View Full Version : wind whislte in door/window panel???

11-28-2004, 02:58 PM
i have a constant wind-whistle in the driver side door. happens when the wind hits the car in an certain angle or ANYTIME driving 65 miles plus. I mentioned to the dealer on my 3500 mile chk. they replace the "door seal". I looked at the weather stripping it seems to be fine. But on my return from Los Angeles today, I can still hear the wind flapping. Sounds like the door or window is ajar. its anoying. I keep chk to make sure the window is still rolled up.
any suggestions????????

11-29-2004, 06:42 AM
I had / have the same problem.
The weather stripping was replaced twice. Now it is better but still present. I need to go back in a few weeks and will see if they can come up with a permanent fix.

11-29-2004, 01:26 PM
Check yourself if you can or have the exterioir mirror ass'y checked by your dealer. The wind noise may come from there.

11-30-2004, 11:50 AM
No, it's not the mirror assy., it's the window because when I open it just a little bit the noise level changes. Someone noted/posted a while ago that the window will close further if the "up" button is hit again even if the window is closed. Sometimes this works a little, sometimes not. The wind noise is still there. Must be the design of the weather stripping (...or my hearing:D )

11-30-2004, 02:37 PM
Are you sure you aren't hearing any voices while driving?

The voices in my XC keep saying, hey look, there's mud over there! Hey look, big puddles! Come on, we can Zaino later for now let's get dirty! You know you want to see if the DTSC REALLY works that well!

Seriously I have a little whistle too...

11-30-2004, 02:42 PM
I don't have a noticeable wind noise, but that may be due to cutting firewood with a chain saw for twenty years. I do have an occasional rattle in my driver side front window when it is closed that is much reduced by hiting the up buttom that raises the window. Anyone else have this rattle?

11-30-2004, 03:58 PM
I don't have a noticeable wind noise, but that may be due to cutting firewood with a chain saw for twenty years. I do have an occasional rattle in my driver side front window when it is closed that is much reduced by hiting the up buttom that raises the window. Anyone else have this rattle?

I have a similar window rattle on the passenger side. When it rattles I hit the button to take the window down a bit and then hit it (not literally) again to put it back up and the rattle goes away (but only for a short while). Next time I am at the dealer I'm gonna have them take a look at it.

11-09-2009, 08:51 AM
Hi There

Just wanted to add my two cents worth...I purchased an '06 back in 2006 and this problem has been persistent since I owned the vehicle. I had the dealer replace the seal twice under warranty. In both cases the noise/rattle was gone for roughly 8-10 months, but always returned seemingly worse than before. Once the warranty was up, I really got the "screw you" attitude from the dealer. I understand that that brakes, mufflers etc all need to be replaced eventually, but I am not interested in annually replacing a window seal...Perhaps Volvo just makes a s#!tty seal...does anyone know of any aftermarket manufacturers?

It's a shame...I wanted to love this car, now I can't wait to get rid of it...


11-09-2009, 10:20 AM
I used to get it - until I realised my door frame and the rubber trim was just 'dirty'. I cleaned the inside of the car-side door frame where the door touches it, and then I cleaned all around the door seal. If the body frame where the door closes is dirty, or if it has anything on it, it will break the seal and cause a squeal at around 100-110kph.

Yes, it's very weird but if you take a soapy sponge and clean both the body frame and the door, it may go away.

11-09-2009, 12:44 PM
Yup, that might explain the whistling, but I suspect something is still wrong with the window as low speed consecutive bumps make it sound as if the window is going to fall out of the frame! Our other car (2003 Ford Focus SE) is now my preferred vehicle...sad, but true!

11-09-2009, 03:03 PM
I have had the same frustrating whistle since the car is new. Very annoying for the past 160,000 kms. Will certainly try Forster's suggestion and see if that helps.


11-09-2009, 04:36 PM
I replied five years ago to this problem. The solution might be to understand that the window switch actually has four settings; two up and two down. When pulled all the way up the automatic function is actuated and the window goes up and stops automatically. That is when mine rattles and drives me crazy. If the switch is pulled up just a little the window will settle into its stop position and quit rattling. Careful attention to the feel of the switch will allow you to distinguish the difference.

11-19-2009, 09:22 AM
Thanks for the suggestion...I'll try putting the window up manually...still for $61K you would think the "auto up" function would work the way it should..perhaps the car requires a re-flash of the software to get the window to stop where it should.

11-19-2009, 11:11 AM
I suspect that the "soft" stop in automatic mode is a safety feature related to not strangling children with the automatic up function. It probably cannot be changed.

11-19-2009, 02:50 PM
I suspect that the "soft" stop in automatic mode is a safety feature related to not strangling children with the automatic up function. It probably cannot be changed.

That would be the reason; it's a normal condition.


02-04-2012, 10:32 AM
We are a USA driving family. I am becoming a passenger when traveling with family. I enjoy the comfort of back seat, chatters, and watch all that passes by, but wait. This holiday travel was behind the passenger seat. Heater was doing great, front seaters were in control of all the happening, but there was cold air where I was riding. After a quick check, it was the rear inside door knob, the gap where the lever slides when pulled. I had placed ruffle - a companion stuffed animal - to cover it during the trip. All worked out great.

How does one go about closing this unregulated flow of outside air.
