View Full Version : 98 XC70 Oil Cooler Lines Leaking

11-29-2010, 05:47 AM
After having the radiator replaced on the 98 XC70 (leaking right side tank joint), I have been keeping an eye out for any residual leaks, saw a small one and found and fixed a small seep from a slightly loose lower rad hose clamp. HOWEVER, I also found oil seepage from the oil cooler lines where the hose sections from the radiator cooler connections transition from hose to hard tubing below the intake manifold just forward of the oil pan. Don't recall having those leaks before, I am suspecting that moving the hoses around during the radiator work might have worked something loose, maybe o rings at the transition joints. Rad job done by my local indie mechanic who is a careful worker. I watched the joints for about 45 minutes with the engine idling up on ramps and they appear to be seeping a couple of drops an hour max at idle oil pressure. Suspect it might be more at highway engine speeds with higher oil pressure. May have found the source of my present oil consumption of about 1K per quart. I have been running Mobil 1 synthetic for about a year now and consumption was much less until lately.

I'm hoping that in time these leaks might slow as things set in after the trauma of the rad repair, but am not that hopeful. Didn't find much on servicing them either on this forum or others, didn't find anything in my Haynes on them. How much of a PITA is it to change them? Looks like the hard pipe ends of the lines terminate on a flange above the oil filter and there doesn't seem to be much easy access over there. I assume that the seeping joints themselves are not serviceable. Car has 190K and I'm sure these lines are originals.