View Full Version : The better side of volvo

09-27-2002, 07:39 AM
This topic is a prompt from the excessive griping (http://xc70.com/cgi-bin/ib3/ikonboard.cgi?act=ST;f=1;t=625) thread.  I'm getting very close to purchasing my first XC, but have frankly been a little frightenend by some of the stories that have been posted.  I want to know that if I buy a Volvo, it has a chance of lasting a good ten or twelve years and well over 100,000 miles.

So how about some positive Volvo stories?  Such as "I've put tons of miles on my Volvo already and have only had to do regular oil changes" or "I've had only a few, one-time problems that my dealership has handled quickly and courteously".  By judging how enthusiastic most of you are about your Volvos, I'm sure that are plenty of stories out there like this.

Please don't post any negative stories on this thread.

09-27-2002, 07:55 AM
ok tooberand, it's a Friday and all, so how about this:

I have a 16 year old Volvo 240DL wagon, hardly anything has gone wrong with it in the time I have owned it. It is garaged and is in tremendous condition.

I have an eight week old V70XC, no problems with it so far, drives like a dream, love the car.

That make you feel better?? http://xc70.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif

09-27-2002, 08:13 AM

Thanks for taking this direction.  We have only had our XC for a little over a year (approx. 16K mis.).  So far it has operated perfectly.  Awesome through a NH winter (we live at the top of a hill also).  Have had a couple of minor things that our dealer (Merrimack St. Volvo - Manchester, NH) was more than happy to fix (no questions asked).

As far as getting well over 100K?  Don't even think about it.  You will get well over 200, 300K if you take care of the thing.  These things are built to last.  The longer we have this car, the better I feel about the $40K. That's a good sign.

I too expect my 7 y.o. daughter to drive this car to high school. http://xc70.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif

09-27-2002, 08:49 AM
One of the reasons I created this site was to share some of the enthusiasm I've got for the XC with others so as you can probably tell, I like these sorts ot threads http://xc70.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif

We bought it in March 2001 and after 45,000KM so far I've had a couple minor problems (as any new car will have) but nothing that would make me reconsider the purchase.

If I had to buy a car instead today I'd still make the exact same purchase... OK... I'd add the 800 series HU but that'd be it. http://xc70.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif

Dealer quality has been exceptional as well, and I'm not just saying that because you've asked for positive remarks. Attention to details such as washing the car EVERY time its in for service, explaining every detail on the work order, telephone follow ups, home pick up and delivery.

09-27-2002, 09:37 AM
Drove a '97 850 wagon 60K miles and never had a problem.  Sold it this summer on eBay for $14K.  find me another car with as high a resale percentage

So far our '02 XC has 7K miles and no problems of any sort

remember this type of site brings out the outspoken types who are much more likely to complain about little things.

95% of volvo owners could care less about a vehicle specific forum, so you are hearing views from a vocal minority.

Pastor John
09-27-2002, 10:20 AM
Our '98 V70 GLT has 80k miles on it and has only been in the shop for scheduled maintenance.  Except for the time when a lady t-boned me on the driver's side at 45 mph.  The force was so bad that it shoved my car 40 ft from the lane I was in.  The airbags deployed, the car received $5600 in damage, and I got out just in time to record her license plate number as she sped away.  Quote from police officer:  "Only someone driving a Volvo could have walked away from that one.  I'm taking my wife out tonight and buying her one."  We still have it and it is one of the best cars we have ever owned.

Our '02 V70XC has 16k miles on it and has proven to be just as dependable and sturdy so far.  I haven't tested the airbags yet though http://xc70.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif


09-27-2002, 10:30 AM
When I was lurking in this forum before buying my 02XC, I too was quite nervous about all the problems people were complaining about.  Nevertheless, I bought it for its safety and have had it for exactly a week now.  

With my expections being set a little low because of this forum, I must say that my wife and I have been very pleased.  The dealer has been great so far.  He spent a lot of time going over the car and its feature, providing little tips and warnings here and there.  Once you drive it, you get the sense that it is very solid.  My wife commented today saying that she felt safe in it.  I also like that the cars features are more than just bells and whistles.  The feature like "follow me home" lighting is a great idea and is representive of the "features with a purpose" philosophy Volvo has.  Though I am not using them yet, the integrated boosters are also awesome idea.

