View Full Version : Best place to buy a factory shop manual CD ?

04-12-2005, 05:41 AM
Hey guys, what is the best place to purchase a factory shop manual CD for a V70 ?


04-12-2005, 10:37 AM
If you are looking for VADIS DVD try www.edonkey.com, I could download one, but it's in Sweden (but great pictures and figures about every part and service information).

04-12-2005, 11:43 AM
Hey guys, what is the best place to purchase a factory shop manual CD for a V70 ?

If you are talking 01+, the short answer is you can't.

04-13-2005, 08:32 AM

04-13-2005, 09:45 AM

Great......... if you speak Russian :eek:

04-13-2005, 11:14 AM

This seems to be only VADIS information.

04-14-2005, 12:59 AM
The VADIS DVD contains everything you need. You don't have diagnostic tools, so won't be able to cennect to your car.
But: There is every information about functions, service, adjustment, and replacing any part of your car. Detailed explanation about the modules, their functions (AWD, Haldex, ECC etc.)
The DVD can be installed on any PC (I had done it), but needs an activation code (downloadable either).

04-14-2005, 10:22 AM
autocd.com does not only deliver in Russian, as testified by the 2004D version of the Vadis DVD: http://www.autocd.com/index.html?q=10&gc=751&sha=0
If you really need the 2005A version, be patient, it will probably become available as well.
As XC70Geo noted, you won't be abe to connect to the car, but as far as I know, there is no tool available that will let you change settings of the car yourself. Of course you can buy a number of OBDII scanners or interfaces, but they are restricted to emission related topics.
I don't think there is anything better than a Vadis DVD for information about your Volvo, it being the same tool as the authorized dealer uses.

04-14-2005, 11:05 AM
Well if it comes in English thats the one to get.
The screenshots are all in Russian but that may just be a web page glitch :confused:

Now I need to get a DVD player for my CPU :mad:

04-14-2005, 03:48 PM
I got the VADIS DVD and Wiring Diagram for the 04's and older off of eBay from a person calling themselves "VADISGUY" but I can't find his e-mail address. Anyway, if you see him selling something, he conducted a good sale to me.

04-14-2005, 06:03 PM
I got the VADIS DVD and Wiring Diagram for the 04's and older off of eBay from a person calling themselves "VADISGUY" but I can't find his e-mail address. Anyway, if you see him selling something, he conducted a good sale to me.

............... or:
You could save it as a word/excel file and send it to me ;)
I will make a nice donation to the charity of your choice upon reciept of the files :cool:

04-14-2005, 07:39 PM
"vadis_guy" has a DVD on eBay right now (see: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=7967325467&category=6762&sspagename=WDVW )

04-15-2005, 02:44 AM
In Holland we can buy te 2004 englisch version for € 22,50 (+/- $ 30,00) ???:


(search for vadis)

04-16-2005, 01:13 AM
@Babalu87: the Vadis DVD might the right "excuse" to upgrade your PC with a DVD player :D
Seriously, if you want to know more about your car, find one (no matter where). The info is not restricted to maintenance and repair, design and function are addressed as well. A number of more complex items or upgrades are also explained in detail, giving the reader insight and understanding in the matter. From what I heard, the 2005A edition would include electrical drawings (not included on other versions, at least not up until 2003E). If this is inportant to you, it may be a good idea to look for that specific edition. On the other hand, the schematics for the 2001-2004 XC70/90 are available for free as a pdf file.

04-20-2005, 09:13 AM
The 2005 A Vadis is out.

Now I need to learn Russian :rolleyes:
Hurry with the translation please!

04-20-2005, 09:33 AM
Since you have a MY2001, why wait for the 2005 edition? The info for your car won't differ from that on the 2004 DVD.

04-20-2005, 06:08 PM
Since you have a MY2001, why wait for the 2005 edition? The info for your car won't differ from that on the 2004 DVD.

I thought there were updates :confused:

If not I'll be ordering one this week.

04-21-2005, 03:12 AM
The 2005A doffers only by one "generation" from the last 2004 edition. Volvo Vadis DVD's are "upgraded" a fixed number of times per year, but besides the introduction of a new model and/or major changes, the DVD's don't differ much. I think that the info for a MY2001 is the same in these two editions (the last 2004 edition should also include the MY2005 Volvo models)
To be sure, email the folks at autocd, they will let you know.

04-21-2005, 05:43 AM
Thanks Williy.

Since I have to order a minimum of $50 US dollars to place an order, does anyone else want one?

Maybe I should order this too:

or would that already be included in this one?

Someone in Massachusetts want one?
I'll order two of the 2004 D Vadis if your word is good :p