View Full Version : Let's talk a-pillar trim

09-19-2018, 09:12 PM
My "mouse fur" fabric is peeling off my a-pillar. Recently I installed a microphone for my Bluetooth headunit, and ran the wire up the a-pillar, but was only able to pull it back an inch or 2.

How do I remove them to reupholster the pillars? What is the trick?

09-19-2018, 11:27 PM
It's able to pop loose to allow the airbag to come out, but it won't come off until you unscrew the retaining tabs.

09-20-2018, 05:27 AM
It's able to pop loose to allow the airbag to come out, but it won't come off until you unscrew the retaining tabs.

Cool, thanks so much, after I feed the wire, I now have a clip rattling in there, soooo annoying

09-24-2018, 03:35 PM
This You Tube nicely demonstrates how to remove the A-pillar trim

I had the same fabric peeling problem on my wife's 07 S60. I couldn't find a way to get the fabric glued back in place....it's a breakdown of the adhesive under the fabric, and
the old adhesive layer would have to be completely removed to get a firm surface for the fabric to adhere to.

The simplest, best solution is to go the junkyard, and get all-plastic versions of these parts.

Rabid Koala
09-24-2018, 07:25 PM
I had an auto upholstery shop redo mine, it wasn't very expensive and looks great.

09-29-2018, 04:24 PM
01-02 were injection molded, get from a junk car (or order new from dealer) and never worry about again

09-30-2018, 03:24 PM
I plan on taking mine off and just wrapping them in anything, leather, fabric, anything.