View Full Version : Something is very wrong with my XC!

06-19-2012, 07:19 AM
My 2001 XC is making a terrible growling or grinding sound when I tried to move out of the driveway this morning. I used my XC last evening and everything seemed normal. The engine seems to run normally but when I tried to put the vehicle in a forward gear it is making a loud grinding sound like something that I have never heard in a car. The car is not drivable in this condition and when I put the vehicle in reverse the sound goes away. I checked the engine oil and transmission fluid levels and they seem to be fine. I flushed the transmission fluid last month as well, with no problems. The front brakes seem to be OK. We had some heavy thunderstorms last evening but otherwise my XC has not moved! The sound is very loud and seems to be emanating from the front passenger side of the car but it is hard to tell. The sound and vibration can be felt thru the steering wheel and even when I turn the wheels you can hear this terrible sound. It almost feels like something is “unsprung” due to the creaking, and grinding noise coming from the front. I noticed that the angle gear has been leaking a little and have not checked the oil level for about 2 years and was wondering if this could be the problem. The car does not seem to list as if the suspension has been affected and other than the bevel gear and a little oil, it is not leaking very much.

I plan to get under the car this evening and check things out, but this problem has me quite baffled!

Any help would be appreciated.

06-19-2012, 07:45 AM
You mentioned a rain storm. I have had strange noises and a momentarily locked up wheel briefly when I have parked the car overnight immediately after getting the rotors very wet. The rotors can create a ridge of rust temprarily bonding to the pads. Any chance that is what has happened?

06-19-2012, 10:06 AM
The brake rotors appeared to be OK, but I did not remove the wheels, one question, why would would my XC move in reverse without any noise? Is the transmission the issue?

06-19-2012, 11:36 AM
I once had a brake pad separate from the backing plate (not a Volvo). I had very similar things/noises happening. For me in was clunking and grinding in reverse fine going forward. Incredibly I drove it cross country that way. Once at my destination I checked the brakes, saw the fragmented pad, went autozone bought pads and fixed in about an hour.

06-19-2012, 11:42 AM
also check exhaust as it may be laying on a drive shaft because of failed hanger

06-19-2012, 11:59 AM
A long shot: Weird things can happen if the parking brake shoes fall apart and components are lodged within the drum which is a part of rear rotors.

06-19-2012, 03:41 PM
The passenger side coil spring snapped and was pressing against my tire so hard it was gouging rubber from the passenger tire.When I was moving forward the sharp edge of the coil dug into my tire and caused the intense noise and shudder. I saw the shards of rubber on the driveway and was able to find the problem that way.

Now I am going to replace both springs and new spring mounts while I have the struts apart.

I'm thankful this did not happen while I was driving and I may have to replace the front tires as well.

Thanks for the help


06-19-2012, 05:18 PM
Is there a community recommended time interval for changing springs, or is it really just a matter of checking for corrosion?