View Full Version : Window rattle

02-07-2005, 05:16 PM
Every morning on the way to work the driver's side window rattles and drives me nuts. I wind it down a few inches and then back up and the rattle is gone for the day. It seems that pressure is keeping it from rattling and then the pressure is relieved over time and the rattle returns. Anyone else experience this? Any solutions?

Thanks for your help.

02-07-2005, 11:01 PM
My windows seems to have a parking position. It means, when it goes fully up (auto or manually) it waits 1-2 seconds, and then releases itself into a safe position (the lower part closes to the door). Does yours behave like this?
The windows are controlled vie the Driver Door Module and Passanger Door Module. Both is driven by VADIS. I had a misalignment problem (the window went up, and immediately opened back 5-10 cm - as it would feel that your finger was left in it way). The dealer connected the car to the VADIS on a computer, the PC opened and closed the window some times, and everything was calibrated and working fine.
If you have a good dealer contact him.

02-09-2005, 11:41 PM
Every morning on the way to work the driver's side window rattles and drives me nuts. I wind it down a few inches and then back up and the rattle is gone for the day. It seems that pressure is keeping it from rattling and then the pressure is relieved over time and the rattle returns. Anyone else experience this? Any solutions?

Thanks for your help.

I have this same problem, but with the passenger side front door. No solution yet (other than the interim one you describe), but I have to take the car in for service tomorrow and I mentioned it to them when making the appointment. Will report back what they do, if anything....

02-10-2005, 04:42 PM
It sounds like the motor controls are gone, and I think they have something to do with the lock motor as well, have you had any problems with the locking of the car via remote?

I had both and had both replaced (right hand side) and not had any problems since.

02-10-2005, 05:09 PM
I had a silmilar issue when I first puchased my car.

First time I took it back to the dealer he said he couldnt find anything, but rattle still existed.

Then I noticed when you wind down the window (just a little) the vibration stopped.

I told this to the sericeman and on his second observation found a loose rivet in the window assembly which managed to fix it.

02-11-2005, 06:32 AM
Took the car in for service today and with regards to the window rattle and I was told that they "lubricated" the window trim. The only problem is that they lubricated the driver's side instead of the passenger side where the rattle occurs! :confused: I can only think that to a Brit, the left side of the car is the passenger side and I guess they didn't notice the steering wheel! ;) I didn't realize that they had done that until I was well on my way home, but no worries though...I actually haven't heard the rattle in a few days now (didn't rattle at all on the drive home) and the dealer did say that if it continues to rattle they'll take the door apart the next time I'm in (not sure why they didn't do that today.....). C'est la vie!

Anyway...the car checks out fine (I was having it checked out ahead of a trip we're making to the Continent in about a week's time to ski in Garmisch, Germany - can't wait!). As an aside, I asked if there was pricing available for the new Volvo Digital Jukebox - not yet; product won't be available in the UK until early to mid-Summer the dealer says.