View Full Version : ECC removal, unplugging

10-31-2012, 10:11 AM
Looking to install an imIV and check on my, apparently, faulty Air bag module

The way I understand it I can safely uplug the ECC if I first remove the battery negative (-) cable and wait at least 10 mins.

Is this correct? Want to be sure I'm not missing any critical steps/bows to the moon or general sacrifices to the gods. [thumbup]

10-31-2012, 11:55 AM
Wait 10 minutes BEFORE removing the Negative cable. You can wait after removing it too just to collect your thoughts.

When you reconnect the negative cable, make sure you put your key in the ignition and turn it to "position II". After reconnection, remove your key and use your fob to lock and unlock the doors. I've never found this to affect anything, but I understand it's resets certain things if things get wonky during reconnection.

This procedure is a good idea before doing anything electrical on these cars.


10-31-2012, 11:58 AM
I also turn off everything on the CCM (Fan, AC etc..) just for safety. Although Volvo directions don't call for it.

Car powers up everything instantly during battery reconnect with key in position II. This makes one think its crazy to have this kind of uncontrolled power surge during battery reconnect. But this IS what Volvo direction says to do anytime battery is disconnected.

Maybe a bow facing the general direction of Sweden would help :)

10-31-2012, 12:00 PM
*Also, turn off everything on the ECC panel before that 10 minute period. I don't think it matters if you don't change anything on the ECC, but when you reconnect everything, all of it's settings should be in the same position as when you disconnected it. Turning everything off ensures that if you bump or unintentionally change something, you know where it was set when you started- off.

10-31-2012, 12:02 PM
Ah yes, Howard- Forgot about the bow. Always a good idea.

10-31-2012, 02:26 PM
So here's the plan
Go home shut everything off and eat dinner.
After dinner, bow to Sweden, disconnect the neg cable and take the dogs out.
Tomorrow, or whenever I have time remove and disconnect ECC
Whenever I'm done put the key in Position II, bow to Sweden and reconnect battery neg.
Remove key lock then unlock doors and hope the thing starts.

Additional question:
After all this bowing can I unplug the radio at the same time as the ECC?

10-31-2012, 02:53 PM
I've never removed the radio, might have a radio code so do a search.

The ECC is a little tricky to come out. The bottom 2 torx screws are easy to drop and get lost in the center console crevasse so have a magnetic pickup ready. There are 2 metal fingers on the bottom of the radio that grabs hold of ECC from the top. Never figured how to get them loose or reassemble properly. Always a lot of wiggling until something just pops out and in correctly.

11-01-2012, 01:27 PM
I've swapped the radio out about 5 times on my 2004 (Erie Vo-Vo had a hard time matching the color when I ordered a HU-813 from them) . It's super easy once you get the hang of "popping" out the ECC. No codes to worry about.
You really must have a "Bone" tool. I tore my hair out the first time I did it, then I found this video on You-Tube. Study the part where he removes the ECC. The "lever action" he uses is the key. Changed my life!!! Use a bone tool though- a LOT less damage/scratching potential.

See the video here- It's a "must-see" for what you are doing:

11-01-2012, 09:43 PM
Cool, I just happened to have added a bone tool to an IPD order I placed yesterday. At least some good news today, one of my other cars was broken into. As much as maintaining multiple cars is a pain...it sure is nice to not feel rushed when decommissioning a car for repair. I like doing lots of jobs at once rather and endless stream of little jobs.

11-02-2012, 10:35 PM
I watched the video and was surprised to see that he had the key in the ignition and in what appears to be, positon II. Any thoughts?

11-03-2012, 05:18 AM
I'd go about the battery disconnect/connect process as described here in this thread. I think what you're seeing in th video is what we refer to in the business as a "continuity error". They probably did more than one "take".
Another explaination could be precaution- I don't think there would be anything wrong with putting the key in an turning it to position II AFTER the negative lead is disconnected as a precaution, so you don't forget to do it in your excitement (I've done that before- luckily no harm was done).

11-03-2012, 08:38 PM
I like the precaution explanation. It sort of idiot proof the process.