View Full Version : rear brakes and shocks

11-21-2010, 02:26 PM
1999 V70XC.

I need to replace the rear brakes and shocks. I called IPD on the shocks and they had me look at a number within the right side of the engine bay stamped on a plate to determine which shocks I needed. The shocks I need according to them are $270/apiece and are not the self leveling shocks. I'm trying to figure out why they are so expensive for standard shocks. Is there aftermarket I could put on them for cheaper?

I have the rear discs but the online store I ordered discs and pads from sent the wrong pads for the rear brakes, what is the easiest way to figure out what the right pads are, the VIN # and call the dealer?


11-21-2010, 03:45 PM
Captive audience
No one makes an aftermarket rear shock for an AWD Volvo

11-21-2010, 03:51 PM
So $270/shock is the only option?

11-21-2010, 05:09 PM
Please read again what I wrote...

Captive audience
No one makes an aftermarket rear shock for an AWD Volvo

11-21-2010, 06:21 PM
Uh what?

11-22-2010, 03:44 PM
Looking at the IPD site, the Sachs/Nivomats are something that they market.
( And it's a pretty good price, too! )
So, it IS a self leveler and it IS being sold in the aftermarket.


Thanks, IPD!!! [thumbup]

11-22-2010, 04:31 PM
No it's not.
It is a STOCK OEM Nivomat
I did not say anything about WHO sells them, the shock is OEM which is what I said, it is not aftermarket supported (manufacture not sales)

11-23-2010, 12:05 AM
Make sure the park brake cables are not seized or broken while you are at the brakes. Bit of a bugger to install, but I did a brief write up previously on this. Not hard but takes a bit of time.

I used Zimmerman discs on my 98XC from a parts supplier in Vancouver. Cost me about the same as 1 from Volvo for all 4. I only used the Volvo pads though. Spoken to too many people that told me they get squeeling brakes if you use anything else.

JRL is right that there is only 1 rear shock for these cars that I have found so far. $270 each sounds not bad (Audi All-Road are $1500/corner). Appreciate they are pricey compared to other cars, but the AWD/XC's are fairly rare.

11-23-2010, 09:30 AM
Well since they are a self leveling the price makes more sense as there's a "6" on the ID plate. That puts them at $288/shock. My mechanic told me they are not self leveling so that's why the price didn't make sense.

I was going to order the pads from IPD but after reading reviews on the squealing noises I will order them from Volvo dealership.

Thanks for the replies

11-23-2010, 11:43 AM
Check fcpgroton.com before buying Volvo pads from the dealer. I'm pretty sure they stock them, and call if you're not sure.

And your mechanic has no clue what he's talking about. I wouldn't let him work on your car if he doesn't know what parts are on it.