View Full Version : How’s the weather in your neck of the woods?

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01-06-2005, 08:36 PM
It appears that Canadians from coast to coast are experiencing some pretty nasty weather due to an arctic air mass. Just watched a Global video showing how folks in Vancouver cope with 3-5 mm of snow. :rolleyes: Not a pretty site seeing those commuters slam into each other...after another...after another! :(
Snow in Vancouver (http://www.canada.com/vancouver/story.html?id=92452bf9-1c67-43b0-a688-480bc2909460)

Do most folks out there on the B.C. west coast get by with A/S tires? Hate to knock the drivers out there, but here a thought....SLOW DOWN!!

Getting to drive around in the XC in the SNOW in Vancouver today.
Ya gotta watch out for "those other guys" : no winter tires, no idea how to drive (in snow or out), no vision (no clean windows), no idea how to stop, etc. etc. etc.

Vancouver is HECK in the snow.
( and then there is Richmond, where I work, and all the cab drivers are from warm countries, nudge, nudge, wink, wink)

5mm doesn’t sound like a lot of precip by prairie standards, but I can’t imagine how unprepared Vancouverites can be when it comes to winter driving and then having to deal with minimal snow removal equipment. Must be a nightmare. :eek:

Here’s what it looked earlier in the day here on the #2 highway heading north. Nokians Rule! :D


More Canadian weather news here. (http://www.cbc.ca/story/canada/national/2005/01/06/cold050106.html)

01-06-2005, 09:23 PM
Art, must be a typo somewhere, should be cm not mm... not that it would make a difference around here

I think we must have seen the same footage, the collision on the hill with the white service truck, Jeep Cherokee and the brand new silver BMW M3 with what looked like summer slicks? Par for the course here in Van.

Completely agree with the notion that most Vancouverites have no idea how to drive in the snow, but can you blame them? Though we're surrounded by snowy mountains, the actual city sees snow only a few brief times every year, and it's usually gone within 12 hours. Certainly no excuse for leaving the brain at home, but explains to some degree what we're up against out there.

For instance, I drove up to Cypress for an afternoon ski today, and during this short 20 minute drive, saw the aftermath of four separate accidents. I'm perfectly fine in the snow with my ST's, but it's all the jackasses out there I have to worry about. :eek:

This particular system is quite the exception, expected to hang around at least until Monday!

Here's an early shot from this morning, it has snowed a few more cm's than what's showing, and should have another 5-10 by tomorrow.... WEEEEE!


01-06-2005, 09:43 PM
69.1 deg. F at 10:45 PM CST here on the Emerald Coast.

Hey - you asked!! http://www.v70xc.com/forums/images/smilies/biggrin.gif

01-06-2005, 09:49 PM
Here’s what it looked earlier in the day here on the #2 highway heading north. Nokians Rule! :D http://www.xc70.com/pics/albums/userpics/Snow%20on%20Hwy%202%20North.jpg

Aren't we just too lucky. :D

We did have a spot of white stuff today for about 10 mins. It hit the ground which was at around freezing temp so it made it pretty dicey to walk about. As it turned out I had my S60R with me and had some fun on the icy road conditions with the stock PZeros. There's not much grip when the road surface is solid ice - but still fun in the big empty parking lots - one big skid pad to experiment DTSC on, right? ;)

They've been saying snow for us Thu/Fri but I don't see it happening as temps are around 42F right now.

The cold snap has drawn the coyotes out as I saw several early yesterday morning on my driveway. My Fox Terriers wanted to give chase but I forbid it. ;)

01-06-2005, 10:11 PM
Cbob probably experienced the same white panel vans slipping and sliding around in our major snow storm of 5cm (2 inches). Why is it always white vans that seem to have the worst drivers? First chance to try the Nokians in snow, wow do they offer great traction in the slippery stuff.
In defense of Vancouver drivers I have been in Calgary for a first snow fall of the season. After several months of no snow Calgary drivers must forget how to drive in the white stuff, accidents all over the place. No better than Vancouver drivers.

01-06-2005, 10:49 PM
Just on our way camping for summer (pics attached below of beach we are camping at).

Obviously taking the XC, towing the boat and will be spending most days on the water fishing and diving hopefully.

01-07-2005, 01:16 AM
Art, must be a typo somewhere, should be cm not mm... not that it would make a difference around here

I stand corrected Taylor. Truly didn’t intend to trivialize values. :o

I think we must have seen the same footage Art, the collision on the hill with the white service truck, Jeep Cherokee and the brand new silver BMW M3 with what looked like summer slicks? Par for the course here in Van.

