View Full Version : 2005 xc70 leaking on floorboard

02-08-2010, 01:17 PM
:confused:We have had this Volvo for a few months and already had it in the worst possible driving conditions..... It has been through a decent snowstorm and two of the worst rains I have ever driven through. The car took everything we threw at it like a champ but each time we noticed the passanger side floor board was getting wet. Any thoughts on this one? I am really hoping its not a leaky windshield, the thoughts of pulling the dash back and seeing water damage makes me quesy.....

02-08-2010, 01:56 PM
This thread might be helpful:


02-08-2010, 11:24 PM
Just a precaution I would check your radiator fluid. The heater core can leak and puddle in the floorboard also; but you would also smell and get a film on the window. Good luck finding the source.