View Full Version : Does engine bay stay clean

02-23-2003, 05:53 PM
After 2 1/2 yrs owning an S80 T6 the engine bay looks as good as new. This is a big surprise to me. I attribute this mainly to the hood seal and maybe some clever air flow characteristics designed by Volvo. Mind you, the S80 hasn't been driven over any logging trails or dirt roads -- just long distance driving and about town mainly.

Can I expect a similar clean engine bay for my XC70 over the same time period?

02-23-2003, 10:00 PM
My engine bay does not stay so clean. Its actually pretty dirty and I was told by my mechanic to wash it, and I live in NYC. One could not find dirt roads here if he/she tried. So, my engine does get dirty, surprising as I would expect the XC to be more sealed off from dirt than the S80.

02-24-2003, 06:33 AM
No it doesn't stay clean.  Mine is about 2.5 years old and it isn't particularly clean under there (of course all of the oil leaks that I had in the first year probably didn't help http://xc70.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/laugh.gif ).  On the other hand it is a lot cleaner than the jeeps that i have owned.