I can’t imagine what was going through the mind of the driver in that white plumbing van..it’s as if he didn’t even attempt to slow down. That was the worst of the three collisions...or was it four..darn, I lost track. Thankfully you work at home Taylor. :)

In defense of Vancouver drivers I have been in Calgary for a first snow fall of the season. After several months of no snow Calgary drivers must forget how to drive in the white stuff, accidents all over the place. No better than Vancouver drivers.

Touchee Kaz! I’m willing to bet that there are just as many Alberta drivers out there without a clue as how to exercise winter driving skills. I’m also amazed at the number of drivers patrolling our city streets who choose not to equip their vehicles with appropriate tires. :mad:

Conditions here have gone from bad to worse as reports are filtering through of a major car pileup (http://www.canada.com/calgary/calgaryherald/news/story.html?id=fcf47dc1-8480-45bb-a891-b3b83013aa22) that occurred earlier this afternoon north of Calgary near Carstairs, AB. Needless to say the highway in either direction of the accident site has been closed upon further notice. :eek:

Geez, you guys located in warmer climes are breakin' my heart! :(

01-07-2005, 12:30 PM
Here in the Netherlands we can only dream of snow. Today was reported to have been the warmest 7th January since 1901 with 13 degrees centigrade. I wish that I could push my XC70 to the limit on snow-covered roads!

01-07-2005, 12:47 PM
I stand corrected Taylor. Truly didn’t intend to trivialize values. :o

I can’t imagine what was going through the mind of the driver in that white plumbing van..it’s as if he didn’t even attempt to slow down. That was the worst of the three collisions...or was it four..darn, I lost track. Thankfully you work at home Taylor. :)

Touchee Kaz! I’m willing to bet that there are just as many Alberta drivers out there without a clue as how to exercise winter driving skills. I’m also amazed at the number of drivers patrolling our city streets who choose not to equip their vehicles with appropriate tires. :mad:

Conditions here have gone from bad to worse as reports are filtering through of a major car pileup (http://www.canada.com/calgary/calgaryherald/news/story.html?id=fcf47dc1-8480-45bb-a891-b3b83013aa22) that occurred earlier this afternoon north of Calgary near Carstairs, AB. Needless to say the highway in either direction of the accident site has been closed upon further notice. :eek:

Geez, you guys located in warmer climes are breakin' my heart! :(

I've never been to a town or city where the residents didn't complain (with the presumed exception of the person speaking) about the winter driving abililities of the locals. :D By the way, I'm the only person in DC who knows how to drive in the snow. ;)

Just once I'd like to see a bumper sticker or hear someone say, yep, I'm a menace on the road and really have no idea what I'm doing. If it's snowing or raining maintain at least 100ft of distance in all directions.

01-07-2005, 11:03 PM
LWW, I know what you mean! I am the best winter driver in my community :p At least I have the rides for it, 2 AWDs and 1 4WD, all three with Nokians. People who think they are good-to-go because they have a FWD with all season tires drive me nuts.

My neighborhood is maintained by the county. Those guys have nothing to do but plow and put salt down. They do it to a rediculous excess. I called the county works guy and told him about the moderation in all things concept. So we got a few inches, and they won't plow now. I don't care, I think it is beautiful and fun. But driving into the neighborhood, I noticed where an all season proponent had slid up an over a curb and over a guy's lawn.

01-07-2005, 11:57 PM
Another major snow storm is happening. 1-week ago over the course of 2-days we received 3.5 feet at our house in Reno! It has snowed on and off all week and now another major dumpage is happening. I found out one thing: The Kumhos don't do well at all in the deep stuff. I had to dig my '04 XC70 out...in my own driveway!

I am taking Gibbon's advice and ordering the Nokian WR tires. In fact I was even thinking about the more aggressive Hakka 4s...we'll see...getting stuck sucks.


01-08-2005, 12:19 AM
If you have summer tires and don't mind switching, I actually think I would get a dedicated winter tire like a Hakka 4 for an extreme environment like you are in. I like the WRs because they are really really good in summer and winter. But for that nth degree of performance, a dedicated winter is probably better.

01-08-2005, 08:59 AM
The Hakka 4 looks like the best Hakka all winter tire yet...however I was told, by Greer Enterprises, a long time Nokian importer, the Hakka has not been made available to North America yet: Only Europe. Do you know different?