Again, I am only a week into it but I am very happy with the purchase.  My expectations have been set to expect at least minor problems.  As long as the car does not just die in the middle of the highway like the Honda Pilots (actually cancelled an order for one and got the XC instead&#33http://xc70.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif have been doing, I will be satisfied that I have made a "safe" purchase.

09-27-2002, 10:53 AM
Maybe Tooberand is setting his sights too low. http://xc70.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/hehe.gif

Most of my vehicles have had more than 100,000 miles on them when I changed them, and most were still in fine condition - heck, even my Cherokee had 240,000 KM when I traded it in on the XC. http://xc70.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif
Not that I didn't have a few problems with all of them.
Based on my history, I'm expecting more like 200,000 miles for the Volvo. http://xc70.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/nervous.gif
In the short time I've been driving my XC, it has impressed my with its high build quality and sturdiness.

I do remember an old Volvo campaign from 30 years ago (or more) that used to tout the marque as "lasts an average of 11 years in Sweden", the inference being that the Swedish conditions were so much worse than North America, that the lifespan here would be almost infinite.
I Swedish friend and colleague used to say "yeah? Well American cars last for 20 years in Sweden!"
He drove a Pontiac. http://xc70.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif

Michael http://xc70.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/tounge.gif

09-27-2002, 11:45 AM
despite some (being really nice) problems, i really love my 01xc.  Just had the 37.5k mile service done.  They are a pleasure on long trips, do great in the snow, pretty well on trail, and relatively well off road.  they soak up city potholes and have a good highway ride.  Mileage is better than an SUV, but not as good as Volvo claims.  The seats are incredibly comfortable and the suspension rides well.  It has almost enough feedback to make it occasionally fun to drive on the back roads.

I want to get another auto, but when I think that my wife will be driving it occasionally, I can't get my mind around how safe the xc is and wonder why i shouldn't get another.  

Is that happy enough for you?

09-27-2002, 02:07 PM
We Volvo owners tend to be picky and tend to focus on small problems.  That is why we gravitate to web sites such as this.  It gives us a chance to see how other owners are faring.

My 2002 XC has been fantastic.  I love the ride, the space for cargo, the looks, and the safety.  As far as durability, only time will tell.  The 5cyl turbo engine is a known commodity and has upheld the Volvo tradition of reliability.  This is really just a highly perfected 850 wagon.  With good care it should last as long as you wish to keep it.  I have NOT had buyers remorse AT ALL.

It will NEVER be perfect.  (No car is)  If you go to ANY enthusiasts web site, you will find the same types of complaints/concerns you see here.


09-27-2002, 03:45 PM
Hey guys,

We have had 3 Volvo's so far.  Our first Volvo was a 92 940GL station wagon and that car was just fantastic. It drove well, had the best turning circle ( i can't think of any other car which i have drove that had a better turning circle), it was very practical and it had no problems. I think if you look after your car well (I.e. service them regularly, look after the tires), these cars will last you for many years.  Our second Volvo is a 96 850R sedan. The car only has 50000kms on it and so far I have had only 1 or 2 problems which the dealer fixed immediately.  Our third Volvo is our 2001XC we replaced with our 940 wagon 7 months ago. SO far the car has had no problems, I just had my first 15000km service yesterday and a tire rotation. I also got a new skid plate installed. The car, looks awesome, drives great and makes everyone in the family happy whenever they drive it. As for dealers, I have been with my dealer Austral Volvo Brsibane for about 8 years now and they are fantastic. I know most of the boys that are in the service department, and they are always very friendly and helpful.  As for the car sales, well!! You get good ones and bad one but most of them have been good.  So you question on whether you should purchase a 2002 XC? I say definately yes because the car is just a great car. Its practical, user friendly and has many little things that makes your drive truly enjoyable.


09-27-2002, 03:52 PM
I think that most Volvo folks tend to be proud of their cars' merits and at the same time, tolerant of their sometimes quirky shortcomings. http://xc70.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/hehe.gif

This is our first Volvo experience and, to this date, it has been an extremely positive one. We purchased our XC back in January 2001 and have logged close to 41,000 km. With the exception of only one minor glitch (faulty keyless remote), it has been smooth sailing so far.

