View Full Version : ECC Issues

11-25-2012, 08:57 PM
Hi guys,

I have searched these forums and googled but alas, I have not run accross this problem anywhere.

Been having some issues with my XC70 since I have owned it. When I am trying to use the heat, the drivers side works perfectly fine; however, the passenger side fluctuates between the ECC setting and the outside ambient temperature. It usually changes every 5 seconds or so. This normally doesn't annoy me, but now it's -20C and it sure makes the car heat up slow, and is downright drafty! When the car is fully up to operating temperature then it blows according to my settings on both sides.

When both sides are blowing heat, the fan seems to slow down a bit; when the passenger side decides to blow ice cold air the fan speed increases. I believe I can also hear a damper moving about when it is changing from hot to cold and vice versa. In the summer I know my A/C worked good, but this heat issue is sure getting annoying. Any suggestions?


11-26-2012, 04:36 AM
Take it to the dealer for a calibration for starters

11-26-2012, 05:09 AM
Unfortunately, the closest dealer is 2.5 hours away, time is a luxury I don't have; I do my own work though. Anything I can check?


11-26-2012, 05:32 AM
Time to invest in your own VIDA/DiCE setup as you could do the calibration then yourself, plus see what is actually wrong with it should the calibration not cut it. If you live that far from a dealer or anyone else that might be able to assist (I'm 2 hours from the only dealer in the Maritimes), it really does pay to have your own VIDA/DiCE as the $200 or so to get one is almost what the gas would cost to get there and back and the hook-up fee.

Good luck,