01-08-2005, 02:52 PM
The Hakka 4 is a studded tire, giving primarily an advantage on ice/compressed snow. If your main concern is moderately deep snow, the RSi is a great tire. I've been driving these in reasonably deep (10-12in) snow and slushy/icy conditions in Eastern Canada and Northeastern US the last month and they are a great tire. I used to use Hakka Q's (predecessor to the RSi) on our FWD 850 and always enjoyed excellent traction during heavy snowfall.

I used to drive studded tires on a variety of SUV class vehicles for work and while these are great when you really need grip on ice you give something up on dry and wet pavement... don't know if I would put these on my car now.

01-09-2005, 06:54 PM
We received 4" of snow this morning.

Here's a Slide show http://homepage.mac.com/barrysharp/PhotoAlbum80.html of what I caught on camera this morning. :D

01-09-2005, 08:01 PM
Very pretty photos Barry! :) The fresh snowfall makes everything look so pristine! :D
Can’t tell whether or not Teddy knows what to make of it all though. ;)

Here are a few more that we snapped off during an overnight trip to Calgary.

Clocked this V70 at over 150 kph as he blew by me on the #2 South. Road conditions were excellent on this stretch of pavement until we hit the city.

We encountered this rollover that just occurred as we entered the City of Calgary. It didn’t look like the lone male occupant of the car suffered any injuries. The road conditions were very icy at this point particularly in the passing lane. :(

Canada Olympic Park, Calgary, Alberta.

Another accident, this one on Glenmore Trail West. An SUV hit a patch of ice and skidded into the concrete barrier spinning it completely around in the opposite direction. The female passenger looked a bit roughed up. :(

01-09-2005, 08:18 PM
Art: What is a "Dual Turn" ? You best be careful with that camera as the Ins. Co. will be after you for the evidence etc. ;)

Teddy was fascinated with the snow - especially the rabbit tracks. ;)

The anxiety I always have when traveling on roads like you've pictured is never really knowing what the car alongside me is going to do especially if they're 'flying'. In my area it's best to stay off the roads if at all possible when the snow/ice is about. I know this sounds silly but I've seen too many silly accidents in snow/ice road conditions that really shouldn't happen if only more care was taken and knowing the hassles one must go thru to get cars repaired and dealing with Ins. Co. and the whole emotional roller coaster of event makes me think this way.

01-10-2005, 10:37 AM
After little snow to close out 2004 we've been getting an inch or so each day to where we now have about 6" in town and a lot more higher up in the mountains. We even skied at a local park yesterday. Need another several weeks like this to get up to average. The Atta Boy 300 Dog Sled race is going on this week and they were sure thankful for the recent snow.

01-10-2005, 11:36 AM
Art: What is a "Dual Turn" ?


The anxiety I always have when traveling on roads like you've pictured is never really knowing what the car alongside me is going to do especially if they're 'flying'. In my area it's best to stay off the roads if at all possible when the snow/ice is about. I know this sounds silly but I've seen too many silly accidents in snow/ice road conditions that really shouldn't happen if only more care was taken and knowing the hassles one must go thru to get cars repaired and dealing with Ins. Co. and the whole emotional roller coaster of event makes me think this way.

I know what you mean about travelling on roads during less than ideal conditions so your comments certainly don’t sound silly to me at all. The purpose of the trip to Calgary was to drop a family member off at the airport hotel so that she could catch a morning flight down to CA. The day that we left was overcast with drifting snow and the temperature was -18C. Not ideal, but certainly far from being unmanageable to drive. Compared to the messy city roads, the highways were in good to excellent condition with some snow accumulation on the shoulder of the passing lane. During the winters months here, I always monitor the road condition reports before travelling anywhere out of town.

01-10-2005, 03:11 PM

Now that is what I call obtuse. ;) I would never never have guess that was what a 'Dual Turn' was.

David Eady
01-10-2005, 03:50 PM
Drove up to a friend's place in Muskoka on the weekend. He was concerned I wouldn't make it in his 1/2 mile drive even though he plowed it as it was ice with snow on top.

Drove in like it was a summer day. Also had no trouble making it up the steep hill on the way back out.

Standard Pirelli Scorpion ST.

01-12-2005, 03:38 PM
Hey Barry, Try and work this one out? I think you are cleared to go :D


01-12-2005, 05:09 PM
Hey Barry, Try and work this one out? I think you are cleared to go :D
Ha! Is that what cities do with the old signals when they convert all the intersections to roundabouts?