The XC gives us that sense of solid safety where most SUV's do it through a means of sheer mass. http://xc70.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif

Geoff N
09-28-2002, 03:36 AM
I've had my 2002 XC for about 5 months now (5000 miles) and apart from some initial problems with the immobiliser (sorted) and a maladjusted handbrake (sorted) I am very happy with the car. It handles these Balkan mountain roads and weather conditions perfectly. I have no problems with windshield glare, rattling accessories, lumpy tyres (love the Scorions),strange engine noises, poor paintwork, ill-fitting trim, rattling stereo system or uncooperative dealers. In fact, I hardly recognise the car when I read of all the complaints on this site. Everything now operates exactly as it should and the car is as near perfect as it's possible to be. But watch this space....

09-28-2002, 04:12 PM
Have 1994 850 Turbo with 107400 miles. Regular scheduled service - by Volvo -  with NO problems. Car is outstanding. Also have 2002 V70 XC - Ocean Race Edition <#435/650>. Great car - most enjoyable - no problems. Traded 2001 S80 T6 for the '02 V70 XC a few months ago - again - experienced no problems with the S80 T6 during the period that we owned the car. Do the regular scheduled service, take care of the small problems when they happen - and VOLVO will last a life time!

09-28-2002, 05:58 PM
We have had our XC since Jan 01 and it is our first Volvo. If anyone askes me what I like best about our Volvo I always respond that it has the best darn heater of any car we have ever owned. No kidding. I'm sure that this comment may sound strange to some, but this car is perfect for our Alaskan winters. Our car produces heat from the heater in about 2 minutes even after sitting out all day at below zero temps. I don't know how they do it, but I'm sure glad that I finally own a car that is made for northern climates.

We tend to keep our cars a long time (the Audi that it replaced was 17 years old), so the Volvo is still a babe-in-the-woods by our standards. My expectation is that it will last a long time, so I'm in it for the long haul. http://xc70.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/alien.gif

01-07-2003, 03:45 PM
My parents have had 8 Volvo's in the last 32 years and they have all done there job.  They have had 1 244DL and 2 245GL's, 1 760GLE 2.8V6 Estate company car that they had for 3 years.  

The next 2 were a 440Si that is now 10 years old that my younger brother drives (it was my mum's car) and a 13 year old 760 TD Estate that has done 175,000 miles and that's after having being filled with half a tank of petrol by mistake (TWICE&#33http://xc70.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif.

The TD runs beatifully and is the best car my dad has ever had and his driven everything you can imaging over the last 40 years.  The only reason he is replacing it now with an XC70 D5 is that someone side swiped him on the motorway and the insurance company say it will cost more for the repairs than the cars is worth.

My mum currently drives a '99 C70 Convertable 2.4T with the GT Pack and 4 speed Automatic transmission.  My dad is picking up his XC70 D5 SE on Saurday.


01-07-2003, 06:43 PM

Here it is another GLOWING comment on the Volvo XC. My 02 is by far the best vehicle that I've ever owned, with a possible tie with a 300zx that I had many years ago.

Here's a completly un-scientific research project for you that might help you make up your mind about your purchase:

There is a web site published by the National Highway Transit (Transportation??) Safety Authority (www.nhtsa.dot.gov) that lists all kinds of vehicle data, from crash test data to a listing of all TSB's (Technical Service Bulletin) for most cars and trucks. Spend some time cruzin' the site and I think you'll find that the XC rates amoung the best by all measures.

A simple count of TSB's reveals a bunch: the 02V70XC has 14 TSB's, I stopped counting the 02 Ford Explorer's TSB's when I got to 165.

01-08-2003, 10:17 PM
1987 740 GLE 267K miles, purchased new, still running.
1999 XC 72K miles, purchased new, still running great.
2003 XC 50 miles, purchased today.
What more can I say? -Dick

01-12-2003, 10:31 AM
We have had out '01 XC for 15 months now and except for a few quirky electrical problems in the beggining, we have been very pleased.  http://xc70.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif . Looking back, we believe that our electrical problems were the result of a bad battery that was replaced without a squabble at about 3 months.

I would do it again........Couldn't live without those seats....