View Full Version : How to reattach the backing to a broken right side view mirror

02-25-2014, 11:06 PM
hi, I had a little problem with the side of my garage and broke my right side view mirror on my 2004 XC70. I would like to avoid the $500 the dealer is looking for to replace the entire piece but the problem I have is that I can purchase just the glass and the plastic backing for $80 but it looks like another piece broke off with the mirror, here's a pic of it


It doesn't look like any parts are too badly broken but I can't for the life of me figure out how to reattach it. I can get it lined up where it needs to be but I'm afraid to push too hard for fear of breaking it. There is also this weird yellow piece that juts out and doesn't seem to fit into any spot in it's mating piece. There are two white male nubs on the mating piece that line up with the piece in the picture, but then there's that yellow piece in the way? Can anyone give me some insight? Should I just push much harder to get it to snap in?

02-26-2014, 05:27 AM
That's the mirror mounting plate that is part of the mirror motor. The yellow bit appears to be the actuating arm from one of the adjustment motors. Try going out on eBay and finding a motor (http://www.ebay.ca/itm/181083978535?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649). Price new is a bit over $200 but the used one are less than $75 usually. You want to make sure that you get one that matches the features of your original. That is, memory, etc. Everything just screws together within the mirror housing so not a difficult fix once you get the all the bits and sure beats the $500 for a new mirror from the dealer.



02-26-2014, 09:02 AM
Thanks Bill, so what you are saying is that there is no way of putting that plastic mounting piece back on to the motor, I was hoping it could snap back in somehow. The motor seems to still work. I was hoping to avoid having to buy a new one and maybe just superglue this mounting piece back on.

02-26-2014, 11:31 AM
I would carefully take the driver side mirror out and see how it looks like and there may be a way to superglue it or plastic weld it. Or just go to a junk yard to find one. Take it apart and match the parts with your car.

02-26-2014, 03:53 PM
ok it looks like I've broken off 2 balls off the base that fit into sockets on the mount so off to ebay I go to buy a motor and mirror! Looks like the only one available with the correct part number is from Lithuania. I'm going to be pushing April by the time it gets here.


02-26-2014, 06:00 PM
I would carefully take the driver side mirror out and see how it looks like and there may be a way to superglue it or plastic weld it. Or just go to a junk yard to find one. Take it apart and match the parts with your car.

The problem with trying to glue those things is that if you get any ice or anything that restricts the movement of the mirror when it adjusts, you'll just snap the arms off again. The best part is that these adjustors appear to be more unique than those in the older cars which are used across various manufacturers. Then you add in the options of memory. Cheap electric motors and a bunch of plastic for over $200 new. Nuts!



02-26-2014, 06:44 PM
ok it looks like I've broken off 2 balls off the base that fit into sockets on the mount so off to ebay I go to buy a motor and mirror! Looks like the only one available with the correct part number is from Lithuania. I'm going to be pushing April by the time it gets here.


Did you see that the listing is for a V70 and is specifically excluding the XC70?

02-27-2014, 03:17 PM
Did you see that the listing is for a V70 and is specifically excluding the XC70?

Its basically the difference between memory vs. no memory. Verifying valid part numbers in VIDA would be best to guarantee getting the right part.