I keep expecting some XC owners in California to report on conditions at Tahoe or Mammoth. The news reports have been interesting. Something like 19' of snow in 10 days!

01-12-2005, 09:21 PM
I Guess some of us are living with the snow ongoing, and enjoying. Had more than more than one morning of blasting through 30+ cm of virgin light powder, creating that "cloud" in back. Loads of fun

I know from personnel experience, if you really try hard, you can drift a XC70 in the snow. Takes work and practice, but fun when you get it right. Helps to be going uphill full throttle at the time. The TC light doesn't even come on.

North Okanagan B.C. has had pretty steady snow from nov 24 on. Since xmas i would guess that i taken about 1m plus off of the driveway, on an as needed basis. The entry to the garge is no packed at about 8 " above the the garage floor.

No prob's car wise but there have been a lot in the ditch with the following notes (silver star road).

1- Sunday morning, 3 in the ditch, someone had gone down with a golf club and removed all the windows of the ditched vehicles, talk about an a**.

2 - Got tagged a bit over the limit in beeeutiful lake country on the way back from skiing.... bugger $111

3 - Witnessed a 80 k pass in a 50K zone, turns out the passee passed a RCMP car, now that cop looked p***ed off.

Alas Xmas is over and it's back to work,


01-12-2005, 11:09 PM

Seems like the B.C. interior, along with the coastal areas have been hit hard by some pretty radical weather systems of late. Family members in Kelowna told me that they were even forced to use their snow blower for the first time this winter. :)

It’s pretty darn cold out here with really no sign of letting up right through to the weekend. On the other hand, I guess we’re pretty lucky considering that Dawson City, YK is currently sitting at -47C. :eek:


01-13-2005, 04:45 AM
Geez Art, you should get some heat into your garage - the beer will freeze at that temperature.:D

Finally left Calgary's deep freeze (nearly 3 weeks now) and am in balmy Toronto with +12 Celsius expected today. At this rate I'm not looking foward to going back west.


01-13-2005, 01:53 PM
Well after a week of rain, half the roads here in the coachella valley are washed out. what used to be a 10 mile drive to work is now a 20 mile drive. It's almost to the point of "you can't get there from here". And to top it all off we had a 4.3 earthquake, epi center 7 miles from my house tuesday at midnight. But I will take all of this over frozen beer :) today it is 70 and sunny. Life is tough :)

01-13-2005, 02:24 PM
Geez Art, you should get some heat into your garage - the beer will freeze at that temperature.

Finally left Calgary's deep freeze (nearly 3 weeks now) and am in balmy Toronto with +12 Celsius expected today. At this rate I'm not looking foward to going back west.


I parked the car outside for a few hours during a weekly mens’ curling league match and forgot that I left my digital camera in the car. Kinda perverse behaviour when you think about it...out from the cold, then back into the cold. :confused: :rolleyes:

Both the XC and camera started up fine despite the frigid conditions. This morning wasn’t any better as the mercury dipped to -37C. Our garage isn’t heated but well insulated from the cold and the temp reading on the XC’s display registered a balmy -8C. I like your idea of using the garage as a supplementary cooler for frosty beverages...just so long as the temp remains constant. ;)

Wow, a 40 degree disparity in temperature is quite remarkable. Might be preferable for you to hold off your return home until at least the end of the weekend when seasonal values are expected to return. :)

Well after a week of rain, half the roads here in the coachella valley are washed out. what used to be a 10 mile drive to work is now a 20 mile drive. It's almost to the point of "you can't get there from here". And to top it all off we had a 4.3 earthquake, epi center 7 miles from my house tuesday at midnight. But I will take all of this over frozen beer today it is 70 and sunny. Life is tough

Wow, and I thought we had it tough here. Glad to hear all is well, despite the inconvenience of a longer commute. :)

01-13-2005, 06:11 PM
Deer Canadian friends out west, down here, in Montreal Canada it is actually +9 degrees january 13th 2005. Unbelivable for this time of the year. Today was sunny and warm. We have just a few cm of snow so far ( no skiing ! ). Around my house I see the grass. Guess this planet is really warming up !!

Wish we had more snow so that I could go out and play with the kids (and the XC !!! ).

Montreal, Quebec

01-13-2005, 06:12 PM
Sorry for my neighbours out west ! I noticed that I wrote Montreal, Canada. I'm sure that you guys now where Mtl is located !



