View Full Version : A different direction

02-17-2005, 07:10 AM
Since the conception of this site, things have changed. I think that they have changed for the better but with better comes worse.

The better is the fact that we have now reached a membership of over 2500, that's 2500 people who share the same interest as you and me but it also means that a lot of questions are being asked that have been asked before. This is very annoying for older members who have answered these questions with some depth and in places, some passion. Even now I often review my own posts and see if I can update any sections that might mean a continuity of a certain topic, it would be helpful if other members did the same from time to time.

The worst is the frightening fact that the larger we grow as a site the more information is made available to us and in turn we have to have a comment on. My main point for this thread is to draw to your attention to areas that we may have forgotten or areas that we do not look at so often. I commend the structure of the site and the way our moderator has steered us but I would recommend you to look at other areas of interest like the news section which is updated almost on a daily basis http://www.volvoxc.com/news/ I have not noticed anyone taking a subject from there and discussing it in the main forums which could be of interest to others. Then there is the gallery which seems to be suffering from the Winter blues, due to the lack of new photos http://www.xc70.com/pics/ but I am sure now that there are some meets in different parts of the World we should have some new photos coming on stream. Another area that is gaining momentum is the resources area where members are taking time to show others how to do certain jobs on their own cars, it can be accessed by clicking here http://www.volvoxc.com/resources/ The final area of interest for me is the new area of product reviews which shows various parts that can be added to your car. Most of the items are available from your local Volvo dealer and in turn they carry a Volvo guarantee for the life of the product itself. If you are looking for some add-ons I would suggest you check out this http://www.volvoxc.com/reviews/ area and where you have comments please post the good, the bad and the ugly comments so that other members can see what is hot and what's not.

Of course without your input this site would not be the site it is now, and you knows that better than you.