and the completion of the transaction, it occurred to me that what the salesman -- who had earlier told me that he also owns an XC70 and who had highly recommended my getting a thermal cooler box because he really liked his -- switched his used cooler box with a brand new one. Now, that solved a little mystery as to why he came about 10 minutes AFTER the other guy in spite of the fact that he took off first. I just chuckled at this. Now, I'd bet that his boss doesn't know anything about this, I'm sure. But I'm just going to bury this and turn my eyes the other way. He in his own way wanted some sort of compensation for his troubles and his own frustrations. So we're EVEN.

All's well that end's well. As soon as my wife and I picked up our kids from thier school, we test drove it back to Denver to pick up and install a Thule Evolution 1600 on that cool looking wing profile at the Rack Attack. Now I gotta figure out how to install the steel cargo organizer with my third row seats, and see if the used thermal cooler works at all.

Funny.... all he ever had to do was a bit of apology or a simple gesture of some kind to dissipate the frustrating situation. I guess I should thank him for the opportunity to get a nearly $1,000 worth of accessories....

So what was the original problem. I'll let the experts on this forum figure this out (in verbatim from the report):

"Complaint: The Alarm will not sound. Correction: Connected and read trace vem 0004 to ground fault in siren circuit. Removed the siren and traced ground fault. Repaired fault alarm is working correctly now."

Could one of you experts translate this to plain English?

05-10-2005, 10:50 AM
Let me say Here, Here! I loved the fact that you made him sweat for his sale :D As a matter of fact, I would have written him a note letting him know that had he behaved and treated you like a decent human being, he could have saved $1000. He is too dimwitted, however, to realize that it was his attitude and not your greed that got him. I must say that you were quite kind to overlook the issue of the cooler box. I would have made him drive to get a new one and not because I particularly enjoy making other people suffer but because I am so tired of us getting ripped off by the salesmen. I always find it astonishing how little self-reflection car dealers possess. It rarely occurs to them that it is in their own self interest not to treat their clients as morons. Anyway, good for you . . . :D

Ta-ta, janusz

05-10-2005, 10:51 AM
Sys, I'm glad to hear your story's happy end.
The used cooler box: I could never imagine of such a situation. You decided to shut your mouth. OK. But what damage will this guy do to the owner and to Volvo?

05-10-2005, 11:49 AM
I don't want to spoil what you and others have said.

Well done :D & Happy Driving. :D

PS: I love a story with a happy ending, sob sob.....

05-10-2005, 04:41 PM
Definitely a pleasure to read your post. Every word of it was greedily devoured by this owner. Well done on all counts!


05-10-2005, 04:55 PM
After all that they didn't explain the problem to you? Sounds like a short in the alarm circuit. Probably a loose wire (other than that in the salesman). I'll bet this guy isn't there next time you visit. Glad it worked out Ok.

05-10-2005, 06:22 PM
After all that they didn't explain the problem to you? Sounds like a short in the alarm circuit. Probably a loose wire (other than that in the salesman). I'll bet this guy isn't there next time you visit. Glad it worked out Ok.

Here's what I wrote earlier (in verbatim from their report, which I demanded) about what the problem was:

"Complaint: The Alarm will not sound. Correction: Connected and read trace vem 0004 to ground fault in siren circuit. Removed the siren and traced ground fault. Repaired fault alarm is working correctly now."

I still don't know what went wrong. No one has translated this into plain English for me yet. :o

05-10-2005, 06:41 PM
Sounds like a wire came loose in transit. Specifically a ground wire. Not a big deal. Electrical problems can be a bear to run down. I've had some in the harness wiring in the steering column. (in some of our trucks, not my Volvo)
I think we just replaced the entire harness

Glad to hear that all is well. I would have wasted a little more of the salesman's time. Maybe a letter to the Dealership owner would be in order. One thing I will not put up with in a dealer is lying about anything. Delivery date, price, etc.

05-10-2005, 06:41 PM
I'll bet this guy isn't there next time you visit.

I think he'll still be there as long as I don't call his boss and tell him about what he did with the thermal cooler box. If I tell his boss about this, I think he'll surely lose his job over it. It amounts to a company theft, actually. Even though I don't like the guy, because I've been unemployeed in the past, I will certainly not go that far.

The main thing is that it all turned out great. I'll tell you something silly, too. I bought this for my wife who will use this car mainly to commute to her work and back less than half a mile one way (yes, I DID suggest that she walk to work and get her daily exercise out of the way, but she's.... well... lazy and stubborn). Today, before I picked my boys from their school, I swung by her place of work just to admire the car for a full minute in silence. I believe I'll do the same tomorrow, too. :o

I found out that the crystal green color is somewhat different from its 2004 version. I had been tormented by my indecisiveness with this exterior color thing, but when I saw the salesman drive up to my driveway on Monday, I had this epiphany. The color, it turns out, is PERFECT!!! With the Thule Evolution 1600 sitting on top of the Volvo's Wing Profile crossbar, it was heavenly to behold. I'll post a picture or two when I'm less stressed out.

05-11-2005, 04:49 PM
That was cool!! Well done! ....
I can really imaging all that happening according my experience about US car sales men (By the way, they all are same in every country) and you did it right!!

And I agree that if you would tell his boss about cooler, he would get fired and it would not be worth of fire.

05-16-2005, 02:13 PM
sorry to hear about your car. Since we're talking about alarms. Once, when i activate my alarm, it didn't flash. So, I called the service advisor which we were good friends. So I told him I have a light out, so he replaced it for free to me due to warranty. And also told him that the alarm once didnt flash when activated. But it flashed when he was there. ANy ideas?

05-16-2005, 04:36 PM
one of the doors probably wasn't closed properly.

05-17-2005, 07:48 AM
You're a bigger person than I would have been. I'ld have asked for new cooler box. Taken a picture of it to prove it was "used".

Well you did get all the free stuff... so whatever.

I hope you enjoy your new XC and please post some pics soon.



05-17-2005, 09:52 AM
A few days ago I received an email from the salesman that made me laugh out loud. You see, I had asked him, at the time of his delivery of the car and those accessories, for the brochure/manual that goes with the thermal cooler. In the email, he stated that he's looked for it "in the box" but couldn't find it. But in the event that he finds it, he'll send it my way, etc.

Either this fellow only has two digit IQ or he thinks everyone he deals with has such low performing brain...

Well, let's see... it's my understanding that I should be receiving a customer satisfaction survey from Volvo pretty soon. He could have a bit fatter wallet or not depending on what I state in the survey. (The sales people could get extra bonuses based on such returned surveys).

So let's see how he does it until then... Would he settle for a brand new cooler as a replacement to his used cooler as his "bonus" or a real cash bonus which could be worth much more... ;)

05-17-2005, 10:56 AM
Sys, I'm reading your updates on this story. Do you still think it was a great decision to shut your mouth?
The salesperson should be fired or not, who knows. But one thing is sure: the next customer will get the same treatment as you.

I agree with AGXC70: You're a bigger person than I would have ever been.

05-17-2005, 07:28 PM
...but if I had the evidence you did regarding the salesman's tardiness arriving at your home and the evidence that the cooler was not new, (I bet the boss knows he has a dog) I'd have written a nice letter to the dealership owner copied to the sales manager and Volvo NA.

Like Gibbons alluded, I have come to the conclusion that the world is full of idiots and shallow minds and frankly have run out of sympathy and patience. Call it tough love, he needs to learn that "karma is a bitch".

I really do hate going around second-guessing everything people tell me but it seems that's what's required these days...