View Full Version : Problems with the new V8 ????

XCuse me
08-13-2004, 09:04 AM
Here's a post I saw on another forum, which had no responses. What's the scoop, anyone have any info on this one?????


"Volvo XC90 V8
Mon Aug 9, 2004 18:54

I know a bloke, actually quite good pal of mine in the Devonshire area who is with Volvo Cars UK, and he advised me that Volvo appears to be having problems with their new Yamaha V8 engine and transmission. I inquired about the availability of the new V8, and this may be a real struggle for Volvo to get onto the marketplace, and they are being tight lipped about it. I think they have durability issues they are sorting out. The availability of this motor and a new transmission in UK may be quite some time off, as this package appears to be intended for the gas guzzling Yank Tank market.

Anyone else have any information on this subject, kindly please post away.


08-18-2004, 03:03 PM
Well what do you expect, no responses there and none here either. But how about this for a response. I hear on the grapevine that Volvo is about to put a more powerful Jaguar diesel engine into the XC90 to give it a bit more oomph. Sounds like the XC90 has not be refined enough, yet. :D But then we have being saying that all along, have we not. [pico]

XCuse me
08-19-2004, 07:59 AM
Well I almost forgot I posted this, things have been so quiet lately, but there "was" (is) a return post on this one, but it won't do anyone any good. Here it is:

"Volvo motor
by Heinrich
No problem Trevor,

My English is not the best, but I will reply. I have experience with the diesel Volvo utility with manual standard transmission, and it is a very different truck than what comes with automatic transmission. With automatic it is more a car, with manual especially with diesel engine, it is a tough truck and good for off road work. As for the new motor, I understand they are having problems with something, and I do not think the new big motor will ever have a manual standard.

Good day."

I am surprised we're not hearing more about the V8 project though. You would think Ford and Volvo would be hyping this, but it's been deathly quiet. Maybe they have news they want to keep quiet??

XCuse me

08-26-2004, 11:15 AM
I don't know anything about any problem but i heard that Volvo refused to take the V8 from Ford.

Mr. P
08-26-2004, 12:31 PM
I always thought Ford built a perfectly fine V8???

One thing is true, there is virtually ZERO info out there about the new Volvo V8.

Mr. P

08-26-2004, 12:37 PM
New XC70 & XC90 'mules' on test at the moment in the UK, although no work has been done to them yet they will have new engine tests done on them in the coming weeks...V8 :confused: I don't know at the moment but maybe I will find out...

08-26-2004, 01:32 PM
I wonder why Volvo won't use "homegrown" Ford engines?

Some folks have been dropping small block Ford engines into Volvos for years without a hitch. (There's usually one of these up for sale on eBay, and I think there's a company in Maine that specializes in these transplants.)

Mr. P
08-26-2004, 01:34 PM
I totally agree, so don't get me started on this! (lol)

I would rather see a Ford engine in a Volvo, or a Jag/Ford engine, than a Yamaha. Go figure?? What were they thinking??

Mr. P

(edit comment: Dave Letterman and Paul Newman both have V8 volvo station wagons, and a long string of speeding tickets to prove it)

08-26-2004, 01:56 PM
(edit comment: Dave Letterman and Paul Newman both have V8 volvo station wagons, and a long string of speeding tickets to prove it)

Clearly I'm dieing to do anything but write this stupid chapter, so I did a search on this. Here's a snippet from Letterman being interviewed by Jon Stewart in 1995:

LETTERMAN: Yes, sir. And so they introduced me to Paul Newman, and you're carrying on a conversation. "How do you do? I enjoy your popcorn and Cool Hand Luke." That's what you're saying to Paul Newman.


LETTERMAN: In your head all you can hear is this huge voice screaming, "Oh, my God, it's Paul Newman. Oh, my God, it's Paul Newman." So I've been lucky enough to kind of have -- I guess it's a friendship. I won't say we're really good friends, but we have kind of a relationship, and he's called me from time to time. About six months ago -- and this is where it starts to get cool --

STEWART: All right.

