View Full Version : 3rd Row Seat & Cargo Security Cover on new '05 XC70

02-05-2005, 12:46 PM
I searched forum 1st & could not find any info. on this. I am very close to placing a special order for a '05 XC70. My only remaining question is in re: to the Cargo Security Cover & the factory-installed 3rd row seat.

I learned from dealer that when 3rd row seat is factory-installed, Volvo removes the Cargo Security Cover & all related "notches". The problem for me is that at this pont (I have an infant), I will not be using 3rd row seat very frequently right now, but decided to have it factory-installed bec/ it's cheaper & I would like option if carting other children, etc.

Dealer indicated that they can add the necessary "notches" & Cargo Security Cover for $250-300 (so can use w/ 3rd row seat). This seems crazy, considering that I've already paid for Cargo Security Cover & Volvo factory is taking it out.

Question: Has anyone faced this problem? How do they install Cargo Security Cover at dealership & how does it look (does it look "factory-done")? Are there any other alternatives/ideas for hiding stuff in back of wagon (other than throwing an old blanket on stuff)?

Any help w/b great...thanks!

02-05-2005, 01:05 PM

Not sure I understand your issue. I have an '03 XC70 with the third-row seat and I also have a cargo cover that was delivered with the car. My 3rd row seat was factory-installed. It simply folds down into the cargo-area floor when not in use and the cargo cover can then be used. If I want to use the 3rd row seat I cannot use the cargo cover simultaneously and have to remove it from the car (I store it in the garage); it simply "pops" in and "pops" out and is very easy to take in take out. Unless they have radically changed the design of things in the back between the '03 and the '05...I really don't understand what the dealer is saying. Iill try to take some pics and upload them if you're not real sure on what I'm saying here, but I am out of town for the best part of next week, so I wouldn't get to taking pics until next weekend.

02-05-2005, 01:19 PM
Thanks for your quick reply...what you say makes perfect sense. I thought this is how it all worked as well- i.e., you just pop-out Cargo Security Cover when want to use the factory-installed 3rd row seat. Makes sense, right?

Apparently, for '05 XC70's, the Volvo factory permanently removes the Cargo Secuity Cover (as well as mounting "notches") when ordering 3rd row. It doesn't even send them w/ the car (you get nothing....neither Cargo Security Cover nor "mountings"). It even says this on Volvo's website & multiple dealers have confirmed this as well. Crazy!

I just went to dealership again this morning & they reconfirmed this again. Any thoughts w/b great.....Molly

02-05-2005, 01:28 PM
You should call another dealer, if the two option really cannot be ordered together. (Worth a try, I guess.)

2nd, you should ask the dealership to show you the extra seat, and the cargo cover in reality. Then you can check, if there are different parts in the same position, and how the two option can live together. You might did it, then I'm sorry.

02-05-2005, 01:33 PM
WOW! That makes no sense to me at all! In fact, it seems rather silly. I wonder what the rationale behind that decision was? :confused: Well... speaking from experience...my kids were 6 and 8 when we got our car...we've used that 3rd row seat maybe 2 dozen times! Considering what it costs, I'm not sure it was money well spent. I really didn't want it, but my wife did and this is her car...so, no argument from me on having it included when we order the vehicle. To be perfectly honest though...I don't use the cargo security cover that much either. Sorry, I really don't have any good advice for you on how to proceed....

02-05-2005, 01:55 PM
Gary, you have a good point re: how much 3rd row will actually be used. The fact that your children are at the recommended age to use it & you still don't end up using it that much, is "food for thought".

Your point is actually making me reconsider the importance of getting 3rd Row Seat factory-installed at all, especially considering that we could always have it installed later on at dealership (price is: $850 now vs. $1400 later on, if decide we need it).

Anyway, in re: to Cargo Security Cover being removed by factory if you order a car w/ 3rd Row Seat, I think Volvo does this on purpose. The reason I think this, is bec/ we were told by multiple dealers that it w/b additional $250-300 if we wanted them to install the Cargo Security Cover. It's extra revenue.

