View Full Version : VIDA won't install

11-16-2013, 07:59 AM
I purchased a Dice tool on ebay that came with Vida 2013a. I also have a copy of 2010d I downloaded, and I can't get either to install successfully. I'm trying to install on a Macbook Air with OSX 10.9 running XP SP3 and IE8 on Virtualbox. Both installations show all system requirements are met, but after it goes through the installation process, it says some components did not install properly, one of which is Vida. Any ideas?

11-16-2013, 10:04 AM
I purchased a Dice tool on ebay that came with Vida 2013a. I also have a copy of 2010d I downloaded, and I can't get either to install successfully. I'm trying to install on a Macbook Air with OSX 10.9 running XP SP3 and IE8 on Virtualbox. Both installations show all system requirements are met, but after it goes through the installation process, it says some components did not install properly, one of which is Vida. Any ideas?

I tried on two xp computers, the other failed but the other ws successful. Had to set the time to 1.1.2012 for 2012D version.
here can some additional hints be found:
br tapsa

11-18-2013, 06:21 AM
I purchased a Dice tool on ebay that came with Vida 2013a. I also have a copy of 2010d I downloaded, and I can't get either to install successfully. I'm trying to install on a Macbook Air with OSX 10.9 running XP SP3 and IE8 on Virtualbox. Both installations show all system requirements are met, but after it goes through the installation process, it says some components did not install properly, one of which is Vida. Any ideas?

How much memory do you have associated with the VM? XP can't really use more than 3Gb anyway, but if you can swing it set the VM to use at least 2Gb. I have found that VIDA 2010 will not work with IE 8 and you will note in the requirements that it does specify IE7. VIDA 2013 needs at least 2.5Gb of VM memory but will work with IE8 and in Win7 as well as XP. And the VIDA install routine won't tell you all this good stuff when it fails either.

Good Luck,


11-18-2013, 09:58 PM
2010D is the most stable.

Installed it yesterday on a real 32-bit XP SP3 after wiping out shared 2012A installation by mistake (shared between W7 64 bit and XP). 2013A comes with MSSQL 2008, installer failed to deal with 2005, which landed on disk with previous VIDA version. 2012A didn't work well with DiCE under W7, even after successful DiCE firmware update. And IIRC it does not like IE10. Well, even XP was rebooting quite often.

I have one more VIDA: 2011-something running in Linux+KVM virtual machine. Unfortunately, DiCE driver does not work properly with USB passthrough in KVM, so I'm forced to mess with Windows when in garage, despite the fact my other 14 computers run Linux :)

2010D so far is the best, stick to it unless XP is not an option.

11-19-2013, 02:05 AM
I disagree with the comment that Vida (I have 2011D) will not work with IE8. I have an installation on a mid 2009 Macbook Pro with 8G RAM (Mountain Lion) and parallels that installed without any problems, and a similar installation on Windows 7 Ultimate again in parallels (7) with only 2G RAM. The common feature of these is they were installed on an account which always has administrative privileges and where the virtual software environment (and Windows OS and IE) are prevented from ever receiving updates. A large part of Vida's clunkiness and snail pace is due to the java aspect. I find Windows takes ages to display the icon in the toolbar, and until that point IE says it cannot connect to the loop back and stalls. I was unable to download the virtual player one member posted online without corrupted files, so cannot comment directly but wide reading seems to suggest that of all the virtualisations desktop parallels is the most stable. I have resisted moving to OS X 10.9 as I have no desire to dumb down for the sake of iPhone and social media trivialisations.

11-19-2013, 06:09 AM
I disagree with the comment that Vida (I have 2011D) will not work with IE8. I have an installation on a mid 2009 Macbook Pro with 8G RAM (Mountain Lion) and parallels that installed without any problems, and a similar installation on Windows 7 Ultimate again in parallels (7) with only 2G RAM. The common feature of these is they were installed on an account which always has administrative privileges and where the virtual software environment (and Windows OS and IE) are prevented from ever receiving updates. A large part of Vida's clunkiness and snail pace is due to the java aspect. I find Windows takes ages to display the icon in the toolbar, and until that point IE says it cannot connect to the loop back and stalls. I was unable to download the virtual player one member posted online without corrupted files, so cannot comment directly but wide reading seems to suggest that of all the virtualisations desktop parallels is the most stable. I have resisted moving to OS X 10.9 as I have no desire to dumb down for the sake of iPhone and social media trivialisations.

Yep, 2011 was about the break where IE8 would allow VIDA to run although the official documentation said otherwise as I recall. I'm currently running my "Office-use" 2013A on a VMWare Fusion 6 VM with Win 7 Ultimate under Mavericks (on a 4.3gHz/16G Hackintosh) and it works great. 2013 must have some significant code changes as it runs way smoother than the older versions. May be the increased RAM requirement too for that matter. I'm screwed as far as the actual use of the application though as my old shop Dell only has 2G RAM max so I'm stuck using 2012 on it. Works well enough on my 02 XC though so I'll put up with it for now.



11-20-2013, 08:00 AM
Ok, so I have a Macbook Air with 8GB memory. I have allocated 4 of that for XP in VirtualBox. I have also given it a 40GB virtual HD.

Here is my software installation list in order...
1. XP
2. XP SP2
3. IE7
4. XP SP3
5. MSXML 6
6. .net (tried both 2.0 SP1 and 3.5)
7. sql2005 (sqlexpr_adv)

As I said, I've tried different versions of dotnet. I did some how manage a somewhat successful installation on IE8, but it didn't work with the Dice 100% and haven't been able to get back to that point since. I always get an error saying alba needs to quit.

11-20-2013, 11:19 AM
I'm having a heck of a time with this as well. Have a 2011 Macbook Pro and VIDA 2013a. I've been trying to run Oracle's Virtualbox with Windows 7 Ultimate. I've also tried running Bootcamp which is pre-installed on my Mac. I have a bootleg copy of Win7 and that may be my problem.

I can't get my gear shift knob off to replace my broken shift button. I sure wish I could get specs. No one online seems to have specs for the 2005 xc70 removal. I can get all the trim pieces off and have specs to replace the button, I just can't get the gear shift out of the console.

11-21-2013, 07:33 AM
I'm having a heck of a time with this as well. Have a 2011 Macbook Pro and VIDA 2013a. I've been trying to run Oracle's Virtualbox with Windows 7 Ultimate. I've also tried running Bootcamp which is pre-installed on my Mac. I have a bootleg copy of Win7 and that may be my problem.

There is a VMWare image available at http://www.volvoxc.com/forums/showthread.php?23252-VIDA-2012B-VMWare-Player-Image - I haven't tried it myself but users seem to be having success. I don't think VMWare player exists for Mac, however I've seen utilities which can convert images from VMWare to other formats which might do the trick.

11-27-2013, 02:57 PM
So after reinstalling XP 40 or 50 times, I finally have Vida 2010D running and the dice tool is communicating. Here's my installation order:

1. XP install
2. XP SP2
3. IE7
4. XP SP3
5. msxml 6
6. msxml 6 SP1 update
7. dotnet ver 2 SP 2
8. sql 2005 (sqlexpr_adv.exe)
9. Vida