LETTERMAN: -- Paul Newman calls up and he says, "Dave," he says, "I'm thinking about getting me a Volvo station wagon, and I'm gonna stuff a Ford 302 V-8 engine into it."


LETTERMAN: "This engine is about the size of a small piano, so we're going to have to push back the fire wall. Do you want one?" So, you know, I'm thinking a Volvo station wagon looks like something you'd make in metal shop, and if you want something really sporty you get a bakery truck, and every time you see a Volvo station wagon in the back it's three kids getting car sick on a golden retriever, and I'm thinking these cars are so safe because in traffic other motorists slow down to check out how ugly they are.

STEWART: Right, the tank.

LETTERMAN: So intellectually I don't want a Volvo station wagon, but, of course, internally it's Paul Newman, I say, "Yes, I'd like one."

STEWART: "Bring it on."

LETTERMAN: "Paul, let me have that Volvo station wagon."

STEWART: Sure. Me too.

LETTERMAN: So I'm aware of the fact in talking to Paul, he's far more excited about this than I am. He calls up from time to time and he says, "Have you picked out the interior yet?" And I said, "No, I haven't." He said, "Well, you better hurry. The dollar's falling." And I don't know what that means.

STEWART: No, he's very concerned about the world economics.

LETTERMAN: And then he calls up after that and he says,

"Good news. Pirelli's gonna give us free tires."

"Wow, that's great, Paul." It's Paul Newman.

We're getting free tires. I don't know.

So he calls two weeks ago, and he says, "Dave, the

cars are ready. We got two, one for me, one for you."

He says, "Everything is ready to go. I've got to

ask you a question. Do you want a puffer on yours?"

You know, and I'm thinking, well, is that like a

special inflatable seat? I don't know. Like sails on this


And I said, "Well, Paul, are you getting a puffer

on yours?"

And Paul says, "Yeah, yeah, I'm getting a puffer

on mine."

And I said, "You know, I have no idea."

And he says, "It's a supercharger.

I said, "A supercharger?"

He says, "Now you have to be very careful,

because with this supercharger this thing will turn about

400 horsepower, so if you pop the clutch you're gonna tear up

the rear end." By comparison, a stock showroom Corvette, 300



LETTERMAN: I say to Paul, "Now wait a minute. Paul, I

have a Volvo station wagon, 400 horsepower?"

And he says, "Oh, yeah," he says, "from 20 to a

hundred you can chew anybody's ass."

And I'm thinking to myself, what circumstance

would Paul find himself in driving around in a Volvo station

wagon where he feels like he's gotta chew somebody's ass?

(Hoots and applause.)

STEWART: I don't know. I can see that's very nice


LETTERMAN: a 400 horsepower Volvo station wagon.

STEWART: But when Paul Newman offers you a puffer, I

mean, you take it. You don't turn down Paul Newman.

LETTERMAN: You'd be a fool to pass on the puffer.

Mr. P
08-26-2004, 02:47 PM
Sheesh, I'm impressed, good find Carbsumer !

Mr. P


09-03-2004, 05:37 AM
There is a precedent on Ford/Yamaha cooperation. Back in the late '80's I drove a Ford Taurus SHO with a 220 horsepower inline Yamaha six. Took the smile off more than one BMW owner with that sleeper....came with a five speed manual transmission and was loads of fun to drive - albeit with some pretty strong torque steer (FWD). While the Jag eight would be nice, I'm sure Yamaha can put together something with gravitas.

Have to agree with Mr. P though - it's very quiet out there about this V8 for the XC 90.

09-05-2004, 05:00 AM
Ford does not make a v8 engine that can be transverse mounted or fit in the XC90 engine bay. The yahmaha v8 is a compact v8 that can fit and meet the vehicles crash standards.

I wonder why Volvo won't use "homegrown" Ford engines?

Some folks have been dropping small block Ford engines into Volvos for years without a hitch. (There's usually one of these up for sale on eBay, and I think there's a company in Maine that specializes in these transplants.)

09-05-2004, 06:44 AM
Ah. Thank you. Guess the days of "drop and drive" are over. :(