View Full Version : water leak

09-18-2010, 07:19 AM
Wife's 01 XC70 has developed a water leak, and here in the rainy Pacific Northwest, that ain't good!
Anyway, it is on the passenger side front. It is a static leak, i.e. it gets wet when ever the car sits in the rain, not just when driving.

I found the water to be coming in (or dripping ) from under the dash at the center part of the passenger foot well in other words, right about where you put your feet.

Any ideas? I'm thinking sunroof drain, but an open to any other ideas. Also, what is the best way to clean out the drains. I'm planning on running a stiff wire or weed whacker line down the drain hole in the sunroof channel.

Thanks for any help/advice.


09-18-2010, 09:25 AM
Are you sure it is water and not coolant from the heater core?

09-18-2010, 09:48 PM
My 04 has had these issues. The first time it was an improperly seated windshield I had replaced, had it re-seated at the dealer. I'm in PDX, so I feel your pain. The second time it was the sunroof, not the sunroof drains, but the sunroof allingnment, I had that fixed for 150.00, and did not have to get a new track assembly, which would be expensive.

You can test the sunroof drains, and I'll bet they are clear, but whatever the issue, you need to make sure how much water is getting in there. If you pull up the carpet you'll see a foam moulding under each side, in the back floor boards too. I had a flood n there I could hear when I made a turn, and you don't want the damage that it can cause, I think there are some electronics down there, not to mention the seat motors etc.

That carpet needs to be pulled up, along with the foam. I put a blower on mine for about 8 hours last time I had a leak, and I did not have to remove the seats, but the first time it happened, I took it to the dealer and they did remove the seats, took up all floor coverings and let it blow dry for a day. On that occasion, they gave me a loaner and it cost 450.00, but it got fixed :)
There is trim that has to be removed, but if the leak isn't too bad, you may be able to just lift up the carpet and foam and hold it there with a block when you dry it.

09-19-2010, 08:36 PM
Pulled the A Pillar covers and checked the sunroof drain hoses today and they looked fine. Ran some weed eater line down both drain hoses and they were clear. Ran about a gallon of water through both drains at the sunroof. Both drains are clear and no leaks.

SO, I pulled the trim out of the passenger footwell and check the evap drain hose. IT was fine and clear too. Then I checked the foam covering a wire bundle that runs into the door pillar and it was soaking wet. I poured some water on the windshield and BINGO. It turns out the rubber trim on the passenger side lower corner of the windshield is missing about a 1.5 inch long chunk. I'm pretty positive that is where my leak is coming from. I sealed it temporarily with some clear aquarium sealer until I can replace the rubber trim piece.

Keep your fingers crossed for me!

09-20-2010, 01:19 AM
You may want to take it a auto glass shop and have them just repair the entire seal (or just part of it, if they think it OK to do so). It's incredibly easy & quick for them as they have all the right tools and sealers... worth the money, trust me. I recently had my windshield replaced and they came to my house and had it done in 45 minutes.

09-20-2010, 04:21 PM
I would have the windshield re-seated while you are at it, might save you some grief down the rainy road.:D

09-21-2010, 05:13 PM
Last April during an extended trip in some heavy rain I had some leak onto the passenger footwell wall. So far has not done it again. Had the dealer check the sunroof drain and it checked out OK. Will keep an eye on it and also that wiring bundle.

10-01-2010, 08:38 AM
Pulled the A Pillar covers and checked the sunroof drain hoses today and they looked fine. Ran some weed eater line down both drain hoses and they were clear. Ran about a gallon of water through both drains at the sunroof. Both drains are clear and no leaks.

SO, I pulled the trim out of the passenger footwell and check the evap drain hose. IT was fine and clear too. Then I checked the foam covering a wire bundle that runs into the door pillar and it was soaking wet. I poured some water on the windshield and BINGO. It turns out the rubber trim on the passenger side lower corner of the windshield is missing about a 1.5 inch long chunk. I'm pretty positive that is where my leak is coming from. I sealed it temporarily with some clear aquarium sealer until I can replace the rubber trim piece.

Keep your fingers crossed for me!

psaboic, can you elaborate on the tri piece you're talking about? Is it that small triangular one at the bottom of the A-pillar on the outside of the car? I've got an issue I'm chasing, all drains appear to be fine but water's coming in from that general area. I'll take the glove box and blower out tommorrow to get a better look, but wanted to know in advance what you'd found. My issue sounds VERY similar. Thanks!