Basically, it ends up being a "wash" in having 3rd Row Seat factory-installed initially at $850 and then paying dealer to add back in Security Cover at $250-300 VS. having 3rd Row installed later-on at $1400.

Anyway, we are now reconsidering getting 3rd Row seat factory-installed w/ new car. Thanks.

02-05-2005, 05:15 PM
My cargo cover in the Jeep lost its rigidity over 5 years. The spring mechanism gradually loosened to the extent that the cover would flop and just annoy me. Wound up throwing it away as a replacement was expensive.

Don't know if the Volvo one will be any better, but I wonder whether they are really of much use. A blanket or darkened windows in the rear would suit the need just as well in my opinion.


02-05-2005, 05:34 PM
For those of you who have the 3rd Row Seats (rear-facing), do you use them that much?

Based on Gary's feedback, I'm trying to decide if I should order them (w/ my special order) or "wait & see" & perhaps install later through dealer. Currently I have an infant, so my child would not be riding in 3rd row seat for another 6 years. It w/b those occasions when you may have other kids you need to haul.

Based on my decision, I'll then determine if the Cargo Security Cover (not being included by Volvo) w/b an issue or not.
Any additional input w/b great. Thanks!

02-05-2005, 05:58 PM
Molly How long to you intend to keep this car? six years is a long time and your child is going to be very lonely sitting in the very back when you have three seats empty between you and the kid.

Stuff the third row, get the cover (BTW the notches you talk about come as standard in the side moulding) and then in six years time you can decide what you want to do, who knows what is going to happen between then and now, you could have the car written off in a few months time and then you will complain it was a waste of money and time and effort.

And what was all this talk of 'picking up other children' do you run a football team or something :D if it is children you want, I have two you can have at anytime for any length of period and I know you won't want to have that carry on in the back of your new Volvo. Do you remember that old saying 'children should be seen and not heard' well it relates to Volvo drivers, Children should be seen (outside the car) and not heard (because you will have the radio up so loud, you can't hear them).

Forget the third row for now but keep an eye out in the classified for other members selling their one and make a cheap purchase.

02-06-2005, 04:55 AM

Echo what others have been saying.

I had an '02 for a while and it came without the cargo cover OR the steel net - but there was nothing in the UK documentation to say they would be removed. I screamed at the poor dealer and go him to supply them (or no sale).

I later discovered (by looking at later years documentation) that both would be deleted. It appears that it's a safety issue. Volvo doesn't feel it's worth their taking the risk that an idiot owner would try to lower the barrier and use the seat at the same time (kids could bash their head on the steel). Similarly you have to remove the cover before raising the seat, if you don't the seatback can't be locked in place, nor will the seat belts function properly, but I can see the aforementioned owner trying a lawsuit... Easiest option is for Volvo as a matter of company policy claiming the public liability and safety reasons, to remove them in the supplied package. Can't blame them, but it's a complete pain for sensible users.

I am surprised about the "notches"; in all cars previous to '05 (only because I haven't seen an '05) - as AWD* says they are part of the side trims, and it beggars belief that Volvo would go to all the trouble to make yet another set of mouldings just to defeat the handful of customers who might order the RFS. Stranger things can happen of course, BUT seeing that you have been snowed by your dealer on previous occasions.....
I attach a picture of the notches so you can see what I mean. Look at the side trim plastic above and forward of the DVD flap. While looking at my pics, I noticed the notches for the steel barrier - now I can understand those not being fitted.

