View Full Version : No result crash tests found except...

03-14-2003, 07:07 AM
Volvo asserts :" we have the world's most advanced crash simulator".  

"Front collisions, offset collisions, roll-over tests, car-to-car, car-to-bus, car-to-truck collisions and collisions with objects in the surrounding environment, such as lamp posts and rock faces, are conducted using cars of different sizes, at different angles and at speeds of as much as 60 mph and more"

I never heard of any result, apart the usual front and side crash test.  Is it prohibed to know?  Does Sadam is hidding the result?  Barry, the universal Volvo Encyclopedia, are you there?  I'm listening   http://xc70.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/music.gif   http://xc70.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif

thank you


03-14-2003, 07:18 AM
Are we talking computer simulation or the real thing here -- does make a huge difference and a huge cost difference. Volvo does have some serious super computing capabilities in addition to being able to use much of the Ford super computing gear in USA for crash analysis. I'm told that Volvo and Ford USA computing facilities run pretty much independant of each other http://xc70.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif

My understanding is that the Volvo crash facility is in Sweden and I'll be inquiring about it when I'm over at OSD/FDC lateer this month. I can post back what they tell me.

03-14-2003, 07:39 AM
Much crash analysis is performed on machines such as this -- the NEC SX-6

03-15-2003, 10:26 PM
no matter how, I would like to see the results of those crash tests.  What does happen when a Volvo XC hits a bus?  I never heard anything about crash tests, apart the usual front and side pok pok bang bang.

thank you


03-15-2003, 10:37 PM
Here's another "Simulated Crash" Volvo program.

SGI Crash Test Simulation Helps Volvo Car Corporation Maintain Lead In Safety (http://www.swedespeed.com/news/06_02/06_27_02_2/index.shtml)

The SGI Origin-3800 w/192P computing system is located in Goteborg.

...and another Supercomputer for Crash Simulations (http://www.sgi.com/features/2001/nov/volvo/)

It's interesting this -- as one of the computing systems I manage is an SGI Origin-3800 w/384P -- hmmmm, twice as big as Volvo's. We use ours for aerodynamic simulations -- can't quite manage airplane crashes yet http://xc70.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif  Ford in Detroit also use SGI Origins!

Here's what an SGI Origin-3800 system looks like

03-15-2003, 10:43 PM
Here's an internal look at the Volvo physical crash center's control room

03-16-2003, 04:10 PM
Thank you Barry,

But again, it does not provide any result from computer crash simulations or real crash tests.  Volvo is well equipped; super mega powerful piece of technology's computers, the best crash test center on Earth.  But where are the results?  Do we need to be a double 0-7 agent to learn more about those mysterious experiments?   :thumbsup


03-19-2003, 03:36 PM
Thomas these results are of course stictly confidential. However sometimes they will use some results for markting reasons.  I saw here on this site somewhere a video clip from a XC90 tumbling around . Volvo also used to have a cool comercial with a Volvo 760 driving of a roof nose down.

There was also a comercial where a Monster truck drove over a Volvo to show how safe the cabin of the car was.  However it turned out that the car had been prepared... Volvo subsequently fired their US advertisment firm responsible for this stupid add...

03-19-2003, 04:28 PM
As far as crash results/testing related to car's structural damage is concerned I'm more interested the potential damage to the occupants as a result of the physical crash test.

It's all well and good to show that the passenger compartment stays intact after say a frontal or side impact -- but what happens to the occupant? Is the occupant killed or have the legs been sheared off at the knee caps?

With the immense computing power that is now offered to the auto engineers they must be close to being able to simulate the passenger dynamics including human tissue damage. This data can then be used to alter car's structure and interior objects to lessen passenger injuries and ultimately the data can be used by Insurance companies to arrive at a basis for what Volvo owners pay for their Insurance premiums.

So I would very much like to see Volvo crash reports that identify the severity of passenger injury rather than 5mph bumper tests or the extent of structural damage from a T-bone type accident.

03-19-2003, 10:14 PM
I agree, actually I'm waiting for the manufacturer to show up with results.  As i sais, apart the usual front and side test, Volvo never told us what's happen in the event of a collision against a bus or against another car at 100km/h

Of course airbags are all around us, the car is safe, but what is the limit?  Above all, how better Volvo is over another car, let's say a Honda Civic.  A good friend of me had an accident at 70km/h on a bridge last month.  He drove a honda Civic 1998 when a teen in a Mustang crossed the center line and struck his car in the Honda.  My friend was not injured seriously.  But the car is a wreckage.  

So, I know we can survive a face (Honda) to side (Mustang, passenger side fortunately for the Mustang driver)  crash in a Honda Civic, but I know nothing about Volvo.  

Everyone, including Volvo of course, says Volvo is safe.  But I never red or heard of any exhaustive tests, or crash survival experience.  I trust Volvo, I'm just curious


03-20-2003, 07:09 AM
Lexus vs Volvo (http://www.hwysafety.org/vehicle_ratings/ce/imcompoutc.asp)

Not bad for Lexus


03-27-2003, 05:48 PM

The web page that the link goes to is pretty frustrating.
What category did you use on that site to compare the Volvo to a Lexus?

I couldn't find any reference to to the V70. It would have been good to compare it with the Lexus RX300 for example.

I did try comparing a 2001-2003 S80 with an 2002-2003 Lexus ES300 but it kept giving me the results for the wrong Volvo. Not very impressed.

03-28-2003, 05:33 PM
I can't agree more about the web site: mid size luxury cars is what you're looking for.  Regarding the car, choose the S80.

I would have liked to find the V70 or XC but actually only the S80 is available.  