10-11-2010, 06:59 AM
It is the plastic trim piece at the very bottom corner of the windshield on the passenger side. There is one exactly like it on the driver's side. Compare the two and look for a difference. I'm betting the right side one is causing your issue.

10-11-2010, 08:17 AM
Thanks for the reply. I changed the small rubber trim pieces at the bottom corner of each front piller at the bottom corners of the windshield, as they were pretty dried out. (Volvo Part Nos. 8663-894 & 8663-896) I should however elaborate on my total experience to benefit others on the list, as I found what I think may be a design flaw and many could have water leaking in on occasion and not know it. :eek:

History: When cleaning the car one day this summer, I pulled the rubber floormats and noticed some condensation on the underside of the mat from the passenger side. As I looked into it, I found that the underside of the carpeting was completely soaked in the front and rear passenger footwells. The carpeting is made with a sort of vapor barrier material so not much water gets through to the top side. This was my clue that water was coming in and getting underneath, somehow. I ended up pulling all the carpets out of the front and rear passenger side, and had to remove the passenger seat. The front carpet came completely out of the car but the rear was attached to the driver’s side behind the center console, so I could only fold it back. Using many old bath towels I did my best to dry everything out then left the car open with fans blowing for a couple days just to be sure.

I checked all the usual suspects, sunroof drains front and rear both sides, all good. I checked the A/C evaporator drain, perfect. I checked the drains in the cowling just in front of the windshield, not there. I had the windshield checked for leaks, nothing. I put a hose on top of the car and let water run down the windshield and couldn't find the leak. I put everything back together and had to settle for keeping an eye on it.

A couple of weeks ago, we had a few days or torrential rain and I again had water under the passenger side carpeting. Heavy rain seemed to be the culprit. I pulled everything back out and repeated the drying process. This time I pulled the plastic cover under the glove box and found signs of water drip marks in the dust on the underside...water had been dripping here from the fan blower, it seemed.

With the carpets removed I again put a hose on top of the car FLOODING the right side from the sunroof down to the bottom of the windshield. I watched the front passenger footwell and noticed water streaming in from behind the soundproofing pad material against the firewall. I couldn’t see exactly where it was coming from so I removed the fan blower, allowing me to see straight up into the fresh air intake and concluded water was getting in there, somehow.
With water now off, I pulled the cowling in front of the windshield exposing the top of the fresh air intake. It was apparent water had been beside the intake, but looked like it was draining out of this area as designed. Hmmm. To make sure, I pulled the ring on the top side of the air intake and found it had a gasket under it to keep water from leaking under it, so I put it back together with some 3M gasket adhesive...no water's going to get under there now (in case it ever was).

Before putting things back together, I noticed about a 1/2” gap between the bottom edge of the windshield and back corner of the cowling. I realized that if water could stream in through this gap, it would enter the area under the cowling high enough to fall right into the fresh air intake! The only thing stopping water from flowing through this gap is the small trim pieces referenced in the beginning of this post, and they are not exactly designed to be water tight. When I got new ones and was putting it all back together, I sealed this gap with urethane windshield sealant and then installed the small trim pieces. Urethane was still wet so they are now firmly glued in place. Waited a day to let urethane set before putting back interior parts. Did the flood test with the hose again and passed with flying colors. Reinstalled blower, glove box, and carpets

Lesson...water getting around/under that little trim piece can get under the cowling and fall straight down into your fresh air intake! If it falls beside it you’re OK, as this area has a substantially sized drain. But if it floods in there fast enough it can ride the underside of the cowling and fall straight into the fresh air intake! There should be a plastic wall on the underside of the cowling stopping this, but there isn’t. Only solution is to be SURE water doesn’t get around/under the trim piece which I accomplished with some new ones (only about $11.50 each) and some urethane sealant.

Sorry for the lack of photos, but now that she’s all back and glued up I can’t take it back apart without major inconvenience.

10-12-2010, 03:50 PM
Where did you buy the trim pieces? Dealer? Online? Do you have a part number? I looked at mine and they look like they could be replaced.

10-12-2010, 07:18 PM
Bought them at the dealer, under $12 each side. Listed the part numbers in my last post. (Volvo Part Nos. 8663-894 & 8663-896)

10-12-2010, 07:29 PM
Thanks - musta skimped over the part #s.

10-13-2010, 05:32 AM
No problem. When you get them off, find the gap between the bottom of the windshield and the rear pointed corner of the cowling, and consider filling that gap with a sealant. Then work the new molding part into place. Solved my problem. I can now park under a waterfall and it won't leak. :)