As to the rearfacing seats my observations are:-

They don't look very comfortable even for small persons, the seats and back are very thin and there's nowhere for their legs to go. OK for school trips, and as a sales feature.
Are you really likely to want to carry seven people at one time?
Are you aware that the RFS seat belts get in the way of the barrier and the cover and use of the cargo space? I found it irritating to say the least.
Retrofitting - although not your direct concern apart from cost - can be done but is more than just the seats; A largish hole has to be drilled in the tailgate for a safety release; a different panel incorporating an interior release panel is needed for the tailgate as well as a myriad of fixings and brackets. That lot means that you are unlikely to pick up a solution from Ebay (ALL the bits come in the kit from Volvo), but that accounts for the fitting cost - there's lots to do.
You lose the useful (?) shopping holder tray and space around the spare wheel
As you are wavering on the RFS issue, had you considered the family pack - the integrated seat cushions look quite nice for when Junior(s) get older and want a view of the world? Being inexpensive, it's not a disaster if they're not used.

Come back if you want a fuller description

Edit: I was bothered over the "notches" (above) and popped over to the VCNA site in an idle moment... The 2005 brochure doesn't show the notches, but the pdf picture was somewhat indistinct. Knowing that Volvo use a central library of pictures when preparing their national brochures, I had a look at my local brochure, no obvious notch, ah, but; ah,but: on looking closer (getting out my bifocals), I noticed a tab on either side - like the tabs or flaps which conceal the front and rear tow pin insertion points. I wonder if you pop the tab, you may find the notches inside?

I looked back to 2001/2 and found the same arrangement, so it looks that different markets get (some) different details. Interesting? (not).

Now, that is definitely "anoraky" - please, what do you call an anorak person (y'know those who collect airplane number and the like) over there??

Oh, dear - Nurse, Nurse, more medication please...

02-06-2005, 05:25 AM
While I don't have a rear facing seat in the XC, I did in previous Volvos and cannot ever remember using them. Now, I prefer the added storage and wouldn't even consider the added expense or waste of space. I should think if you end up needing that seat on a regular basis and you want a Volvo you should seriously consider an XC90. In there, you will still have some storage space. In the XC70, if the third seat is in use there isn't even a place to store a grocer's bag of food. :o

02-06-2005, 06:10 AM

Birddog, Don't get Molly to change her mind again, after much debating on these fora, she's been persuaded to got for a '70 over the '90.........

You'll undo everybody's hard work (LOL)

02-06-2005, 08:08 AM
They don't look very comfortable even for small persons, the seats and back are very thin and there's nowhere for their legs to go. OK for school trips, and as a sales feature.

[/list]As you are wavering on the RFS issue, had you considered the family pack - the integrated seat cushions look quite nice for when Junior(s) get older and want a view of the world? Being inexpensive, it's not a disaster if they're not used.

TrueBlue -

Even though you're directing your message to Molly, I find it very informative for myself -- so thank you!!

I was also considering the Rear Facing Third Row Seat, but when I finally had a chance to actually see what it looked like in one of the XC70's on the lot at a local dealer, you're absolutely right, i.e., it doesn't look comfortable AT ALL. It's back and seat are very thin, and it's L shape with hardly any leg room, even for the children's size. Now I'm not so sure I want to put my kids back there for any long-distance travels....

As for the "family pack" with "integrated cusion," I didn't quite get what you were mentioning. Are you talking about the integrated booster seats that pops up in the second row passenger seats?


02-06-2005, 08:32 AM
TrueBlue -

Now I'm not so sure I want to put my kids back there for any long-distance travels....

As for the "family pack" with "integrated cusion," I didn't quite get what you were mentioning. Are you talking about the integrated booster seats that pops up in the second row passenger seats?


I don't believe Volvo ever intended for this seat to be used on any long-distance journey. In fact, I am fairly sure the owners manual recommends against this. The seat is designed for trips of short duration (e.g. to school, sports practices....) That said, we have used the seat on a couple of long-distance journeys and while my kids didn't complain that it wasn't comfortable I just know it wasn't for all the reasons that True Blue has stated. :) And yes...I do believe that True Blue is speaking about the integrated booster seats

02-06-2005, 10:22 AM
I understand the conflict between installing the third row seat and the cargo cover. But just to clarify one thing. In case I still go ahead with the third row seat installation by factory, this has nothing to do with being able to use the steel bar (as shown by a thumnail provided by TrueBlue below), am I right??

