View Full Version : Selling the XC thanks for all your help on the board

09-28-2011, 05:44 PM
Decided to sell my 01 xc, had it for about 50,000 miles it now has 173 k on it. but my driving has really gone up and am know doing over 1,000 miles a week and the gas is killing me. Thank you for all who have helped me over the years. I got it with a new tranny thanks to the previous owner and the car has been good to me, I am almost tempted to keep it and give to my daughter to drive but that would mean keeping it for 2 years and do not think that will work. Thanks again everyone for your help.[thumbup]

09-28-2011, 06:20 PM
am now doing over 1,000 miles a week
I see a Honda Civic in your future :eek:

09-28-2011, 06:30 PM
Not that bad, a VW jetta sportswagon TDI , and let the flaming begin, the XC was a good car but in the end I was driving to many miles to keep it. At least I kept a wagon[happy]

09-28-2011, 06:58 PM
Oh cool, I almost bought a Jetta Sportwagon TDI but they're just too tiny! Plus I got sucked in by the comfy Volvo seats and the fact that my parents have always had Volvo wagons (once they abandoned Citroen!). I was really hoping after the poor mpg of the I6 '08- series wagons Volvo would move towards a more economical engine, but it looks like they're moving the whole Volvo brand upmarket. So much for the Swedish workhorse.

09-29-2011, 06:06 AM
Not bad Seth I would like to get to give the TDI a test drive. I used to have a similar size car in Denmark and loved the nimbleness of a smaller car. That TDI engine would be nice in the Volvo too I bet.

09-29-2011, 06:18 AM
The Tdi is a great car. I almost bought one until I realized it was virtually the same dimensions and features as my older Passat 1.8T, which I absolutely love even at over 200,000 miles!!! It just wasn't worth buying a new car (for me) to get better gas mileage. I also really use AWD in deep snow so FWD only was a deal killer for me.

There is a great Tdi web forum too, I visit it occasionally when looking at parts. You'll be in good hands.

10-11-2011, 06:08 PM
I do miss the seats alot, and will miss the AWD in the winter, time to get snows for the TDI. Just listed the 01 xc in the FS forums, thanks again for all the boards help.[thumbup]

Oh cool, I almost bought a Jetta Sportwagon TDI but they're just too tiny! Plus I got sucked in by the comfy Volvo seats and the fact that my parents have always had Volvo wagons (once they abandoned Citroen!). I was really hoping after the poor mpg of the I6 '08- series wagons Volvo would move towards a more economical engine, but it looks like they're moving the whole Volvo brand upmarket. So much for the Swedish workhorse.