View Full Version : New Gallery System

01-13-2010, 01:00 PM
Hi guys,

As part of the effort to re-design and re-develop VolvoXC.com (of which I'm making progress), I've made some changes to how the gallery will be used and displayed.

You'll no longer have to post them to the old galleries then wait for me to organize. Instead, vBulletin recently integrated an image gallery system into the forum software, so from here on in we'll be using that to manage the images.

This will make it much easier to post photos, keep them better organized, as well as allow you to discuss and post comments to the images using your forum account.

For now, the direct link is http://www.volvoxc.com/forums/album.php?

As you can see, a few members have already figured out how to post images.

Hope that helps and please post here if you have any questions or concerns!