That steel bar is something I consider a must in case of hauling some cargo (when third row seat is not being used and nicely hidden away) and involved in an accident, so things don't fly into any passengers. Can someone tell me how much it costs, or does it come with the order as a standard item?

02-06-2005, 12:16 PM

Here is the sequence for the putting up of your third row, the children come as an optional extra, they were a little pricey when I last looked but you might find some cheaper ones on e-bay :D

02-06-2005, 03:40 PM
How LONG were the children sitting THERE? :D

02-06-2005, 09:02 PM
Molly - here's a 2002 XC 70 currently on eBay. The car has both the cargo cover and the 3rd seat & the photos should give you an idea of how they look when "combined" in an XC 70. (Scroll way down...)


02-07-2005, 02:32 AM
Nobody's come back from your side of the pond so here's my take:-

The steel guard is removed if you have the seats installed, that applies on both sides of the Pond - you can see why from the following discussion.

The upper seat belt mounting points (see Ebay pictures in later posts) prevent you from folding the barrier up or down. It's straightforward to undo the belts from the mounting points, but is not very practical if you are going to use the seats often.

An alternative is to fit the guard and leave it down for normal use, removing it when the seats are to be used. The guard fits in place with a spring loaded catch on either side; a three handed job for ease, bit fiddly on your own.

You will note that the Ebay car doesn't have it.

Your combination may still have the roller net (spring loaded into the rear seat backs, not very effective IMO, but may be a useful alternative.

UK price GBP 160 so USD300? may be ball park until proper price confirmed.

Hope the above is relevant

02-07-2005, 07:43 AM
I have the third row. The notches are still there, but they are covered up with plastic cover plates. They can be popped out and the cover installed. Get the 3rd row. Even if you don't use it, it will make selling the car easier if go private route. You will save 300-500 dollars by having the car equiped with the 3rd row rather than having the dealer install it later.

02-07-2005, 07:47 AM
I understand the conflict between installing the third row seat and the cargo cover. But just to clarify one thing. In case I still go ahead with the third row seat installation by factory, this has nothing to do with being able to use the steel bar (as shown by a thumnail provided by TrueBlue below), am I right??

That steel bar is something I consider a must in case of hauling some cargo (when third row seat is not being used and nicely hidden away) and involved in an accident, so things don't fly into any passengers. Can someone tell me how much it costs, or does it come with the order as a standard item?
Sys as stated by others, you can't use the steel barrier and the 3rd row at the same time. You can disconnect the seatbolts by unbolting them and then install the steel barrier. If you had to go back and forth between the two I'd guess 20 minutes. At some point I am going to have new seatbelt brackets installed so I can use the steel barrier. The car (if you go 60-40 seats) can be set up with the nylon barrier that pulls up out of the seats. It's very strong and I'm pretty sure there is an inertia reel on it so it should catch big items.

02-07-2005, 09:20 AM
Thanks, Mike and Littlewaywelt, for your kind and informative answers to my questions. You guys are simply great!!! :)


02-13-2005, 09:32 PM
Hi -- just to anser the question a few posts back. We use our 3rd row all the time. When?

Carpools. We carpool with two neighbors to take our 7 year old to school. We've got a permanent baby seat base in the middle. so only have room for two in the second row-- ergo , we NEED the extra room in the back.

It's really nice also when you're an obessive compulsive like I am and don't trust anyone else driving my kids to field trips, etc.

No, I'd rather you not drive my precious little one in your tippy 1995 Ford Explorer or 1998 firetrap Voyager. We'll drive!

02-14-2005, 09:19 AM
It's really nice also when you're an obessive compulsive like I am and don't trust anyone else driving my kids to field trips, etc.

No, I'd rather you not drive my precious little one in your tippy 1995 Ford Explorer or 1998 firetrap Voyager. We'll drive!

You sound just like me!!! :D