01-13-2005, 06:17 PM
Hey Barry, Try and work this one out? I think you are cleared to go :D


A typical British quirk. ;) Is that Christmas tree for pedestrians or cars ? :D

I once saw a tourist stranded in a roundabout (traffic circle) located in the inner-most lane facing the wrong way and standing on the central mound with a open map between his two hands and lady companion in the car fast asleep. ;)

Let's see, when getting ready to go do the traffic lights first chamge to orange then to green or go straight to green. In USA they go from Red to Green in a split second - much more fun.

01-17-2005, 04:35 PM
A typical British quirk. ;)

Let's see, when getting ready to go do the traffic lights first chamge to orange then to green or go straight to green. In USA they go from Red to Green in a split second - much more fun.

In Britain it is Green, then Orange then Red to stop. Then it goes Red & Orange (in readiness to go) then Green. And it all starts again. :confused:

Here in Dublin (Ireland) it is snowing, :D first snow of the year and the car is handling really well,:cool: (well judging by what I am pasing in the ditches anyhow :eek: ).

And just for the record the traffic lights in Ireland work like everywhere else, Green, Orange, Red and straight back to Green. :D

02-20-2005, 05:41 PM
Just an update, getting the Christmas tree out again :D It is snowing in Sussex, that's in the South of England, just below London. Time now 00:40 GMT so we should have a fun time with the XC in the morning.

02-21-2005, 06:23 PM
69.1 deg. F at 10:45 PM CST here on the Emerald Coast.

Hey - you asked!! http://www.v70xc.com/forums/images/smilies/biggrin.gif

69.6 deg. F at 7:21 CST - same location. It was in the low 70's today - a good beach day!

(Hey - You keep asking!) http://www.v70xc.com/forums/images/smilies/biggrin.gif

02-21-2005, 07:32 PM
Well, Nashville 70 deg. F at 3:50p.m. CST. Unfortunately no beaches in any vicinity. Wish I lived in Florida.

Oh. . . well.
Ta-ta, j.

02-21-2005, 07:46 PM
Woke up this morning on Staten Island with about 10-15 cm snow and just freezing temps. (Had a great long weekend with the family in the "Big Apple" (cold/sunny). To bad they already cleared the roads. ;)
Drove home (Virginia) and had a nice range of temperatures (-1 / +17 C) and other weather conditions (snow/rain/fog/sunshine/wind).
A great trip to get some miles with the new 05. :p

if you really want to know the weather at my place? http://members.cox.net/thamburger/wx.htm

02-21-2005, 07:57 PM
woke up this morning at 29 degree celcius!! Hot and sunny!! No rain!! Should head for the beach or play a round of Golf instead of going to my office.... :D

02-21-2005, 08:01 PM
Well, Nashville 70 deg. F at 3:50p.m. CST. Unfortunately no beaches in any vicinity. Wish I lived in Florida.

Oh. . . well.
Ta-ta, j.

Philosophicaldreamer, come to Singapore and I will bring you to some nice beaches or a round of golf!! Hot and Sunny here!! :D

02-21-2005, 08:13 PM
It hit 30 today with 6 inches of snow...the nice light powder. Tonight it's dropping into the low teens. It's just a picture perfect winter day in New England. Too bad I have to work and can't strap on the XC ski's and head out (or just strap on the XC and drive out!) You Florida, Tenn. and Singapore guys miss the beauty that is Winter in the North East U.S. How can you stand all that heat and sunshine! Winter clears the mind and hardens the body. It makes you appreciate the warm weather when it comes and look forward to the cold when your too hot. It's the "best of all possible worlds" as the Professor Pangloss once said.

02-21-2005, 08:52 PM
we continue to struggle with a marginal winter here in the Pacific Northwest, probably one of the worst on record.

Whistler's done a fine job managing their snow base, but the local hills are having a real tough go. I skied this afternoon and Friday afternoon... 2 pulled edges and lotsa deep hits to the cores of my skis... Not to worry, that's what rock skis are for, but sure would be nice to get at least one more big blast of winter before we head into spring. Doesn't really look like it's going to, not anytime soon anyways, forecast is calling for around +10C and sun for the next week. :S

02-21-2005, 09:59 PM
Philosophicaldreamer, come to Singapore and I will bring you to some nice beaches or a round of golf!! Hot and Sunny here!! :D

Don't tempt me. . . I might take you up on your offer. My uncle once visited Singapore, and he loved your neck of the woods, so to speak. He lives in Switzerland so that he is hardly impressed with anything else, for you know how Swiss are. However, he was quite taken by your city. As a good Swiss, he appreciated your cities cleanliness and safety. I don't play golf but I do play tennis. Anyway, enjoy your sun and beaches. :)

