View Full Version : Wire protectors

09-16-2003, 10:00 AM
just an FYI for under the hood checks:
I was doing some routine under the hood poking around this weekend after waxing the car when I noticed some cracking in the plastic wire protectors that run just to the right of the engine while facing it.  I touched it and it literally crumbled.  This has aparently been on-going because I started really looking around and saw that there were electrical tape patches all over these plastic protectors.  It's a cheap part to replace, but if the wires melt...that wouldn't be pretty.
I have never treated, washed, or pressure washed anything under the hood, so this is clearly just a bad choice of poor quality non-heat resistant plastic.

09-16-2003, 08:58 PM
Your car is a 2001 model so this means the plastic wire protectors have a useful lifespan of about 30 months. This is a poor aspect of Volvo's design and they should correct it. Protectors should protect for much more than 30 months. Hmmmm -- is this covered under warranty I wonder?

09-17-2003, 06:32 AM
My in service date was late october 00 so you're probably pretty close with the lifespan of the plastic.  I assume this will be a warranty repair.  If it isn't, they better not charge more than a few $ since I could easilly replace these parts with similar stuff from home depot/lowes for probably less than $10.00.  I'm glad I caught it before there was any damage to the wiring which might have resulted in a short.