View Full Version : 2004 options

07-14-2003, 01:03 PM
I originally placed my order for a 2003 2.5, but will be getting the 2004.  I have not been asked what interior options I want.  Should I have made these decisions or was it because they ran out of the 2003s and I already had my order in?  Is there only 1 standard rim to pick from.  I had made a list of which car and major option with addtional prices and sent it to my salesperson and the only thing that came back was an increased price due to the 2004 vehicle.  

Also wondering if anyone in Pacific NW had time added to original delivery date.  They added a month so far.  


07-14-2003, 07:56 PM
When did you order? The 2004's have been available since May. My local dealer, a relatively small one, had 3 XC90's in stock last week. Your dealer does not appear to be trying very hard.

Your order should be firmed up at least a couple of months before delivery. Unless you want something out of the ordinary, I'd just shop around for existing stock. If you can wait until October, consider overseas delivery.

07-15-2003, 07:18 AM
I placed my order in April 2002, paid my deposit in May 2003 with a second half July deliver which has been changed to August.  I don't think i ordered anything out of the ordinary - I did order navigation.  As you probably know, there are only 2 dealers in northern OR and one wouldn't even let me test drive the car.  When I placed my order I was told I was 108 on the list to place my order.  I am seeing more and more on the road everyday.

07-15-2003, 11:05 AM
It's harder to find cars with navigation; not a popular option, evidently. There are only 9 Volvo dealers listed in Oregon, only one east of the mountains. I test drove 3 times (4 if you count my neighbor's XC90) including 2 with navigation. One dealer even let me drive off-pavement and another directed me to some hills where I could get a feel for the gearing. The local dealer will even let people keep a car overnight if they are serious. Test drives are so important, I'd head the other direction if a dealer wouldn't let me try it out.

07-31-2003, 07:57 AM
In July I picked up an '04 T6 after placing the order in March (12 week wait).  Mine was one of the first '04's delivered by my NE Ohio dealership.  I was told that I had a choice of silver satin interior trim (doors, console) but I opted for the fake wood grain (even though I wasn't crazy about it) because I thought it complemented the optional wood steering wheel.  That was the only choice (other than, of course, basic option packages (versatility, premium, etc.)  
Wait time for T6's here is down to 8 weeks and creeping lower.  So far, 6 weeks of pure driving pleasure.  Man I love this car/truck/SUV/tall wagon!

08-22-2003, 01:03 PM
I think I ordered mine in June and was told to expect early Nov. (~6 months) I'm picking it up tomorrow.  (23 Aug, 2.5 months)  

This is in the NW, specifically in Portland and I have had nothing but a great time working with them.  Test drive was great for a city driving.  We went up into the west hills and ripped around on some of the smaller roads.


08-25-2003, 07:06 AM
Well I picked up my car last Tuesday while on vacation and had a great time getting used to it.  Everyone wants a ride!  

My salesman, Henry, was great.  Volvo has been great!  The car is awsome!!!  


Now I just have to go to the garage and hop in.