Ta-ta, janusz

02-21-2005, 10:06 PM
It hit 30 today with 6 inches of snow...the nice light powder. Tonight it's dropping into the low teens. It's just a picture perfect winter day in New England. Too bad I have to work and can't strap on the XC ski's and head out (or just strap on the XC and drive out!) You Florida, Tenn. and Singapore guys miss the beauty that is Winter in the North East U.S. How can you stand all that heat and sunshine! Winter clears the mind and hardens the body. It makes you appreciate the warm weather when it comes and look forward to the cold when your too hot. It's the "best of all possible worlds" as the Professor Pangloss once said.

I must concur with you. I do miss winter. Yes, it is nice to go outside in the middle of February and play a round of tennis. But if it were up to me, I would live somewhere in New England. A hardy winter day does clean up one's existential sinuses, provided that one does not have to work for living, for once you bring in the necessity of getting up early in the morning to go to work, winter loses its charm if I have to be out there exposing my bones to cold. The charm of winter resides precisely in one's freedom to admire its beauty from the comfort of one's recliner facing the window in one's cozy living room. :)

Ta-ta, janusz

02-22-2005, 10:30 AM
... and for the next days, they promise more snow, colder temps and a more white landscape - just XC weather :-)

I was out on a coasting slide WITH my XC today (some Pics on my website www.xc-fan.de). I also tried to translate some things (don´t hurt me - my english is really as bad ;-)

Let´s have fun with the XC weather ... [actually -6°C @500m, snowing]
Torsten - the XC-Fan (and with cold feet at the office desk - have to go back in the XC :-)))

02-22-2005, 11:51 AM
... and for the next days, they promise more snow, colder temps and a more white landscape - just XC weather :-)

I was out on a coasting slide WITH my XC today (some Pics on my website www.xc-fan.de). I also tried to translate some things (don´t hurt me - my english is really as bad ;-)

Let´s have fun with the XC weather ... [actually -6°C @500m, snowing]
Torsten - the XC-Fan (and with cold feet at the office desk - have to go back in the XC :-)))


You should not worry about your English. Your English is comprehensible, and you would be surprised how many native speakers of English have problems with expressing themselves adequately. In our age of limited literacy and intellectual sloppiness, most of us struggle to put full sentences together. Even those of us who make living from writing find themselves ill prepared for the process. If you doubt it, open any newspaper and you will see how poorly the professional writers write. Hence, you are a tree in a forest, or to put it simply, there is safety in numbers. Hence, enjoy the board and if something is unclear people will ask you about it. :D

Ta-ta, janusz

02-22-2005, 03:02 PM
Torsten, that is a good AVI clip, shame the AllRoad made it up the hill, I was a little shocked the XC70 did not climb a little higher, it looked like it was pulled back to allow the Audi a clear run.

What there any difference between the tyres on the Audi & Volvo?

02-23-2005, 12:02 AM
They don´t mentioned the tyres anyway :-( But here in Germany, we meet us in March to do our own test. We´re a group of 5 to 8 XCs, we have (hopefully) a Audio Allroad with us - and maybe a Land Rover 110. I will do a lot of photos on the 4x4 Offroad Terrain.

Torsten - the XC-Fan

02-23-2005, 02:37 AM
........ :D ........

02-23-2005, 12:19 PM
Here is a very good translation tool to translate Torstens XC-fan web page :-)


Cape Cod Bound
02-25-2005, 05:21 PM
That's the weather in Canada.

Foreast for Toronto is for snow for the next week :(

I wanna live in Cali! :mad:

02-26-2005, 11:20 AM
That's the weather in Canada.
Foreast for Toronto is for snow for the next week :(
I wanna live in Cali! :mad:

You just don't have the correct part of Canada, grasshopper. ;)

Here in LotusLand, formerly known as the Wet Coast, we are into our third week of Spring, as decreed by our version of The Groundhog -the Hoary Marmot. :eek:

Whistler, once a winter playground, has just had two consecutive days of record -breaking high temperatures (for February) and it's nice to be able to start washing the XC in the driveway again.
Heck, I'll be having to cut the lawn soon. :rolleyes:

Where is this Cali place you mention? Not that place that has been washed away by a month of torrential rains I hope? :(

When you have time from your snow shovelling, Google the Victoria Flower Count for some nice Left Coast scenery.

Nyah Nyah, Nyah Nyah Nyah! :D