View Full Version : Osd bill of sale

04-14-2003, 10:48 AM
I thought I'd post this snippet of info to help others who may have a mind to change (add or subtract that is) their XC70 accessory items that were initially ordered thru OSD at the dealership.

When you get to FDC to pickup your XC70 and go over the paper work with one of the FDC staff, one document you will see is the BILL OF SALE. This reflects your final OSD order.

If you ask FDC to remove items that are listed on your BILL OF SALE you can benefit from having the BILL OF SALE modified at FDC to reflect a lower total sales price. This new BILL OF SALE will also influence the US Customs XC70's valuation price (typically I'm told the US Customs valuation matches the BILL OF SALE price total). These two docs are needed (in my case they are) when you pay your state's Use Tax as this tax is based on the US Custom's valuation. Thus, if you've had accessory items removed and not shipped back to USA with your XC70 the BILL OF SALE price will be lower and your the Use Tax you owe to your state will be lower.

This is no big deal and only becomes significant if the price of the removed accessory(s) is large. For me, I like to keep the books straight so that when reviewing the OSD transactions at a later date they all makes sense to me and can be accounted for.

In my case I had at least two accessories removed/refunded that amounted to several hundred $s and I overlooked having my BILL OF SALE modified. No matter, as I contacted FDC after returning home and they will be sending me an updated BILL OF SALE to reflect my changes. They knew exactly why I was making this request. http://xc70.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif

If your situation is like mine you can save yourself some hassle by having the BILL OF SALE dealt with on the spot at FDC before you leave. It shouldn't take but a few minutes of their time.

Of note here of course is the opposite situation. That is, if you ADD accessory items and have them shipped back to USA with your XC70. This of course is a decision you have to make as a good US citizen wrt to your state's Use Tax http://xc70.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif

If one considers all of this you could very easily conclude that to minimise your tax burden then ONLY order those things that have to be installed during the XC70's manufacture. Leave off all other accessories on your OSD order and have them added when you get to the FDC. In this way your BILL OF SALE total price is minimised, you pay no Swedish VAT and quite likely no Use Tax on the added accessories when you eventually register the XC70 back in USA. Of course you have to feel comfortable with this approach and it might be necessary/wise to forward a list of all the accessories you wish to add at FDC to them in advance to ensure they are available for you when you arrive in Goteborg.

Good luck.