View Full Version : Center grab bar hot enough to burn!

07-04-2012, 04:02 PM
I am a newbie to this forum and apologize if this has been covered but I didn't find it in the stickies? Lots of talk about the center console silver grab handle chipping BUT my problem is that after sitting in the sun in SC the thing is hot enough to burn a passengers arm! This has to be a problem others have had, no? Is there a non-metal replacement or some sort of cover option? This is a really poor design for warm climates!

07-04-2012, 04:41 PM
Yep, it gets very hot in the summer. And, you can get frostbite if you grab it in the winter. It is just for decoration, even though it's mounted so securely you could probably lift the car with it. Any upholstery shop could sew a nice leather cover for it though...

07-04-2012, 05:03 PM
Many years ago I was working in Columbia, SC when the temperature was above 100F for two weeks straight. I worked downtown and parked my Volvo 245 on the roof of a parking garage in the direct sunlight. When I got in after work, I couldn't touch anything that was in direct contact with sunlight. In fact, most every one who parked up there just opened up their car doors and let things air out for 15 or so minutes or until the interiors were cool enough to get in and start the car. Just one of the hazards of living where it gets gawd-awful hot every once in a while and it really isn't anything new.

I agree that it isn't the smartest design but the one thing I have seen with all my cars and living in "extreme climates"; most cars have pretty poor designs of something when it gets to either -40F or over 100F. My favourite ones are when knobs just fall off because of the extreme cold or hot. You would think that they would figure that out during their testing of a design or at least when they put the while car thru their extreme conditions testing. I do like the idea though of a matching leather cover. Please post it up if anyone finds such a thing.



07-04-2012, 06:20 PM
I noticed the same problem during this recent heat wave. Every vehicle I own gets the windows tinted to keep out UV rays, and I put a sunshield in the front windshield as well as crack the windows a bit. It still gets hot, But makes a world of difference overall.

07-04-2012, 06:37 PM
You can always just change it out for a standard S60/V70 center console without the grab bar.
And if you have a 01~04, you might as well upgrade to the 05~09 style. [thumbup]


07-05-2012, 02:44 AM
Use tint, a windshield sun deflector, crack a window or two (sunroof tilt is also great), and park so your rear end faces afternoon sun. In Phoenix, it rarely drops below 105 in summer and is mostly sunny. The arrival of the monsoon adds a little humidity to the furnace here as well.
These tricks are second nature to us. Also, we don't mess with the parking spots close, we look for the ones under trees, no matter how much further the walk is. Regardless of what is said, our "dry heat" is still hot.
Most importantly, expect everything to be hot. No skin on leather, fingertips on wheel, and AC always topped off. If it is in my car for an afternoon without any protection from sun, everything inside car gets hot. Cannot count how many cd cases were warped prior to the iPod.

07-05-2012, 03:28 AM
While I appreciate the many inputs[thumbup]; I don't accept the "hide from the sun" solutions suggested. I realize that tinting and sun shades and parking in the shade (when you can, but what if you want to go somewhere where ther is no shade?) all work BUT it is still a poor design. Surfaces that passengers touch shouldn't be made of metal. Would you want to walk up and grab your nice metal roof rack on a 100 degree day after a few hours in the sun? You shouldn't have to place your arm against the same surface in the car!

I like the idea of a matching leather cover. It would have been ideal if Volvo had simply made one in the exact same material and stiching pattern as the beautiful seat covers and door panels. Sounds like I may have to go into the business of making them however if I want one. I am thinking something with a zipper on the underside to make it easy to install / remove? This would also "fix" the chipping / scratching issues. Time to visit my local upholstery shop![happy]

07-05-2012, 05:14 AM
How about just don't touch it until the interior cools down or just put a small towel over it

07-05-2012, 07:10 AM
Honestly - I have never noticed this...and it gets pretty hot here...maybe I just haven't had any reason to touch the grab bar on a hot day...

It clearly bothers you though, so I would just just do what Macnoob recommended: find a local automotive upholstery shop and get a price on a custom leather cover - it won't be too much, a whole seat is usually about $500...this shouldn't be more than $100...get in a color that matches your seats...

But - since others might be interested, please check back in on this thread and let everyone know what you find out.


07-05-2012, 10:04 AM
If you want to cover it find one of the lace on genuine leather steering wheel covers at one of the national auto stores. Pep Boys seems to be the bling capitol of the group.
There is a joining seam you can carefully cut and then you'll have a leather sleeve. Any custom sewn piece is going to be much more than a mass produced ite.

Some of the Volvos and other makes put an aluminum section in their steering wheels. That can be one hot son of a gun.
I jumped in a black C70 hardtop the other day when it was 100+ out and it had been closed up and sitting all day. I think I heard sizzling for that brief instant I grabbed that wheel at the top inner portion where it has the aluminum piece.

07-05-2012, 01:42 PM
$1.00 solution..(if that)

07-06-2012, 03:58 AM
$1.00 solution..(if that)

Cost $1, shadetree mechanic value, priceless!![happy]

I think maybe I'll look into some sort of similar fix but with a seam with velcro on the bottom. That way I can use it in the summer and take it off in cooler months. Just need to fine some suitable leather / material that will look close to the seats and get momma's sweing maching fired up! I think a sleeve that just covers the majority of the center of the bar will be fine as the passenger's arm doesn't come into contact with the ends on a casual basis.